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Unread 09-11-2012, 11:08 AM
lordebon lordebon is offline
Fetish Core author
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Server: Crushbone
Posts: 2,667

The RaidAbilitiesEditor program that was included in older versions of Fetish is no longer supported in Fetish v12.2 and will not work: I'm surprised the spell is actually even being cast. We had to change the code for the raid abilities a bit to work with the new group window, and since I don't have access to the source for the old editor program I cannot maintain it. It's not included with the Fetish Core 12.2 download for that reason.

With that said, tknarr has a raid buttons program that is open source that we will look into modding for Fetish to replace the old RaidAbilitiesEditor, but there is no ETA for that at this time. I don't have much experience with making programs like that (my background is mainly on the web side) so it will depend on how long it takes me to learn the program and reconfigure it to work with the Fetish window.

In the meantime, anything that could be done via that program can still be done by editing the _Fetish_mainhud_raidabilities.xml file, it's just a little more cumbersome. Everything you need to change is right at the top of the file or right at the bottom:
  • If you want an ability to send a group, raid, or tell message change the "false" parameter next to the one you want to "true" instead. This is right at the top of the file
  • Also at the top are the different spells for each preset. You can change them just like in the editor program.
  • The actual messages to send are at the bottom of the file. These are a bit easier to break if you're not careful, only change the content between the "'". By default that'll be "Activating" and "on" or "on you." Changing anything else can be done if you're careful but you have to keep the syntax the same or it will break.
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