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Unread 05-26-2022, 11:04 AM  
A Griffon
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It's 50 million using default also.

Originally posted by lockers12345
Hi, just updated darqui to the latest version to incorporate the new 100 million plat rule, however upon loading the game the broker only lets me set it to 50 million.
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Unread 05-26-2022, 10:33 AM  
A Coastal Crab

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Hi, just updated darqui to the latest version to incorporate the new 100 million plat rule, however upon loading the game the broker only lets me set it to 50 million.
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Unread 05-24-2022, 09:20 AM  
A Griffon
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Re: The Set Price Window (Again)

That would be a great solution but I think the game requires pushing the keypad buttons to register coin amounts. Pricing windows for all custom UIs that offer presets for large values do so by pressing the buttons over and over behind the scenes.

Having said that, I did mod the SetPrices window with a +1 billion button for a Darq Side patron yesterday, and it does work, but looking at the patch notes today I'm worried about this:

• New broker sales are now limited to 50 million plat.
Maybe I'm missing something but my interpretation of this patch note means we won't be able to set extremely high values on the broker by any means, manually or modded. I think we need to wait and see what's going on after this patch goes live.

Originally posted by Sigrdrifa
Hi, Darqwood!

Welp, this week,Krono prices on Maj'Dul went from 2 BILLION to 4 BILLION.

Would it be possible to change the way the large plat price setting works so we can just type in the value we want rather than trying to click? Getting a price in the billions is a giant pain in the posterior
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Unread 05-23-2022, 11:31 AM  
A Griffon
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The Set Price Window (Again)

Hi, Darqwood!

Welp, this week,Krono prices on Maj'Dul went from 2 BILLION to 4 BILLION.

Would it be possible to change the way the large plat price setting works so we can just type in the value we want rather than trying to click? Getting a price in the billions is a giant pain in the posterior
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Unread 05-19-2022, 05:15 PM  
A Young Mystail Rat

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Any chance we will see XL window now that graphic cards can handle titles in 8k? I can barely see anything with 4k large windows and I am afraid to even try 8k without even bigger windows.
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Unread 04-15-2022, 07:25 PM  
A Coastal Crab

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***Update*** I found where to swap it at, in the updater. I did look at the help window to try and find where to swap it at, but it wasn't listed in there, maybe that could be added?

I'm trying to set up the Maintained Spell Monitor window and the bottom area says: Features not available with "Lite" Spell Monitor version. Which I am fine with, but I want to know how to get the non-"Lite" version of the Maintained Spell Monitor.

Last edited by Airenx : 04-15-2022 at 07:30 PM.
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Unread 04-15-2022, 09:05 AM  
A Young Mystail Rat

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Just want to say what an awesome job you do on this Ui,
I have one question,
the XP bar is Fantastic, but i would love an Option to hide the xp bar completely and just have the stat bar and menu button showing is this possable ?
i have gone through options and cant seem to find away of doing this, am i missing it ?
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Unread 02-24-2022, 09:40 AM  
A Young Mystail Rat

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Opening in game browser

Latest update now opens in game browser wen clicking on the blue icons to search for item/quest online. The in game browser for some reason doesnt work for eq2.famdom (wiki), just a blank white page. eq2wire seems to work fine.

Any way to go back to the way it was where it opened in chrome browser outside of game?
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Unread 10-16-2021, 06:44 PM  
A Coastal Crab

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Location option

when customizing the bottom bar i see you can show what zone your in and what area of that zone but not your Location or /loc.
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Unread 07-15-2021, 06:55 PM  
A Coastal Crab

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Exclamation Character Login

What file do I need to edit to have a character's name show up on the login window? (ie. So I can click it and auto login to that character.
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Unread 04-01-2021, 03:51 PM  
A Brown Bear
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Mercenary stats

Is it possible to fix how mercenary damage vanishes off to the side of the window? Don't know if it is, or not, but thought I'd ask.
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Unread 09-19-2020, 11:56 AM  
A Griffon
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? Have a question? Visit the DarqUI Discussion Forum!

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Unread 09-09-2020, 08:02 PM  
A Crazed Gnoll

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click to cure not using pots

just what the subject says,the click to cure will not use pots on my non healers but works fine on my fury using his cures.
its prob some simple setting im just not seeing.
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Unread 07-20-2020, 07:04 AM  
A Coastal Crab

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Just downloaded the UI and everything looks great accept for one feature, one I believe is the most important. The links ingame to open the ingame browser are crashing my game, but then again just trying to open the regular ingame browser without the UI also crashes my game. Any thoughts on what could be causing this? Im running Windows 10, all drivers are up to date, if that helps at all... Tried googling the issue, only thing came up was about Mozilla, and I don't use that.
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Unread 04-19-2020, 06:38 PM  
A Young Mystail Rat

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Quick Clicks buffing wrong targets?

Hi all,

Has anyone else noticed lately that when you use the quick clicks, that is is actually buffering someone else in the group when you inspect the maintained spells list?

Checked the spells and they are correct, the tell goes to the right toon, but the buff does not.

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