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Unread 02-25-2009, 04:21 PM
gm9 gm9 is offline
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EQ2Interface Super Mod
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 6,479
Default The / List reloaded

Below is an updated slash command list extracted from build 5446T of 23 February 2009.

Interesting enough I extracted some working commands from the .exe that did not show in game. The list is a merger of both. I removed some commands where I knew that they do not work anymore or that you need special privileges to use them, but there are bound to be more.

The list is alphabetically sorted. I added some information on which parameters the commands take or what commands do. Post addition, corrections and such below. Make new threads for discussion and questions, this is only meant to be a resource for finding commands.
  • acceptinvite group
  • acceptinvite raid
  • accept_reward %u
  • accept_trade
  • accept_work
  • achievement_add %u %u
  • achievement_cancel
  • achievement_freerespec <TreeID> //use free achievement point respec for specified tree, use /show_available_achievement_trees to get TreeID
  • achievement_profile_save
  • achievement_profile_swap
  • achievement_respec %s %s
  • action_mktwq
  • action_mktwremq
  • action_mwq
  • add_mail_copper %d
  • add_mail_gold %d
  • add_mail_plat %d
  • add_mail_silver %d
  • add_payment_coin %d %d
  • add_spam_text
  • add_trade_copper %d
  • add_trade_gold %d
  • add_trade_item %d %d %d
  • add_trade_plat %d
  • add_trade_silver %d
  • add_work_component %d %d %d 0
  • add_work_component -1 %d %d 1
  • add_work_payment %d %d %d 0
  • add_work_payment -1 0 %d 1
  • afk
  • agree
  • alarm_restart_sess_dur_alarm
  • alias
  • allowed_sound_variations
  • all_purpose_cancel
  • amaze
  • ambient_volume
  • anon
  • answer_tradeskill
  • apologize
  • applaud
  • apply_verb %u %s
  • app_cache_low_mem
  • app_cache_never_low_mem
  • arena
  • arena join %u %s
  • arena leave
  • arena settings %u
  • arena set_champion %u
  • arena start_viewing_arena_list
  • arena stop_viewing_arena_list
  • arenachampion_statbar_change_rate
  • arena_champion_bkg_change_secs
  • arena_champion_fog_move_secs
  • arena_map_preview_fade_secs
  • arena_map_preview_switch_ms
  • arena_wander_dist
  • asay
  • assist
  • assistme
  • attention
  • attuned_inv_b
  • attuned_inv_g
  • attuned_inv_r
  • attune_equip
  • attune_inv
  • attune_mv
  • auction
  • auction_cancel
  • auction_character
  • auction_coin %I64d
  • auction_item %d %d
  • autoattack 0 //autoattack off
  • autoattack 1 //melee autoattack on
  • autoattack 2 //ranged autoattack on
  • bag_close <bag ID>
  • bag_iconmax <size>
  • bag_iconmin <size>
  • bag_open %d %d %d
  • bag_options <bag ID>
  • bank_deposit <amount in coppers>
  • bank_withdraw <amount in coppers>
  • battlecry
  • bc
  • beckon
  • beg
  • beginchatinput
  • beginchatreply
  • beta add //request character to be copied to the beta server (if applicable)
  • beta remove //remove request to copy character to the beta server
  • bite
  • bleed
  • blink
  • blowkiss
  • blush
  • boggle
  • bonk
  • bored
  • bounce
  • bow
  • brandish
  • brb
  • broken_inv_b
  • broken_inv_g
  • broken_inv_r
  • browser
  • bubble_fontsize
  • bug
  • burp
  • buyback_from_merchant %I64u -1
  • buy_from_broker %I64d %u %I64u %u
  • buy_from_merchant %I64u %u %d
  • buy_from_vendor %I64u %I64u %u %I64u
  • buy_house
  • bye
  • cackle
  • camera_f
  • camera_local_pos
  • camera_position
  • camera_recenter
  • camera_velocity
  • camera_vel_ms
  • camp
  • cancel_bank
  • cancel_broker
  • cancel_browse_market
  • cancel_character_station_exchange
  • cancel_effect %u
  • cancel_mail
  • cancel_maintained <spell # (auto-increment, changes when zoning)> | <spell name>
  • cancel_merchant
  • cancel_send_mail
  • cancel_spellcast
  • cancel_station_exchange
  • cancel_trade
  • cancel_work
  • cannedemote <emote name> //same as doing the emote directly
  • casting_se_fadeout_ms
  • casting_se_fade_delay_ms
  • cast_guild_leader_vote
  • champion_respawn
  • channellist //list all subscribed chat channels
  • character_setnote <name>
  • char_renamed
  • chatbubbie_show_pc_name_mode
  • chatbubble_show_bars_dont_show_full
  • chatbubble_show_bars_npc_encounter
  • chatbubble_show_bars_pc_group
  • chatbubble_show_name_npc_encounter
  • chatbubble_show_name_pc_group
  • chatbubble_show_npc_bars_mode
  • chatbubble_show_npc_name_mode
  • chatbubble_show_pc_bars_mode
  • chatbubble_show_pc_name_mode
  • chatbubble_show_self_bars_mode
  • chatbubble_show_self_name_mode
  • chatbubble_show_threat
  • chatbubble_use_chatcat_color
  • chatleave <channelname>
  • chatwho
  • chat_addtab <window id>
  • chat_allowduplicatechannels
  • chat_attachtab <destination window id> <destination tab id> <source window id> <source tab id>
  • chat_autoswitch_chat_type <chat type>
  • chat_clickthrough
  • chat_color_input_text
  • chat_detachtab <window id> <tab id>
  • chat_detachtab <window id> <tab id> <x> <y>
  • chat_fontsize
  • chat_force_mouseover_opacity_max_secs
  • chat_force_mouseover_opacity_min_secs
  • chat_force_mouseover_opacity_per_char_secs
  • chat_force_mouseover_opacity_secs_onscroll
  • chat_linkbrackets_ability
  • chat_linkbrackets_cmd
  • chat_linkbrackets_item
  • chat_linkbrackets_npc
  • chat_linkbrackets_pc
  • chat_link_inventory_first
  • chat_pagedown
  • chat_pageup
  • chat_removetab <window id> <tab id>
  • chat_reordertab <window id> <tab id> <target tab id>
  • chat_show_category
  • chat_show_onenter
  • chat_show_onleave
