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Unread 04-25-2005, 11:00 PM
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dc_roenfanz dc_roenfanz is offline
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Originally Posted by ger
Interesting idea. Two problems:

1. We have no way of forcing the displayed image to sync to the reuse time of the pressed hotkey.

2. We have no way of forcing looping animations to display from their first frame.

So if it worked at all we'd end up with a random clip of an image, rather than a cohesive, correctly-timed progress-style image.
1. Ugh. Hmmm.. Seems to me there should be a way to set the if statement so that it is dependant off of the specific rect that is chosen. As I understand it, the hotkeys use the button IconStyle, right? And when the hotkey counting down, the progress rect is active? So couldn't we set an IF statement based off of that rect?

2. I wasnt thinking of it being an animation, actually. basically it would have been just a big red X or something, until that icon became available for use again. Then it would go away/hide/move "off screen"
Or ... if we HAFTA use an animation, just repeat the same frame over and over again, so it wouldnt matter whether it was the same frame or not.

=( *cries* and I really thought i had a good idea!
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