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Unread 10-23-2004, 07:38 AM
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forry forry is offline
A Forest Scavenger
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Posts: 16

I'm currently not in beta, so this post may be a little bias.

I personally don't mind a game being released with bugs in it...just as long as the publisher is working and doing the best they can to correct those bugs in a timely manner. I understand that beta testing is done to try to catch as many problems as possible, but what better way to test then to let everyone play the game. By doing this, they will at least see what kind of load the servers can handle (because you know the servers are going to get hammered the first day!) Take Lineage II for example...I was in the beta for that and felt the game was a little behind where it should have been by release, but it went well for them. They didnt release the seige parts until after release, but I really haven't heard anything bad. I don't mind Sony putting EQII out a little early...who knows what they are going to correct in the next 2 weeks. You could be surprised! Lets at least hope!
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