Thread: Profit and GU58
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Unread 10-20-2010, 04:18 PM
TalTal TalTal is offline
A Griffon
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Originally Posted by Elohi View Post
Before the update I was able to have at least 10 (I think) Examine windows open. Now, it's only letting me open 1 when I click a link in the chat box. Sometimes I am able to open more windows when I am examining items out of my bags but not all the time. The 2nd time I open an examine seems like it opens but I don't see it. Then when I right-click the item again - it has a "Close examine" option. Are you aware of this? Is there a fix coming for this? Thanks
I have not modified the examine window at all and am unaware of any changes to it in the default either.

I checked my client and can have examine windows open for multiple linked items without a problem. So I am unable to guess why this is not so for you.

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