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Unread 12-17-2020, 12:40 PM
utaeladil utaeladil is offline
A Darkpaw Brute
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Posts: 43

Originally Posted by Darqwood View Post
Almost all spells can be set up in-game from the window manager, but it's much easier to set up Ascensions using the utility. Open the Icon Bar setup page for your character and type the spell name, then click Lookup. The utility will use the ID instead of the name to cast the spell.

Thanks...right after I posted my message last night I played around with the setup portion of the utility and managed to see how the ascensions also had an ID that worked when setting up buttons...I don't know why the /useab doesnt work with the NAME of ascention spells but the utility sets them up fine and I can then use the SYSTEMID or whatever it is to set them up on other windows.

(Now I am trying to play with the travel window, which isn't as easy to edit but I am getting the hang of some of them.

One more question tho, is it possible to increase the number of icons on the icon bar? I wasn't sure if it was hard coded somehow, but since its not something thats in the game by default I was hoping the number of icons could be increased on the icon bar (or the gear buff window too). If it is possible to change the number of icons on those windows, it would be awesome if there was a toggle in the setup utility or a place to type in the number of icons you want so we wouldn't be modifying the code directly...

Anyway, just wondered. Thanks for such a great UI and keep up the good work!

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