  • chat_show_onworldenter
  • chat_show_onworldleave
  • chat_show_time
  • chat_signifier_auction
  • chat_signifier_command
  • chat_signifier_emote
  • chat_signifier_group
  • chat_signifier_guild
  • chat_signifier_raid
  • chat_signifier_say
  • chat_signifier_shout
  • chat_signifier_tell
  • cheer
  • chuckle
  • claim
  • clap
  • clearabilityqueue
  • clearallqueuedabilities
  • clearchat
  • clearchattab <window id> <tab id>
  • clear_hotkey %d %d
  • clear_hotkey_bank %d 1
  • clear_lookup_callers
  • client_ime_enabled
  • close_hotbar %d
  • close_top_window
  • cl_allow_ime_name_override
  • cl_autologin
  • cl_autoplay_allowed
  • cl_autoplay_char <char name>
  • cl_autoplay_world <server name>
  • cl_auto_afk
  • cl_bag_title_text
  • cl_bank_item_tooltips
  • cl_basepath
  • cl_benchmark_base
  • cl_browser_disk_cache_enabled
  • cl_browser_disk_cache_size_mb
  • cl_browser_homepage
  • cl_bubblefadeouttime
  • cl_cachetext
  • cl_cc_search_dir
  • cl_cert_path
  • cl_chain_achievement
  • cl_chain_tooltips
  • cl_charactertextureshrink
  • cl_character_search_dir
  • cl_character_search_dir_soga
  • cl_chatbubble_cache
  • cl_colors_file
  • cl_combatbubble_cache
  • cl_condensed_chat
  • cl_configuration_file
  • cl_configuration_file %s
  • cl_confirm_item_attune
  • cl_confirm_item_destroy
  • cl_consignment_max_keywords
  • cl_consignment_skill_filter_disabled
  • cl_csassist_activity_message_time
  • cl_csassist_harassment_category_id
  • cl_ctrl_mouseover_checks_text_links
  • cl_ctrl_mouseover_uses_dressingroom_cursor
  • cl_customer_service_type
  • cl_default_font_quality
  • cl_disable_spam_filter
  • cl_disable_windows_keys
  • cl_disable_windows_keys_nonfullscreen
  • cl_downgrade_check_ms
  • cl_dragcoin_pickstack
  • cl_dragitem_pickstack
  • cl_drawprim
  • cl_ec_search_dir_soga
  • cl_effect_tooltips
  • cl_effect_tooltip_description
  • cl_effect_tooltip_effects
  • cl_effed_tooltip_description
  • cl_enable_9b_fallback
  • cl_enable_abilityqueue
  • cl_enable_autoattack_dyanmic_data
  • cl_enable_font_load_alerts
  • cl_enable_mozilla
  • cl_enable_testing_features
  • cl_enable_zone_to_group_member_zone
  • cl_eq2players_headshoturl
  • cl_eq2players_imagehost
  • cl_eq2players_imageport
  • cl_eq2players_imageurl
  • cl_equipment_item_tooltips
  • cl_eqversion
  • cl_escape_opens_main_menu
  • cl_esc_cancels_cast
  • cl_exchange_fade_duration
  • cl_exchange_progress_duration
  • cl_exp01_subdir
  • cl_extended_death_location_logging
  • cl_extended_loot_location_logging
  • cl_extended_quest_completion_logging
  • cl_filter_client_text
  • cl_force_linear_actor_search
  • cl_force_loadui_dialog
  • cl_force_process_affinity_mask
  • cl_force_sync_loads
  • cl_fullscreen
  • cl_g15_enable
  • cl_g15_short_units
  • cl_g15_update_delay
  • cl_guild_bank_item_tooltips
  • cl_guild_ui_log_status
  • cl_harassment_chat_line_limit
  • cl_helptextfile
  • cl_help_path
  • cl_hits_mode
  • cl_hotbar_item_tooltips
  • cl_hotbar_macro_tooltips
  • cl_hotbar_spel1_tooltips
  • cl_hotbar_spel1_tooltip_description
  • cl_hotbar_spel1_tooltip_duration
  • cl_hotbar_spel1_tooltip_effects
  • cl_hotbar_spel1_tooltip_icon
  • cl_hotbar_spel1_tooltip_reactive_icon
  • cl_hotbar_spel1_tooltip_resistability
  • cl_hotbar_spel1_tooltip_target
  • cl_hotbar_spel1_tooltip_targettype
  • cl_hotbar_spel1_tooltip_technique
  • cl_hotbar_spel1_tooltip_tier
  • cl_hotbar_spel1_tooltip_time
  • cl_hotbar_spell_tooltips
  • cl_hotbar_spell_tooltip_cost
  • cl_hotbar_spell_tooltip_description
  • cl_hotbar_spell_tooltip_duration
  • cl_hotbar_spell_tooltip_effects
  • cl_hotbar_spell_tooltip_icon
  • cl_hotbar_spell_tooltip_reactive_icon
  • cl_hotbar_spell_tooltip_resistability
  • cl_hotbar_spell_tooltip_target
  • cl_hotbar_spell_tooltip_targettype
  • cl_hotbar_spell_tooltip_technique
  • cl_hotbar_spell_tooltip_tier
  • cl_hotbar_spell_tooltip_time
  • cl_hotkey_tooltip_delay
  • cl_icon_distance_tint
  • cl_icon_failed_requirements_tint
  • cl_icon_lowpower_tint
  • cl_ignore_flavor_without_voice
  • cl_input_windows
  • cl_inventory_item_tooltips
  • cl_item_tooltip_class
  • cl_item_tooltip_description
  • cl_item_tooltip_effects
  • cl_item_tooltip_slots
  • cl_jump_cancels_crouch
  • cl_jump_cancels_sit
  • cl_keymaps_file
  • cl_knowledgebase_strip_topic_prefix
  • cl_language //client language
  • cl_language_fake
  • cl_letter_box_amount
  • cl_letter_box_position
  • cl_load_ui_resources_timeout
  • cl_lod_always_visible
  • cl_lod_always_visible_hide
  • cl_lod_scale
  • cl_lod_tridensity
  • cl_logchat
  • cl_logchat_input
  • cl_logfilename
  • cl_logfilename %s
  • cl_loginserver_initial_connect_ms
  • cl_loginserver_max_connect_ms
  • cl_login_server_randomization_enabled
  • cl_log_crashes
  • cl_log_input
  • cl_log_loads
  • cl_log_login_server_processing
  • cl_log_play_character_reply_msg
  • cl_loot_window_offset
  • cl_lp_region_suffix
  • cl_ls_address
  • cl_maxbubbles
  • cl_maximized %s
  • cl_maxrange_alwayswarn
  • cl_max_spam_id
  • cl_memory_override
  • cl_min_parental_control_warning
  • cl_mkt_price_confirmation
  • cl_movie_enabled
  • cl_movie_enabled false
  • cl_multicore
  • cl_namedeclension_required
  • cl_norangewarning_multip1ier
  • cl_norangewarning_multiplier
  • cl_nvidia_perf
  • cl_options_file
  • cl_parallelizer_min
  • cl_partial_bakefiles
  • cl_patcher_exe
  • cl_pd_enable_point_lights
  • cl_picked_configuration
  • cl_picked_configuration %s
  • cl_placeholder_base_lods
  • cl_player_cache_dir
  • cl_player_cache_log
  • cl_player_cache_verify_ecd_size
  • cl_prefer_use_before_equip
  • cl_prevent_hide_hud_windows
