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Unread 03-21-2006, 07:30 PM
gm9 gm9 is offline
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Default ProfitUI 2.1 release

Ok, I took the bug reports and suggestions and already released v2.1 on the main thread .

aigor, sorry about the bottom bar, that's fixed in 2.1.

Xser and aigor, I'm sorry you don't like the way I moved the stats around, but I suppose keeping the old version is the easiest solution for now.

Xser, you know that you can assign a keyboard shortcut for /togglebags, don't you? That's why I felt the button was not necessary.

Pixi, the chat window is fine, you need to enable "frame and titlebar" to show the input line. If you set it to none or frame only, it's a read only chat window. If you can afford to reset your chat channels, just use the default ui_settings file if you prefer to set everything up. On the other hand, I added your auto-attack indicator. Not yet perfect for ranged attack, but still not bad (I might end up using the player bar myself ).

EDIT: lol Pixi, you saw it faster that I could post it here.

Thanks for your input Droiyan7 - I didn't put in your start bar since it removed the maximum setting for complex shaders which I use and because there's already follow buttons on the group window (and you can only follow when grouped). I took your unequip all idea and made a panic button out of it that /yell's and starts sprinting as well. Let me know what you think.

All, go check out the changelog, took me a while to type it up.

Have fun all. This should be the last release from me for a while since I'll be away for nearly a month. Keep improving the UI (or undoing the evil I wrought), can't wait to check it out when I'm back.