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Unread 07-04-2009, 03:25 AM
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Originally Posted by gm9 View Post
Interesting, is that the official line? Do you know whether there have been such cases in the US? I only remember Blizzard suing that bot maker but I don't think the argument came up there.
AFAIK the official line is simply no attended game play or distribution of aids to unattended game play.

Last I checked, there was nothing in the EULA that expressly forbids macroing or the use of third-party macro tools.

The unofficial rule is that if your toon is performing any actions, you must respond to a GM tell within a reasonable time frame (15min) or risk suspention.

I don't know if its come up in the gaming industry specifically, but lack of support for disabled persons has definitely been an issue for large software companies like Microsoft. The issue probably isn't as cut and dry with entertainment software since it does not affect a disabled person's ability to do a job. Never the less, disabled persons have some pretty strong and aggressive advocates that could easily make enough of an issue of it as to be very costly for any gaming company.
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