  • cl_quest_show_rewards
  • cl_rcs_path
  • cl_refresh_sync
  • cl_reserve_max_size
  • cl_reserve_min_size
  • cl_reverse_autoattack_timers
  • cl_screenheight <pixel>
  • cl_screenheight_windowed <pixel>
  • cl_screenrefresh
  • cl_screenshot <optional FilenamePrefix> //take screenshot and save to disk using specified prefix, default: screenshot
  • cl_screenshotjpeg
  • cl_screenshotjpeg_quality
  • cl_screenshot_jpeg
  • cl_screenshot_jpeg_quality
  • cl_screenshot_orbit
  • cl_screenshot_orbit_count
  • cl_screenwidth <pixel>
  • cl_screenwidth_windowed <pixel>
  • cl_send_unknown_combat_npc
  • cl_sessionid
  • cl_setpov
  • cl_show_cloaks
  • cl_show_invalid_apps
  • cl_show_null_base_apps
  • cl_show_quest_giver_icons
  • cl_show_quest_giver_icons_outleveled
  • cl_show_voice_tutorial
  • cl_show_voice_tutorial %s
  • cl_slow_update_frame_skip
  • cl_slow_update_frame_stretch
  • cl_sound_provider_is_miles
  • cl_ssl_request_timeout_seconds
  • cl_survey_url
  • cl_t4_cache_count_max
  • cl_t4_cache_size_count_2
  • cl_t4_cache_size_max
  • cl_t4_cache_size_max_2
  • cl_t4_locale_dir
  • cl_t4_map_files
  • cl_t4_partial_mapping
  • cl_t4_use_mmgr
  • cl_t4_use_secondary
  • cl_textureshrink
  • cl_tooltips_avoid_windows
  • cl_tooltip_background_opacity
  • cl_tooltip_bagcontents
  • cl_tooltip_delay
  • cl_tooltip_font_size
  • cl_tooltip_font_size_auto
  • cl_tooltip_opacity
  • cl_treat_adornments_as_spells
  • cl_triple_buffer
  • cl_typetochat
  • cl_uisettings_file
  • cl_uisettings_file %s
  • cl_ui_skin <filename> //name of the root UI file, default: eq2ui.xml
  • cl_ui_skinname <foldername> //name of the UI folder, default: Default
  • cl_ui_subdir <foldername>/ //name of the folder where UI folder reside in, default: UI
  • cl_unload_resources_asynchronously
  • cl_url_type
  • cl_useenglish_classes
  • cl_useenglish_factions
  • cl_useenglish_items
  • cl_useenglish_objects
  • cl_useenglish_persona
  • cl_useenglish_places
  • cl_useenglish_quests
  • cl_useenglish_skills
  • cl_useenglish_spells
  • cl_username
  • cl_username %s
  • cl_user_agent
  • cl_use_default_log_file
  • cl_use_default_log_file %s
  • cl_use_soga_barbarian_female
  • cl_use_soga_barbarian_male
  • cl_use_soga_darkelf_female
  • cl_use_soga_darkelf_male
  • cl_use_soga_dwarf_female
  • cl_use_soga_dwarf_male
  • cl_use_soga_erudite_female
  • cl_use_soga_erudite_male
  • cl_use_soga_gnome_female
  • cl_use_soga_gnome_male
  • cl_use_soga_halfeif_female
  • cl_use_soga_halfelf_female
  • cl_use_soga_halfelf_male
  • cl_use_soga_halfling_female
  • cl_use_soga_halfling_male
  • cl_use_soga_higheif_female
  • cl_use_soga_highelf_female
  • cl_use_soga_highelf_male
  • cl_use_soga_human_female
  • cl_use_soga_human_male
  • cl_use_soga_ogre_female
  • cl_use_soga_ogre_male
  • cl_use_soga_woodelf_female
  • cl_use_soga_woodelf_male
  • cl_use_soqa_barbarian_male
  • cl_validate_resolution
  • cl_vdl_loads_xml_first
  • cl_verbose_macro_tooltips
  • cl_verbose_spel1_tooltips
  • cl_verbose_spell_tooltips
  • cl_version4_iconsize_fix
  • cl_version_recent
  • cl_version_recent %d
  • cl_voicebar_snap_break
  • cl_vo_failover
  • cl_who_query_cap
  • collection_additem
  • collection_filter_matchitem
  • collection_hide_completed
  • collection_hide_noitems
  • collection_showall
  • collect_al1_houseitems
  • collect_all_houseitems
  • collect_all_houseitems %u //pickup all items in this house and moving crate
  • combatbubble_fade_secs
  • combatbubble_hide_fading_shadows
  • combatbubble_max_accel
  • combatbubble_min_accel_mult
  • combatbubble_only_spell_misses
  • combatbubble_prefade_secs
  • combatbubble_show_dmg_type
  • combatbubble_show_third_party_damage
  • combatbubble_speed
  • combatbubble_speed_scale
  • combatbubble_spel1_prefade_secs
  • combatbubble_startheight
  • combatbubble_use_accel
  • combatbubble_use_base_loc
  • combatbubble_use_shift
  • combat_music_interactive_user_enabled
  • combat_music_volume
  • comfort
  • con
  • confirmeddeletemailmessage
  • confirmedlastname
  • confirmedrename
  • confirmedreportspam 0 %u
  • confirmedreportspam 1 %u
  • confirm_buy_from_vendor
  • confirm_buy_from_vendor %I64u %I64u %u %I64u
  • confirm_character_station_exchange
  • confirm_redeem %u
  • confirm_station_exchange
  • confirm_zone
  • confused
  • congratulate
  • consume_food %d
  • container
  • container add_inventory %u %u %u
  • container close
  • container remove_inventory
  • contest
  • contest join
  • contest leave
  • conv1_autosize
  • conv1_epic_tweak_x_left
  • conv1_epic_tweak_x_left_vert
  • conv1_epic_tweak_x_right
  • conv1_epic_tweak_x_right_vert
  • mconv1_epic_tweak_y
  • conv1_heroic_tweak_x_left
  • conv1_heroic_tweak_x_right
  • conv1_heroic_tweak_y
  • conv1_level_circle_tweak_x
  • conv1_level_text_tweak_x
  • conv1_level_text_tweak_y
  • conv1_margin_x
  • conv1_margin_y
  • convl_level_text_tweak_x
  • convl_margin_y
  • convwindow_follow_actor
  • con_version
  • cough
  • crazy
  • createfromrecipe %u
  • createmacrofromability %u %d %d
  • cringe
  • cry
  • csay
  • curious
  • curse
  • curtsey
  • cutemode
  • cutthroat
  • damaged_inv_b
  • damaged_inv_g
  • damaged_inv_r
  • dancem
  • declineinvite group
  • declineinvite raid
  • decline_duels
  • decline_groups
  • decline_guilds
  • decline_lon
  • decline_raids
  • decline_trades
  • decline_vcinvite
  • defaultui //load default UI, same as /loadui Default
  • default_chat_cmd <window id> <tab id> asay
  • default_chat_cmd <window id> <tab id> gsay
  • default_chat_cmd <window id> <tab id> guildsay
  • default_chat_cmd <window id> <tab id> instantmessage //?
