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Unread 08-15-2013, 10:55 AM  
A Coastal Crab

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Re: Re: Issue

Originally posted by Alnitak
Shadus, I thought I'd let you you are not the only one. I've been having this issue for quite a while now on a couple of computers (different OSs) as well. And so far have not found a fix (tried all the things you list in your post). I'm no sure if it started when I updated to Java 7.X. And I'm not sure which update it started with.

Sorry for not being very helpful.
UPDATE: fixed it with this thread: http://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17596

I think i'm having the same problem. ProfitUI Updater installed properly and is working fine. It points out to the game directory and it also points to EQ2Maps correctly. When i hit launch after the update, nothing happens.

In EQ2Maps, it is set to use ProfitUI UI. When launching the game through EQ2Maps, I cannot locate anything that looks like ProfitUI. Seems like it is just not loading. EQ2Maps runs just fine.

Last edited by matraque : 08-15-2013 at 12:21 PM.
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Unread 08-13-2013, 04:54 PM  
A Young Mystail Rat

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Re: Issue

Shadus, I thought I'd let you you are not the only one. I've been having this issue for quite a while now on a couple of computers (different OSs) as well. And so far have not found a fix (tried all the things you list in your post). I'm no sure if it started when I updated to Java 7.X. And I'm not sure which update it started with.

Sorry for not being very helpful.

Last edited by Alnitak : 08-13-2013 at 05:00 PM.
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Unread 08-06-2013, 12:06 PM  
A Coastal Crab

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I've got two computers that don't seem to be launching the app configured any longer like they used to.

We run profitui and it should fire off eq2map updater (and the config shows it correctly)... but after you hit launch, nothing happens. No errors, nothing comes up, just stops.

Any ideas? I've even tried resetting the eq2maps link to make sure it was in the right location.
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Unread 05-22-2013, 03:51 PM  
A Coastal Crab

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Ignore Files

Is there a way to ignore multiple UI files at the same time during install?
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Unread 05-18-2013, 12:14 PM  
A Coastal Crab

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Re: can't get system to run profit

I am getting this too. DrumsUI works as far as I can tell, but running Profit doesn't seem to skin ANYTHING.

Originally posted by edepha
I just bought a new computer and downloaded eq2 on it, and profit UI. The updater runs as it should, and there are no error messages, but when the game starts it runs using the default UI. I made sure the .ini file was switched to profit, that my file paths were correct, and even tried switching it to Profit in game. The game just does not use the profit UI or the EQ2MAPS.

I have always loved profit UI, as it does everything that I need it to.
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Unread 05-06-2013, 02:04 AM  
A Young Mystail Rat
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I had to re install the game recently and I am getting a "reception thrown" error - any suggestions?

Exception thrown while opening HSQLDB connection

java.sql.SQLException: File input/output error C:\Users\Jonah Bevilacqua\AppData\Roaming\ProfitUI Reborn Updater\updater.backup java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\Jonah Bevilacqua\AppData\Roaming\ProfitUI Reborn Updater\updater.data (The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(Unknown Source)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcConnection.<init>(Unknown Source)
at org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at de.pala.updater.IO.HSQLDB.openConnection(HSQLDB.java:38)
at de.pala.updater.IO.HSQLDB.<init>(HSQLDB.java:29)
at de.pala.updater.Arrange.IO.<init>(IO.java:40)
at de.pala.updater.Management.<init>(Management.java:28)
at de.pala.updater.GUI.Main.<init>(Main.java:131)
at de.pala.updater.profitui.Startup$1.run(Startup.java:62)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.security.ProtectionDomain$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)
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Unread 05-05-2013, 01:22 PM  
A Brown Bear

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Re: Not loading/reloading after Java update

Originally posted by offkilterkitty
Same as the others, after the last Java update the shortcut does not point to the proper place. Trying to redownload the launcher only runs it from the website, it does not actually download again to my PC. I had uninstalled the Updater thinking it perhaps needed that to refresh the path lines.
I tried following the instructions below to reset the shortcuts. Unfortunately, I have Win 7 and can't run the updater by clicking LAUNCH because I can't figure out how to do that with administrator rights.

Updating your Java runtime can render the shortcuts you use to start the updater non-functional or remove them entirely. This is a known behaviour of Java that unfortunately cannot be prevented by us.

