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Unread 03-21-2006, 08:17 AM
gm9 gm9 is offline
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Originally Posted by aigor
Hy i've downloaded version 2.0 everything it's fine but there's a little problem:
1) i play in 1280x1064 but i don't see the bottom bar
2) it's normal the on experience bar if i put mouse over i see only run and status point, before it was possible to see my stats like int, wis str etc....
3) in other version on hot key in "Size hot key" there was a numbers for a semplification to size hot key, in this version i don't see it
1) hmm, if you had the bar set to be visible before, I might have put in a bugged file. Hit the blue button on the start button for the new control center, you can also enable/disable the bottom bar from there. I'll check the file and upload a new version if necessary
2) I put those stats on the bottom bar, as I thought they were more in context there. I haven't quite decided yet what to put on the top bar, that's why it's rather empty. If you prefer the old bar there, just let me know, I'm always open to suggestions.
3) The new control center has a much improved option to resize hotbars. If you prefer the old version: I think you used depechenode's slider mod, which should be linked by Spiricore in the main thread.

Sorry, I know I should (and will) explain these changes in some release notes. It's just that I don't have a lot of free-time to do this.