  • default_chat_cmd <window id> <tab id> officersay
  • default_chat_cmd <window id> <tab id> ooc
  • default_chat_cmd <window id> <tab id> raidsay
  • default_chat_cmd <window id> <tab id> reply
  • default_chat_cmd <window id> <tab id> say
  • default_chat_cmd <window id> <tab id> tell
  • default_esc_key_function
  • deity_buy_reward %u
  • deity_buy_reward_confirm
  • deity_change_confirm
  • deity_item_off_altar %d %d
  • deity_offer %d %d
  • deity_offer_confirm
  • deity_sac_info %d %d
  • deletemailmessage %u
  • deletequest %u %u
  • delete_house_item
  • despam %u
  • destroy_inventory_item %d
  • disablefootprints
  • disablesplashes
  • disable_auto_low_mem_mode
  • disable_char_bonus_exp
  • disable_combat_exp
  • disable_footstep_trigger
  • disable_game_event
  • disable_procedural_hits
  • disable_proxyactorfootsteps
  • disable_quest_exp
  • disable_window <Module.Name>
  • disband
  • dismiss_vendor %I64u
  • display_case close
  • display_case set_rotation_time
  • display_case set_slot
  • doh
  • donate
  • doubletake
  • do_file_commands
  • drink_alcohol %u
  • drool
  • duck
  • duck_short
  • duel
  • duelbet
  • duel_accept
  • duel_decline
  • duel_toggle
  • dump_lookup_callers
  • dynamicdata <dynamic data item (xml path)> //show dynamic data value
  • dynamicdata_generalupdate_min_secs
  • editmacro
  • editmacro %u
  • emote
  • empty_inv_b
  • empty_inv_g
  • empty_inv_r
  • enablequeuedabilities 0
  • enablequeuedabilities 1
  • enable_game_event
  • enable_pitch_shifting
  • enable_raid_for_loot
  • enable_tooltips 0 0 1 //Disable tooltips
  • enable_tooltips 0 1 1 //Enable tooltips
  • enable_window <Module.Name>
  • end_altar
  • epilepsy_warning_seen %s
  • erase_custom_options_file_confirmed
  • erase_custom_options_file_confirmed <filename>
  • eu_merge_seen %s
  • examineachievement_bottom_y_offset
  • examineachievement_max_details_height
  • examineachievement_section_y_offset
  • examineitem_bottom_y_offset
  • examineitem_detail_default
  • examineitem_max_combined_itemset_effect_height
  • examineitem_max_recipe_height
  • examineitem_max_spelldetails_height
  • examineitem_misc_bag_icon_spacing
  • examineitem_pattern_icon_spacing
  • examineitem_section_y_offset
  • examinespell_bottom_y_offset
  • examinespell_max_details_height
  • examinespell_section_y_offset
  • examine_item "ITEM %d %d"
  • examine_item %u
  • exit
  • explicit_confirm_offer_quest
  • eye
  • feedback
  • filled_inv_b
  • filled_inv_g
  • filled_inv_r
  • filled_mv_b
  • filter
  • findnpc
  • find_players
  • flash_window <Module.Name> //flash window indefinitely
  • flash_window <Module.Name> <Number of Flashes> //flash window specified number of times
  • flee
  • flex
  • flirt
  • flirt_short_shake
  • flirt_short_wave
  • flirt_short_wave2
  • flourish
  • flustered
  • follow
  • followme
  • force_looped_music
  • force_low_mem_mode
  • friends
  • friend_add <name>
  • friend_remove <name>
  • frown
  • frustrated
  • fullcurtsey
  • gag
  • gasp
  • getinput
  • getmailheaders
  • getmailmessage %u
  • get_coins
  • get_mktwq %u %u
  • get_mktwremq %u %u
  • get_mwq %u %u
  • get_pet_name %u
  • get_search_stores_page %u
  • get_search_stores_page 0
  • gfYTranslation
  • giggle
  • glare
  • grin
  • groan
  • groupoptions
  • grovel
  • growl
  • grumble
  • gsay
  • gu
  • guild
  • guild accept
  • guild bank_coin_limit %d %d %I64d
  • guild bank_deposit %d %d %d %d
  • guild bank_deposit_coin %u %I64u
  • guild bank_item_limit %d %d
  • guild bank_move %d %d %d %d %d %u
  • guild bank_set_options
  • guild bank_withdraw %d %d %d %d %d %u
  • guild bank_withdraw 0 %d %d %d %d %u
  • guild bank_withdraw_coin %u %I64u
  • guild create
  • guild decline
  • guild delete_event %s
  • guild kick
  • guild motd
  • guild points add
  • guild points view
  • guild rank_name %d
  • guild recruiter
  • guild recruiter_description
  • guild recruiting %s
  • guild recruiting long_text
  • guild recruiting short_text
  • guild recruiting_details %u
  • guild recruiting_image %u
  • guild search
  • guild set_heraldry %d %d %d %d %d %d %d
  • guild test_heraldry %d %d %d
  • guildbetaapply
  • guildsay
  • gutcramp
  • g_fInverseHeight
  • g_fInverseWidth
  • g_fXTranslation
  • g_fYTranslation
  • hail
  • happy
  • healme
  • healthbar_color_mode
  • hearnoevil
  • heartattack
  • heckno
  • heelclick
  • hello
  • help
  • help <module> <name>
  • helping
  • helpme
  • heroic
  • heythere
  • hide_illusions
  • hide_window <Module.Name>
  • hirelingoptions
  • hotbar_default
  • hotbar_iconmax <size>
  • hotbar_iconmin <size>
  • hotbar_iconsize <hotbar id> <size>
  • hotbar_nolabel_limit <size>
  • hotbar_single_char_limit <size> //removed from game
  • hotkey_dragging 0 0 1 //disable icon dragging
  • hotkey_dragging 0 1 1 //enable icon dragging
  • hotkey_spinner
  • house
  • house_amenity
  • house_amenity purchase
  • house_amenity remove
  • house_amenity reset_location
  • house_amenity setaccess
  • house_deposit
  • house_deposit %d %I64d %d
  • house_display
  • house_display add %d %d %d
  • house_display add %d -1 %d
  • house_display close
  • house_display remove %d -1
  • house_display showheraldry %d %d
  • house_display showhood %d %d
  • house_kick
  • house_own_all
  • howl
  • hug
  • hungry
  • iconmgr_validate_icons
  • icsautorange
  • icsignorelmbformouselook
  • icsrightclickcentercamera
  • ics_3ponly
  • ics_adjustviewwithpitch
  • ics_allowdblclicktobuysellrepair
  • ics_atwaa
  • ics_autoescapechat
  • ics_autoescapechatdelay
  • ics_autofwdwithmb
  • ics_autorange
  • ics_canattackwithmouseclick
  • ics_cancelautorunwithfwdwhilemouselook
  • ics_combatautoface
  • ics_contextlmb
  • ics_defaultdistance
  • ics_defaultpitch1stp
  • ics_defaultpitchlstp
  • ics_followmag
  • ics_ignorelmbformouselook
  • ics_ignorermbformouselook
  • ics_index
  • ics_invertmousewheelzoom
  • ics_keyboardheadingrotationspeed
  • ics_maxcameradistance
  • ics_mbinvert
  • ics_mousedblclickspeed
