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Unread 06-25-2010, 01:58 PM  
A Brown Bear
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I'm getting very upset myself. I've spent the past two hours trying to get profitui to work. The updater seems to have changed somehow since the download I made 2 weeks ago. I cant get past the admin permissions part because theres no icon on my desktop for the updater and the only option seems to be loading it thru java. I cannot run as administrator if my only option is opening thru java. I give up. Default UI will have to work till we can get some easier install method on this UI. I followed the instructions to the "T". Worked fine two weeks ago. Did you guys make a change or something?
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Unread 06-17-2010, 11:47 AM  
A Sea Turtle

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its so annoying and frustrating, i dont know how to solve this problem. Im not able to install profit ui. i always get this message:

java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://updater.pala.de/profitui.jnlp

Im using Windows XP
There is no Firewall running.
Im using this Java Web Start 1.6.0_20 and Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3
already tried a clean browser and Java install but didnt help

on http://updater.pala.de/ i always get the server default page

and on http://updater.pala.de/launch.jnlp i always get error 404, object not found

I would really appreciate it if anyone has a suggestion how to solve this problem.

Last edited by Controller : 06-17-2010 at 12:31 PM.
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Unread 06-05-2010, 06:15 PM  
A Sea Turtle
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Re: Re: Spell Updater

Originally posted by PrincessAriel
I am wondering the same thing. Have you heard anything?
Go to your everquest 2 folder, ui folder then to the profit ui folder and find this file: _ProfitUI_QuickRaidButtons.txt

Open that file in notepad/wordpad.

Do an edit/find in notepad and search for your class, like Warden or whatever.

It should take you to a section with page name = yourclass

There should be a bunch of lines below it that say Button1, Button2 etc. These are the ones you want to edit.

Data Name="Button1" Macro="SpellForMyLevel='1994024703'

The SpellForMyLevel is the part you need to edit, you want to change that number to the number for the updated spell (somewhere in that section for that button you will see a tooltip that says something like Tooltip="Photosynthesis Line" so you know what spell you want to get the number for).

What you need to do next is open up your knowledge book in game and drag the updated spell that matches that button to the chat tab, and paste the spell in there, then press shift+end key or whatever to highlight the text and ctrl+x to cut it and then paste it somewhere outside of game. A new notepad file would work, and it should have a bunch of text like \aABILITY number Spellname:Spellname\/a and the number in it will look similar to what you see in the profit file. What you need is to cut/copy just that number and paste/replace it in the Spellformylevel number for that button then when your done with all the editing click the save button.

Then load up eq2 and your buttons should be updated for the new spells.

Sorry if that all sounds a bit confusing, its really not as hard as it sounds.

Last edited by Krull : 06-05-2010 at 07:38 PM.
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Unread 06-03-2010, 09:01 AM  
A Fallen Diplomat

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Re: Spell Updater

Originally posted by Zendari
I was wondering if the UI was ever going to update so that the T9 spells would be usable through the raid window. If not, is there a way to change this myself. Thanks!

I am wondering the same thing. Have you heard anything?
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Unread 06-03-2010, 08:56 AM  
A Fallen Diplomat

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Group click cures


I love this UI I always have. But hmmm the click to cures on my group window are not updated to the newest expansion. Is there a fix coming or a way for me to fix it? I really don't want to have to switch ui's.

GM 9 are you back? If you are welcome back you have been missed.
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Unread 05-29-2010, 04:48 PM  
A Coastal Crab

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mod mixed up ???


I don't know if its just me, but i just did a fresh install of this game because i was having probs with my ui, the problem is i keep getting like half profit and half default ui, so it did not fix the problem and after waiting about 10 Hrs for the game to install/patch etc i need help, it was ok the first time i logged in but now it's mixed up again oh fyi i have the game in german and have the EN_US installed aswell. this all happend after the last update, any ideas ??

Last edited by sifu_01 : 05-31-2010 at 01:13 PM.
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Unread 05-25-2010, 02:48 PM  
A Young Mystail Rat

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anyone else been having probs with the travel since halas came out today?
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Unread 05-24-2010, 06:30 AM  
A Brown Bear

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Hey guys! i used to use the quick button configurator to put /tell message with the spells (IE-" You are J-Capped!!!) is there a way to manually go in and put those tells back in? I have such lazy people in my raid and they want a tell, it's not enough for them to just know they are in my rotation....
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Unread 05-23-2010, 01:32 AM  
A Coastal Crab

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Re: ProfitUI Updater

Originally posted by Auree17
Hi GM9 I love your skin but i have a problem friend. I tried to use the Updatetor but i'm using windows 7 and when i click on install. It Keeps saying I need to provide administrator rights.. I'm on the main administrator account when I do this.. Is it because it's a Java application.. Please provide some information on how to use this .. Thanks have a nice day.
Right click the updater and there should be an option Run as Administrater, that should fix your problem.
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Unread 05-13-2010, 11:54 AM  
A Coastal Crab

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ProfitUI Updater

Hi GM9 I love your skin but i have a problem friend. I tried to use the Updatetor but i'm using windows 7 and when i click on install. It Keeps saying I need to provide administrator rights.. I'm on the main administrator account when I do this.. Is it because it's a Java application.. Please provide some information on how to use this .. Thanks have a nice day.
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Unread 05-07-2010, 02:12 PM  
A Sea Turtle

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anyone having issues with new pots being used.. or did i just miss updating something that i need to go back into and do
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Unread 05-07-2010, 02:11 PM  
A Sea Turtle

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Re: group window

Originally posted by morprulz
does anyone remember profit ui having a group window that was vertical instead of the horizontal? Also, is there a way to get the window with catalyst update to go vertical again or not? thanks for the help in advance.

its under your profit UI folder.. you can choose whichever grp window you want.. horizontal.. horizontal slim..vertical.. vertical slim.. etc....
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Unread 05-02-2010, 10:00 PM  
A Young Mystail Rat

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group window

does anyone remember profit ui having a group window that was vertical instead of the horizontal? Also, is there a way to get the window with catalyst update to go vertical again or not? thanks for the help in advance.

Last edited by morprulz : 05-06-2010 at 03:09 AM.
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Unread 04-27-2010, 01:52 AM  
A Coastal Crab

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Spell Updater

I was wondering if the UI was ever going to update so that the T9 spells would be usable through the raid window. If not, is there a way to change this myself. Thanks!
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Unread 04-25-2010, 01:06 AM  
A Coastal Crab

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Re: Cures

Originally posted by kennii1983
Hey there

is there any Bugfixes for the quick cure Buttons for a healer ?
Because every Time i zoned back from BG or have LD my grp cure
Buttons dosnt work.
It says then this spell or ability is not longer aviable.
Would be nice if someone has a tipp about this.
yes just relog to a different toon and then back and it should work
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