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Unread 12-11-2004, 12:47 PM
acethewd acethewd is offline
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Nov 2004
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 5
Question Can elements be grouped together?

So I decided to try making some changes to the Broker window in EQ2 (using the SOE UIBuilder). I got everything moved to where I wanted on the screen but found that if I wanted to adjust an entire area of elements around I would have to go through and move each one individually (yuck). So I grouped these items together under a subpage of the broker window (ex. all the items on the left portion of the window (find, reset, combo boxes, etc)). Now if I wanted to move all those elements up a few pixels, I just move the subpage up. Great. It also made it easier for me to find items and simply looked better to me.

But, the downside of this I have found is that the subpage seems to block data going from it's children (buttons, text boxes, etc) to it's parent and vice versa. As an example, I moved the Find button into the subpage. In EQ2, I can click the button but nothing happens when I do (other then the button changing from not-pressed to pressed). If I take the Find button and drag it back out from the subpage so it is now a direct child of the Broker page again, then it processes like it is supposed.

Is there a way to set the subpage to allow data to pass through it and not block it? I have tried Contexttoparent set as true and a few other things but have had no success. I am pretty sure I can get this all to work if I get rid of the subpage but then I have to align each element again and if I decide I want to move them all one way or the other, I have to do each element one at a time.

If this doesn't make sense, let me know. I am a XML noob when it comes to terms and concepts. Thanks for any help.
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