The easiest way to fix this is to start the updater from http://updater.pala.de by clicking "Launch" on that page, and then in the updater itself go to "Settings" -> "Updater" -> "Reset Shortcuts", which will restore working shortcuts to their default locations (if you were using shortcuts from a custom location you need to manually overwrite them with the new shortcuts).
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Unread 05-02-2013, 01:15 PM  
A Coastal Crab

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Re: Not loading/reloading after Java update

Originally posted by offkilterkitty
Same as the others, after the last Java update the shortcut does not point to the proper place. Trying to redownload the launcher only runs it from the website, it does not actually download again to my PC. I had uninstalled the Updater thinking it perhaps needed that to refresh the path lines.
I am having the same problem.
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Unread 05-02-2013, 08:39 AM  
A Dervish Cutthroat

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Not loading/reloading after Java update

Same as the others, after the last Java update the shortcut does not point to the proper place. Trying to redownload the launcher only runs it from the website, it does not actually download again to my PC. I had uninstalled the Updater thinking it perhaps needed that to refresh the path lines.
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Unread 03-08-2013, 01:03 AM  
A Young Mystail Rat

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Necro prestige Graverot doesn't increment in the UI.
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Unread 02-16-2013, 05:08 PM  
A Coastal Crab

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Update Page Error

I am still getting this error. Using Chrome and I.E. I installed manually and the UI won't show. Ran EQ2 Maps before and after. Modified EQ2.ini made it to executable's folder. I updated Java. Installed the developer kit because someone said that it was a fix. I don't get it. I need a UI. I even tried Fetish nightfall and it Fetish failed.
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Unread 02-14-2013, 06:52 PM  
A Mist Grinnin
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I get an error trying to run ProfitUI Updater. Just a big window that tells me "Unable to launch the applicaton"

I saw a message recommending making sure all other versions of java, except 7, 13 were uninstalled and did that. Still won't work.

There's a few comments in the details section of the error, mostly making note of (Unknown Source) in the list.

Last edited by Suziekew : 02-14-2013 at 06:54 PM.
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Unread 02-10-2013, 06:42 PM  
A Coastal Crab

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Angry can't get system to run profit

I just bought a new computer and downloaded eq2 on it, and profit UI. The updater runs as it should, and there are no error messages, but when the game starts it runs using the default UI. I made sure the .ini file was switched to profit, that my file paths were correct, and even tried switching it to Profit in game. The game just does not use the profit UI or the EQ2MAPS.

I have always loved profit UI, as it does everything that I need it to.
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Unread 01-28-2013, 09:15 AM  
A Brown Bear

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i just got home off the road after 3 months, and went to run the updater, and it wouldnt run, and it was also removed off my desktop when i tried to run it, and now i cant find the program, and when i try to redownload it, i get an error saying the browser cant find the page anymore
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Unread 01-03-2013, 10:34 AM  
A Coastal Crab

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Exclamation Installing Profit Reborn Updater

Wenn Sie versuchen, den Profit Updater starten und Sie behalten immer die Seite Pop-up von Google sagen, dass die Seite nicht laden dann müssen Sie auf sun.com und laden Sie die neueste Version von Java (Java Development Kit (JDK) 7) für Ihre o / s Basis, wenn Sie Win 7 sind und oben dann müssen Sie die x86-Edition downloaden, wenn Sie es herunterladen, öffnen und installieren es auf Ihrem System.

Hier ist die Seite für Plattformen, die mit Java unterstützt werden, so dass Sie die richtige Datei, die Sie benötigen können

Downloaden:Java Development Kit (JDK) 7

Nun versuchen Neuladen der Updater von webstart
Profit Reborn Updater: Webstart

Wenn Sie immer noch die Fehlermeldung beim Versuch, webstart es Ihnen dann stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Java aktiviert werden soll, wenn Sie den Internet Explorer oder Google Chrome sind, werden Sie ein Pop-up auf der Unterseite sayingthat bekommen diese Inhalte benötigt zusätzliche Java Content aktiviert und klicken Sie auf Aktivieren.

danach versuchen, starten Sie ihn erneut aus webstart, sollten Sie nur gut jetzt laden (wenn Sie benötigen könnten, um Ihren EQ2 Verzeichnis zurückgesetzt)

Hoffentlich wird dies Ihre Probleme behebt, ich weiß, es hat für mich.


If you are trying to launch the Profit Updater and you keep getting the page pop up from google saying that the page is unable to load then you need to go to sun.com and download the latest version of java (Java Development Kit (JDK) 7) for your o/s base, if you are running win 7 and above then you will need to download the x86 edition, once you download it, open and install it on to your system.

Here is the page for platforms that are supported with Java so that you can download the correct file that you will need

Download:Java Development Kit (JDK) 7

Now try reloading the updater from webstart
Profit Reborn Updater: Webstart

if you still get the error when trying to webstart it then you need to make sure that you have java enabled, if you are running internet explorer or google chrome, you will get a pop-up at the bottom sayingthat this content needs additional java content enabled and click enable.

after this try launching it again from webstart, you should load just fine now (though you might need to reset your EQ2 directory)

Hopefully this fixes your issues, I know it did for mine.

Last edited by telinya : 01-03-2013 at 10:59 AM.
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