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Unread 12-26-2004, 09:30 PM
pheebau pheebau is offline
A Grove Wisp
Join Date: Dec 2004
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 26

I'm a software developer in RL myself and I can't say that this tool is very intuitive - it is actually faster for me to edit the .xml files under VI directly...

I'm selecting the right group in the left tree nodes panel - I'm selecting the corresponding TAB in the right panel - I've the 'eye' icon activated, show on...

Nothing appears on the tabs window (I tried different nodes) - all black in the view panel - why is that? am I missing something here? running on WinXP...

Pretty frustrating and the doc is not really talkative...I thought I could see some previous of a UI frame...such as casting for instance...

Sorry for the rant.
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