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Unread 01-03-2011, 10:10 AM
DaemonSambe DaemonSambe is offline
A Brown Bear
Join Date: Feb 2006
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 11
Default Colors

So i'm almost done with my Player/Target mod. The last problem had to do with the HP%, and the fact that i hate having that % sign there for no particular reason. I got around it, by using an invisible text box for the dynamic data, and truncating the HP%. Then i tried grabbing the color from the dynamicdata to adjust the output data to match. It works fairly well, but there's a delay in the color change. The output box, is one cycle behind the dynamicdata, meaning it will not change colors for a full tick.

Here's the code snippet:
	<Page OnPress="target_self target_self" Location="150,0" Name="HPPrcnt" Size="101,65" >
		<Text AbsorbsInput="false" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.Health" DynamicDataFilter="FFFB" Font="/_Styles.Fonts.Large" LocalText="85%" Location="2,0" MaxLines="1" Name="Axp" ScrollExtent="130,80" ShadowStyle="/ShadowStyles.BlackOutlineNoShadow.Outline1" Size="150,80" Color="#00FF40" TooltipStyle="/TooltipStyles.tooltip_default" TextAlignment="left" TruncateElipsis="false" ontextchanged="
		parent.HPp.text = int(localtext)
		<Text AbsorbsInput="false" Font="/_Styles.Fonts.EpicLarge" LocalText="85%" Location="2,0" MaxLines="1" Name="HPp" ScrollExtent="130,80" ShadowStyle="/ShadowStyles.BlackOutlineNoShadow.Outline1" Size="150,80" Color="#00FF40" TooltipStyle="/TooltipStyles.tooltip_default" TextAlignment="left" TruncateElipsis="false" ontextchanged="
		color = parent.Axp.color
Anyone have an idea of how to make the color match the dynamicdata, cycle for cycle?

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