  • ics_playercombatautoface
  • ics_rightclickcentercamera
  • ics_saa
  • ics_saarc
  • ics_scaleveltest
  • ics_timerclick
  • ics_timerminclickleft
  • ics_timerminclickright
  • ics_turningspacewhilefreelook
  • ignore <name>
  • ignores //list contents of ignore list
  • ignore_add <name> //add to ignore list
  • ignore_offline_friends
  • ignore_remove <name> //remove from ignore list
  • incoming
  • info achievement %u %u
  • info appearance %d
  • info buyback %I64u
  • info consignment %I64u
  • info effect %u
  • info equipment %d
  • info guild_bank %d %d
  • info inventory %d
  • info item %u
  • info merchant %I64u
  • info overflow
  • info recipe %u
  • info recipe_byproduct %u
  • info recipe_product %u
  • info repairinventory %I64u
  • info spell %u %u %u
  • info spellbook %u %u
  • info store %I64u
  • info their_trade %u
  • info view_commission_work_component %u
  • info view_commission_work_payment %u
  • info your_trade %u
  • inspectpc
  • inspect_player
  • inspect_reward %u %u %d
  • install_vendor %d
  • install_vendor %d %d
  • instruction_close_time
  • instruction_ignore_all
  • introduce
  • inventory
  • inventory destroy %d %d
  • inventory equip %d
  • inventory equip %d %d %d %d
  • inventory equipvdl <vdl number>
  • inventory move %d %d %d %d
  • inventory move %d %d 0 %d
  • inventory nosale %I64u %d
  • inventory pop %d %d
  • inventory pop %d 0
  • inventory pop -1 0 //move item from overflow into bags
  • inventory swap_equip %d %d %d
  • inventory unequip %d %d
  • inventory unequip %d %d %d %d
  • inventory unequip %d %d %d %d %d
  • inventory unequip %d -1 -1 %d 1
  • inventory unequip %d 0 %d %d %d
  • inventory unequip %u
  • inventory unequip %u 0 -1 0 1
  • inventory unpack %d
  • invite <name>
  • itch
  • jk
  • joinchannel
  • joinchannelfromload
  • kickfromgroup
  • kickgroupfromraid
  • kneel
  • knowledgewindow_insertblanks
  • knowledgewindow_sort
  • knowledgewindow_sort %d %d %d %d
  • knowledgewindow_swap
  • languages
  • lastname
  • last_selected_char_id %d
  • laugh
  • leaveall //leave all subscribed chat channels
  • leavechannel <channelname or channel number>
  • leavegroup
  • leaveraid
  • letterbox_bottom_frame_y_offset
  • letterbox_frame_visible
  • letterbox_top_frame_y_offset
  • lfg
  • lfm
  • lfw
  • listen
  • loadhotkeys
  • loadui
  • loadui <UI folder name>
  • load_colors
  • load_config
  • load_configuration
  • load_custom_options_file
  • load_keymaps
  • load_options
  • load_uisettings <filename>
  • loc
  • lock
  • log
  • logwhoraid
  • log_input
  • lon
  • lookaway
  • lookhere
  • lookout
  • lootcorpse
  • loot_confirmation
  • loot_item %u %u
  • lost
  • makeleader
  • map2_add_poi %s %.2f %.2f %.2f
  • map2_center_map_on_player
  • map2_center_map_on_player %d
  • map2_control_bkg_opacity
  • map2_custom_poi_filename
  • map2_delete_poi |%s| |%s|
  • map2_filter_poi
  • map2_filter_poi_enable
  • map2_is_primary_map
  • map2_keyword_list_context
  • map2_search_fragment
  • map2_search_keyword
  • map2_search_menu_context
  • map2_showdestination
  • map2_showgroup
  • map2_show_mini_map 0 //hide minimap
  • map2_show_mini_map 1 //show minimap
  • map2_show_questgivers
  • map2_show_zone_rect
  • map_showdestination
  • map_showgroup
  • map_show_questgivers
  • marketplace
  • massage
  • master_volume
  • max_active_sounds
  • max_footstep_dist
  • mender_repair %d
  • mender_repair %I64u
  • mender_repair_all
  • mine
  • minimize_window <module> <name>
  • moan
  • mood
  • moon
  • motd
  • mourn
  • mouselook_sensitivity
  • mouselook_toggle
  • movelog
  • moveraidmember <SourceName> <DestinationName> g //Move into destination group
  • moveraidmember <SourceName> <DestinationName> p //Exchange Source and Destination
  • move_item
  • move_item %u %u
  • movie_volume
  • msg
  • music_volume
  • mutepc_grunt_vo
  • mute_npc_combat_vo
  • mute_npc_ecology_vo
  • mute_pc_grunt_vo
  • mute_pc_vo
  • mute_when_not_rendering
  • name_pet %d
  • namingpolicy
  • needgroup
  • neener
  • net_production_verbose
  • new_chat_win
  • new_chat_win Chat
  • nextpovsettings
  • no
  • nod
  • notvisible_inv_b
  • notvisible_inv_g
  • notvisible_inv_r
  • notworthy
  • num_active_spell_results
  • officersay
  • only_show_fg_in_letterbox_area
  • onscreen_msg_enable_encounterbroken
  • onscreen_msg_enable_generic
  • onscreen_msg_enable_harvest
  • onscreen_msg_enable_harvest_rare
  • onscreen_msg_enable_levelgained
  • onscreen_msg_enable_locationentered
  • onscreen_msg_enable_mail
  • onscreen_msg_enable_quest
  • onscreen_msg_enable_skillup
  • onscreen_msg_enable_spellgained
  • onscreen_msg_enable_system
  • onscreen_msg_enable_tradeskill_success
  • onscreen_msg_enable_uierror
  • onscreen_msg_speed_scale
  • ooc <message>
  • oop
  • open_chat_win
  • open_chat_win Chat %d
  • open_next_hotbar
  • open_station_exchange
  • options_game
  • options_game Alarms
  • options_game Alternate Models
  • options_game Controls
  • options_game Display
  • options_game Group Options
  • options_game Sound
  • options_game User Interface
  • options_game Voice Chat
  • options_game Web Browser
  • overhere
  • o_max_farplane
  • packhouse 1 //place all of your items into a moving crate
  • paperdoll_dressing_autoswitch_stance
  • paper_dol1_dressing_mounted_camera_dist_multparticlelight_color
  • paper_dol1_dressing_mounted_camera_dist_multparticle_light_color
  • paper_dol1_dressing_mounted_camera_ydist_mult
  • paper_dol1_dressing_unmounted_camera_dist_mult
  • paper_dol1_dressing_unmounted_camera_ydist_mult
  • paper_doll_ceiling_item_pitch
  • paper_doll_dressing_mounted_camera_dist_mult
  • paper_doll_dressing_mounted_camera_ydist_mult
  • paper_doll_dressing_unmounted_camera_dist_mult
  • paper_doll_dressing_unmounted_camera_ydist_mult
  • paper_doll_floor_item_pitch
  • paper_doll_horizontal_wall_item_pitch
  • paper_doll_use_bounding_box
  • paper_doll_wall_item_pitch
  • partial_attack_end_delay
  • partial_end_delay
