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Unread 09-11-2008, 09:00 AM
maazen maazen is offline
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Sep 2007
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 4
Default cure buttons - problem

i am trying to change the cure buttons (inside the groupwindow xml)to:

x) jester the respective groupmember
x) send him a tell
x) send a msg to a custom channel



OnPress="say Jesters Cap" <= char says "jesters cap"

OnPress="say Jester's Cap" <= char does nothig

OnPress="tell Target="Parent.Parent.GroupMember1.MemberInfoPage.Name.Text blah" <= tells gm1 'blah'

OnPress="useabilityonplayer Target=Parent.Parent.GroupMember0.MemberInfoPage.Name.Text Allegretto" <= This Spell or Ability is no longer available

OnPress="useabilityonplayer Target=Parent.Parent.GroupMember0.MemberInfoPage.Name.Text Jester's Cap" <= This Spell or Ability is no longer available

OnPress="useabilityonplayer Target=Parent.Parent.GroupMember0.MemberInfoPage.Name.Text Jester&apos;s Cap" <= This Spell or Ability is no longer available


hmmm - can anyone please tell me why it doesn't work, and what i have to put there?
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