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Unread 06-28-2008, 02:07 PM
lordebon lordebon is offline
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Originally Posted by Landiin View Post
lol you people are on crack.. I've been using auto cure from way back in the day on my personal UI. The only reason I didn't go public with it is because people seem to get a hair up there arse when you say the words bot or macroing.

They the devs have said time and time again, if it can be done with the means they supply then its OK. Most GM's are not very knowledgeable of the game or its rules. They are just people that volunteer (fan boys if you will) to help people get unstuck and basic things. You need to talk to a Dev or CS for real issues.

Personally I think its cool you did this for the public Let people complain, I say F'em if they don't' like it and keep it live. :P
Slow down there... GMs ARE SOE customer service. I think you're talking about guides, which are volunteers (not SOE employees) and have nothing to do with CS.

GMs are less knowledgeable compared to Devs of course... because they're CS, not people that write the code.

With that cleared up, to the OP... My personal belief is that an 'auto cure' and such does fall into un attended gameplay and technically should be against the EULA. Click-to-Cure requires you to still actively participate in the curing action... automatic curing takes you out of the loop entirely. So in short, "Yes," I do think it is too far. I've read your description and it certainly has some limitations that make it so I wouldn't really want to use it (all else aside) especially in a group or anything, but it seems to me like it could make multi-boxing easier (ie just run a tank or whatever, and have a auto-curing auto-healing priest).

I admire what you've done -- you've definitely taken the scripting engine beyond the bounds of what I thought possible hehe, but I can't help but think now that some things are going to change to 'break' the automation of your code that could have negative effects on other, normally perfectly acceptable code.
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