  • particle_camera
  • particle_camera_direction
  • particle_day
  • particle_help
  • particle_helppath_length
  • particle_helppath_offset
  • particle_hour
  • particle_minute
  • particle_month
  • particle_resolution
  • particle_water_line
  • particle_wind
  • particle_year
  • path_offset
  • pause_loading //pause loading of zone
  • pay_upkeep %u %d %d
  • peer
  • pet
  • pet attack //Command Pet to Attack target
  • pet backoff //Command Pet to stop attacking and guarding
  • pet follow //Command Pet to follow you
  • pet getlost //Dismiss pet
  • pet preserve_master //Command Pet to defend you
  • pet preserve_self //Command Pet to defend itself
  • pet stay //Command Pet to stop following you
  • petition
  • petition_ok
  • petname <name>
  • petoptions
  • pickup %u %u
  • pickup_vendor %I64u //Pickup Sales Display
  • place_house_item %u
  • place_vendor %I64u //Place Sales Display
  • played
  • playsound
  • plead
  • point
  • poke
  • ponder
  • porttofriend <name>
  • pout
  • primary_chat_win <window id>
  • purr
  • puzzle
  • questbrowser_lastupdated
  • questbrowser_next
  • questbrowser_prev
  • questbrowser_show
  • questhelper_force_mouseover_opacity_max_secs
  • questhelper_force_mouseover_opacity_per_char_secs
  • questionnaire
  • questupdate_fadein_ms
  • questupdate_ignore
  • questupdate_min_secs
  • questupdate_sync_onscreen_msg
  • quit
  • quit <charname>
  • q_accept_pending_quest
  • q_deny_pending_quest
  • raidinvite <name>
  • raidsay <message>
  • raid_looter add <name>
  • raid_looter remove <name>
  • raid_mode 0 //switch raid window to basic mode
  • raid_mode 1 //switch raid window to advanced mode
  • raisehand
  • random
  • read %d
  • recmaxlod2
  • recmaxlod1
  • redeem //redeem LoN item
  • refreshuidata //reload some UI data such as persona window factions tab
  • relinquish_house <house_id> <charname>
  • remove_mai1_plat <amount>
  • remove_mail_copper <amount>
  • remove_mail_gold <amount>
  • remove_mail_plat <amount>
  • remove_mail_silver <amount>
  • remove_trade_copper <amount>
  • remove_trade_gold <amount>
  • remove_trade_item <amount>
  • remove_trade_plat <amount>
  • remove_trade_silver <amount>
  • rename
  • rename_cancel
  • report
  • reportspam %u
  • reportspammer 0 %s
  • report_abuse
  • report_bug
  • report_feedback
  • report_feedback <message> //send feedback
  • report_typo
  • reset_zone_timer
  • resident_sound_volume
  • respec
  • respec %s
  • restore_lost_shared
  • return_house_item
  • roar
  • rof
  • role
  • royalwave
  • rt
  • rtarget
  • rude
  • r_aa_blit
  • r_aa_but
  • r_active_first_person_camera
  • r_active_first_person_camera_pitch
  • r_active_first_person_camera_render_player
  • r_alert_log_only
  • r_allow_player_picking
  • r_allow_unload_mesh_lods
  • r_alrm_abs_time_hr
  • r_alrm_abs_time_minute
  • r_alrm_pc_time_left
  • r_alrm_pc_time_repeat
  • r_alrm_pc_time_repeat1
  • r_alrm_pc_time_repeat2
  • r_alrm_sess_dur_hrs
  • r_alrm_sess_dur_minutes
  • r_alrm_sess_dur_repeat
  • r_anim_update_end
  • r_anim_update_start
  • r_appearance_apply_net_app_height_scale_moving
  • r_appearance_apply_net_app_height_scale_stationary
  • r_appearance_apply_net_app_max_per_frame
  • r_appearance_apply_net_app_min_load_time
  • r_appearance_apply_net_app_radius_moving
  • r_appearance_apply_net_app_radius_stationary
  • r_appearance_update_always_dist
  • r_arrow_effect_scale
  • r_asynchronous_unload_checks_per_call
  • r_auto_orbit_death_cam
  • r_blit_scene_grab
  • r_bloom
  • r_bloom_atmospheric
  • r_blue_gamma
  • r_boatdispmap
  • r_breatheffect
  • r_brightness
  • r_cache_recently_relevant_proxy_actors
  • r_character_mouse_over_glow
  • r_contrast
  • r_con_glow
  • r_cute_mode
  • r_debug_reflectioncam
  • r_deb_aa
  • r_deb_fbs
  • r_distortion
  • r_drawocean_quality
  • r_ec_max_lod0
  • r_ec_max_lod1
  • r_ec_max_lodO
  • r_enable_clear_alpha_r
  • r_envcube_updates
  • r_envcube_update_timeout
  • r_fast_layer_min_distance
  • r_flat_ambient
  • r_flora
  • r_flora_density_scale
  • r_flora_displacement
  • r_flora_radius_scale
  • r_font_ft
  • r_force_load_mesh_lods
  • r_frame_buffer_scale
  • r_ft_brightness
  • r_ft_contrast
  • r_ft_face
  • r_ft_filterjp
  • r_ft_filter_by_locale
  • r_ft_filter_cn
  • r_ft_filter_de
  • r_ft_filter_fr
  • r_ft_filter_gb
  • r_ft_filter_jp
  • r_ft_filter_kr
  • r_ft_filter_ru
  • r_ft_filter_tw
  • r_ft_filter_us
  • r_ft_hinting
  • r_ft_jp_tcn
  • r_ft_kerning
  • r_ft_override_face
  • r_ft_ratio_den
  • r_ft_ratio_num
  • r_ft_ratio_numo
  • r_gamma
  • r_green_gamma
  • r_gui_cachebuffers_max_unused_frames
  • r_gui_textures_max_unused_frames
  • r_heatshimmer
  • r_highlight_type
  • r_implied_target_arrow
  • r_implied_target_glow
  • r_initial_point_weight
  • r_invertmouse
  • r_isgf3
  • r_isoutside
  • r_light_buffer_scale
  • r_light_bump_max_distance
  • r_light_fog
  • r_light_priority
  • r_light_spec
  • r_light_tri_culling_cache_frames
  • r_light_tri_culling_cache_size
  • r_load_agent_change_priority_delta_max
  • r_load_agent_change_priority_delta_min
  • r_load_check_sleep_ms
  • r_load_child_resources_synchronously
  • r_load_sleep_ms
  • r_lookat_pov
  • r_looteffect
  • r_marker_effect_radius
  • r_marker_effect_size
  • r_max_cloth_iters
  • r_max_fog_lights
  • r_max_lights
  • r_max_negative_lights
  • r_max_particle_iters
  • r_max_sequence_texture_frames
  • r_max_spec_lights
  • r_max_target_effects
  • r_max_torches
  • r_min_anim_update_rate
  • r_min_dir_ambient_intensity
  • r_modify_system_ramp
  • r_multisamples
  • r_override_nouse_opt
  • r_particlesinreflections
  • r_particlesinreflectionsinhouse
  • r_particle_cloth
  • r_particle_lod_scale
  • r_particle_priority
  • r_performance %d
  • r_point_particle_max_size
  • r_point_particle_near_plane
  • r_pow2_rendertargets
  • r_rain_spec
  • r_red_gamma
  • r_reflectiongetname
  • r_reflectionobjectname
  • r_reflections
  • r_reflectionsatsea
  • r_reflectionsinhouse
  • r_render_paperdoll_jpeg
  • r_render_paperdoll_jpeg_quality
  • r_reuse_vertex_buffers
  • r_screen_height_inches
  • r_screen_width_inches
  • r_shadows_characters
  • r_shadows_keep
  • r_shadows_other
  • r_shadows_spec
  • r_shadows_torch
  • r_shadow_cache_frames
  • r_shadow_cache_size
  • r_shadow_control_factor
  • r_shadow_priority
  • r_shadow_quality
  • r_shadow_qual_ity
  • r_shadow_type
  • r_skydome_priority
  • r_spawneffect
  • r_splashes
  • r_suggested_performance_CPU
  • r_suggested_performance_GFX
  • r_suggested_performance_overall
  • r_suggested_performance_RAM
  • r_switch_to_indoor_shadow_volumes
  • r_target_arrow
  • r_target_arrow_alpha
  • r_target_effect_alpha
  • r_target_effect_ring_alpha
  • r_target_encounter_arrow
  • r_target_encounter_mouse_over_glow
  • r_target_encounter_name_background
  • r_target_mouse_over_glow
  • r_target_name_background
  • r_target_name_background_alpha
  • r_target_ring
  • r_texture_lodding_shrink
  • r_texture_sequence_update
  • r_torch_intensity
  • r_torch_secondary_light
  • r_ui_render_buffers
  • r_ui_usekeypad
  • r_underwaterdistortion
  • r_unload_sleep_ms
  • r_update_procedural_textures
  • r_verify_log_only
  • r_widget_mouse_over_glow
  • salute
  • sarcasm
  • savehotkeys <filename>
  • save_colors <filename>
  • save_custom_options_file <filename> //save options to file, ask before overwriting
  • save_custom_options_file_confirmed <filename> //save options to file, overwrite without asking
  • save_keymaps <filename>
  • save_options <filename>
  • save_uisettings <filename>
  • say
  • scheme
  • scold
  • scratch
  • scream
  • scribe_scroll_item %u
  • search_stores ITEM=|%s| PAGESIZE=%u SORTTYPE=%u SIMPLESEARCH=1
  • search_stores_vendorinventory %s
  • seenoevil
  • select
  • select_junction %d
  • sellback_to_merchant %I64u %u %d
  • sell_to_merchant %I64u %d
  • sell_to_merchant %I64u %u
  • server_bAutoLock
  • server_bAutosplitCoin
  • server_bShareDebt
  • server_bSoloAutoLock
  • server_eLockMethod
  • server_eLootMethod
  • server_eltemTier
  • server_eYellMethod
  • setchannelnumber <current channelnumber> <new channelnumber> //renumber chat channel
  • set_auction_item %d %d
  • set_auto_consume %d 0 0 1 //Turn Auto-Consume Off
  • set_auto_consume %d 0 1 0
  • set_auto_consume %d 0 1 1 //Turn Auto-Consume Off
  • set_auto_consume %d 1 0 1 //Turn Auto-Consume On
  • set_auto_consume %d 1 1 0
  • set_auto_consume %d 1 1 1 //Turn Auto-Consume On
  • set_combat_voice %u
  • set_concurrency
  • set_emote_voice %u
  • set_focus
  • set_guild_member_note "%s" "%s"
  • set_guild_officer_note "%s" "%s"
  • set_hotbar_keymap <id> 0 //Set as Primary Hotbar
  • set_hotbar_keymap <id> 1 //Set as Secondary Hotbar
  • set_hotbar_keymap <id> 2 //Set as Tertiary Hotbar
  • set_language %d
  • set_mail_item %d %d
  • set_payment_coin %I64u
  • set_trade_coin %I64u
  • sfx_volume
  • shakefist
  • shame
  • shared_deposit %I64u
  • shared_withdraw %I64u
  • share_quest %u
  • shell_open <filename> //launch external application
  • shimmy
  • shiver
  • shout
  • showchatoptions <window id> <tab id>
  • showcloak 0 //hide cloak
  • showcloak 1 //show cloak
  • showcombatartbook //open knowledge book
  • showconcentration //list number of concentration slots used
  • showdeathdialog //show revive window if you are dead
  • showdressingroom //open dressing room
  • showemotes //open socials window
  • showfollowtarget
  • showhelm 0 //hide helm
  • showhelm 1 //show helm
  • showhood 0 //hide hood
  • showhood 1 //show hood
  • showhoodorhelm 0 //hide head cover
  • showhoodorhelm 1 //show hood or helm as applicable
  • showimplied_target_effects 0 //hide effects on implied target in implied target window
  • showimplied_target_effects 1 //display effects on implied target in implied target window
  • showinventory
  • showlanguages
  • showmacros
  • showquestjournal
  • showranged
  • showvoiceoptions 0 //hide voice options
  • showvoiceoptions 1 //show voice options
  • show_account_features
  • show_available_achievement_trees //list TreeIDs applicable to character
  • show_combatbubbles
  • show_implied_target_effects 0
  • show_implied_target_effects 1
  • show_last_xp_bar_changed 0 //Don't switch as XP is gained
  • show_last_xp_bar_changed 1 //Switch as XP is gained
  • show_level_circle
  • show_map2_style_name
  • show_map_style_name
  • show_purpose_tags
  • show_subname 0 //turn off titles
  • show_subname 1 //show horizontal titles
  • show_subname 2 //show vertical titles
  • show_target_effects 0 //hide effects on target in target window
  • show_target_effects 1 //display effects on target in target window
  • show_titles_mode
  • show_window <Module.Name>
  • shrug
  • sigh
  • sit
  • slideshow_fade_secs
  • smile
  • smirk
  • smooth_mouse
  • smp close
  • smp gcc
  • smp gi
  • smp gsw
  • smp pi
  • snarl
  • sneer
  • sneeze
  • snicker
  • sniff
  • soga_assets_available
  • soga_models 0 //disable all SOGA models
  • soga_models 1 //enable all SOGA models
  • soloautolock
  • sort_search_stores %I64u %d
  • sound_provider
  • speakers
  • speaknoevil
  • spell_lottery %d
  • spell_lottery %I64u
  • spell_lottery_all
  • splash_particles_enabled
  • square
  • squeal
  • stand
  • stare
  • start_bank
  • start_house_customization %u
  • start_mail
  • start_merchant
  • start_trade %u
  • station_exchange
  • stay
  • stopcreation
  • stopfollow
  • stretch
  • sulk
  • surrender
  • survey
  • swear
  • s_vbc
  • takemailattachments %u
  • tantrum_short
  • tapfoot
  • target <name>
  • targetitem %u
  • targetitem %u %u
  • targetpc %u
  • target_allow_pet_member_toggle
  • target_allow_pet_self_toggle
  • target_group_member 0
  • target_group_member 1
  • target_group_member 2
  • target_group_member 3
  • target_group_member 4
  • target_group_pet 0
  • target_group_pet 1
  • target_group_pet 2
  • target_group_pet 3
  • target_group_pet 4
  • target_nearest_npc
  • target_nearest_pc
  • target_next_encounter_npc
  • target_next_npc
  • target_none
  • target_pet
  • target_previous
  • target_prev_encounter_npc
  • target_prev_npc
  • target_self
  • taunt
  • tc <channelname> <message>
  • tcg //open LoN game
  • tcg <name> //challenge player to LoN game
  • tell <name> <message>
  • tellchannel <channelname> <message>
  • telltarget <message>
  • testcopy add //add character to Test Copy server
  • testcopy on //same as add
  • testcopy remove //remove any request to add character to Test Copy server
  • testcopy off //same as remove
  • text_fontsize
  • thanks
  • thirsty
  • threatbar_color_mode
  • threaten
  • thumbsup
  • tier_icon_brightness
  • tier_shadow_brightness
  • time
  • title
  • title fix
  • title list
  • title setprefix %d
  • title setsuffix %d
  • toggleachievements
  • togglearena
  • toggleautoattack
  • togglebags
  • togglebankbags
  • togglechat
  • toggleclock
  • togglecommunity
  • togglecompass
  • toggleconnectionstats
  • toggledressingroom
  • toggleeffects
  • togglefactionwindow
  • togglefollow
  • togglegroup
  • toggleguild
  • toggleguildrecruiting
  • togglehelpwindow
  • togglehotkeywindow
  • togglehouseinventory
  • toggleimpliedtargetwindow
  • toggleinventory
  • toggleknowledge
  • togglemaintainedspells
  • togglemap
  • togglemarketplace
  • toggleminimap
  • togglepersona
  • togglepersonadetailwindow
  • togglepet
  • toggleplayer
  • togglequesthelper
  • togglequestjournal
  • toggleraid
  • togglerangedattack
  • togglerunning
  • toggleshowadventurexp
  • toggleshutdownwindow
  • togglesitting
  • togglesocials
  • togglestartbutton
  • togglestartmenu
  • toggletargetwindow
  • togglethreatwindow
  • toggletradeskills
  • toggletraitswindow
  • togglevoicebar
  • togglevoicechat
  • togglewaypointwindow
  • togglexpwindow
  • togglezonereuse
  • toggle_bonus_exp
  • toggle_instruction_window
  • toggle_work_side_product
  • track
  • tradeskill_showexamine
  • train
  • transport_raycast_epsilon
  • try_on
  • try_on crc
  • try_on recipe_byproduct %u
  • try_on recipe_product %u
  • ts_hotkey_order %s
  • typo
  • ui_cast_guild_leader_vote
  • ui_change_rank_name
  • ui_delete_guildevent
  • ui_demote_guildmember
  • ui_edit_guildmotd
  • ui_edit_guild_recruiting_long
  • ui_edit_guild_recruiting_short
  • ui_filter_guildmembers
  • ui_filter_zonereuse
  • ui_promote_guildmember
  • ui_refresh_guild_bank_events
  • ui_remove_guildmember
  • ui_select_guild_bank_rank
  • ui_setguildnotefocus
  • ui_set_guild_bank_coin_limit
  • ui_set_guild_bank_item_limit
  • ui_set_recruiter_description
  • ui_set_recruiter_image
  • ui_show_recruiter_settings
  • ui_submit_recruiter_image
  • ui_toggle_guild_recruiter
  • unattuned_inv_b
  • unattuned_inv_g
  • unattuned_inv_r
  • underattack
  • unequip
  • unequip_appearance
  • uninstall_vendor
  • unpause_loading //resume loading of zone (if paused)
  • unusable_inv_b
  • unusable_inv_g
  • unusable_inv_r
  • update_merchant_window
  • use
  • useability <ability>
  • useabilityonplayer <name> <ability>
  • useabilityonreplytarget
  • useabilityonrt
  • user_allow_dynamic_fov
  • use_available_spell
  • use_equipped_item %d
  • use_equipped_item %u
  • use_filtering
  • use_item
  • use_item %d
  • use_itemvdl <vdl number>
  • use_mount_eyepomnt
  • use_voice_cache
  • use_zone_backdrops
  • us_models_allowed
  • vcjoinuri
  • vcjoin_session
  • vcselect_session
  • vc_autojoin
  • vc_auto_join
  • vc_chat_bubble
  • vc_enabled
  • vc_input_device
  • vc_mic_sensitivity
  • vc_output_device
  • vc_speaker_muted 1
  • vc_volume
  • vendor_add_inventory %I64u %u %u %u %I64u
  • vendor_list_inventory %I64u
  • vendor_remove_inventory %I64u %u
  • vendor_setpricetovalue
  • vendor_set_price %I64u %I64u
  • vendor_take_coin %I64u %I64u
  • vendor_unlist_inventory %I64u
  • vendor_warnaboutprice
  • ventsay
  • veto
  • violin
  • vivox_adjust_volume <mute or volume>
  • vivox_participant_mode 0 //Show all, Sort by name
  • vivox_participant_mode 1 //Show all, Sort by activity
  • vivox_participant_mode 2 //Show active speakers only
  • vocal_volume
  • voice //show help text for voice commands
  • voice addmod <name>
  • voice ban <name>
  • voice deletemod <name>
  • voice drop <name>
  • voice invite <name>
  • voice join <channelname> <password>
  • voice kick <name>
  • voice modmute <name>
  • voice mute <name>
  • voice muteall
  • voice unban <name>
  • voice unmodmute <name>
  • voice unmute <name>
  • voice unmuteall
  • voice_tutorial
  • voice_volume
  • vote
  • wave
  • waypoint %s
  • waypoint_cancel
  • waypoint_from_entity_id %s
  • wc
  • weaponstats
  • welcome
  • whine
  • whisper
  • whistle
  • who
  • who <name>
  • who all <name>
  • whochannel <channelname or channel number>
  • whog
  • whogroup
  • whome
  • whor
  • whoraid
  • whot
  • whotarget
  • wince
  • window_allow_offscreen
  • window_close <module> <name>
  • window_fade_secs
  • window_lock_all //lock all windows
  • window_property lock <module> <name> //lock specified window
  • window_property unlock <module> <name> //unlock specified window
  • window_reset_all
  • window_reset_rect
  • window_settab
  • window_settings <module> <name> //open window settings dialog for specified window
  • window_snap_to_grid
  • window_snap_to_grid_size
  • window_sticky
  • window_sticky_size
  • window_unlock_all //unlock all windows
  • window_version <module> <name>
  • window_version_show_allwarnings
  • window_version_show_minorchat
  • window_version_show_minorwarnings
  • wink
  • woowoo
  • ws_backdropMoo
  • ws_backdropNo
  • ws_foregroundMoo
  • ws_foregroundNo
  • ws_frameMoo
  • ws_frameNo
  • ws_MooOff
  • ws_NormalOff
  • yawn
  • yeah
  • yell
  • zonetofriend <name>
  • zone_to_group_member_zone <name>
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~ Retired ~
If it does not work, you likely installed it incorrectly. Always try a clean install before reporting bugs.

Last edited by gm9 : 07-07-2009 at 03:42 PM.
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