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Eloa 03-28-2005 10:56 PM

I'm leaving EQ2
Yes, I am off in search of greener, less boring (to me!) pastures. Eve Online looks like my kind of game so I'm heading there for a while. Its not like anythings changing, I dont play anyway.

I will be sticking around here, as the website is my baby but I will be gone anywhere from a week to a month starting in a few days while I move.

Deathbane27 03-28-2005 11:04 PM

Have fun with Eve. :)

Pyroman 03-28-2005 11:28 PM

Have Fun! Honestly if E&B was still around I would be playing that. And at least your not moving to that "other" game :rolleyes:

Drumstix42 03-29-2005 02:04 AM

Where ever it is you go, remember to always have some fun :nana:

I too would be happy if you didn't go and play that "other game", hehe.

taco-man 03-29-2005 02:40 AM

im glad to hear that even though you arent playing eq2 you are going to stick around on the forum :)
i hope you have fun playing eve online
and have fun moving into your new house!

Eloa 03-29-2005 09:50 AM

That other game as in WoW I'm guessing. I would give it a shot but ( I dont think) I can give it a try before actually buying it. Not only does Eve feel like my kind of game (I loved Earth and Beyond!) but I downloaded it and get a 14 day trial (care of mmorpg.com).

I just hope it's really as nice as all the hype I've seen about it. The graphics look gorgeous.

Kosmos 03-29-2005 09:53 AM

That looks like a nice game. I was actually looking around for an alternative game to play when I want to scratch my sci-fi itch.

EDIT: That game looks really cool! Somehow I think my leveling is about to slow down a bit in EQ2... I think i'll try the trial tonight. lol

Namadar 03-29-2005 04:22 PM


That looks like a nice game. I was actually looking around for an alternative game to play when I want to scratch my sci-fi itch.
Anarchy Online is free now I think... you don't get the expansions, but the basic game is playable without a subscription cost. I played it early on and stopped before the "big patch" that supposedly made it a great game.


Itanius 03-29-2005 04:42 PM

Have fun, Eloa. :)

I tried the Eve Online trial back in October between EQ2 beta and live. I didn't like it much at all; it just wasn't my thing, and didn't "feel" like an MMO.

Stanley Tweedle 03-29-2005 05:59 PM

Glad you're sticking around here at least, i didnt even get to see you online, im on crushbone btw..

I played Eve .. what was it.. after swg but before my time in CoH.. i cant remember. I played for like 3 months.

a few things...
If you think eqII is boring.. omfgwtfbbq.

There are hours upon hours upon hours of time involved in just flying somewhere. Let alone the hours and hours of mining once you get there. Cause that's what it is, a mining and production simulator.
Just to make sure you cant get any REM sleep, some starsystems spawn pirates and things to come maul you, and if you're rigged for mining properly you'll hardly be able to move let alone defend yourself. Or if you're unlucky, you can be a massive transport pilot, which deals much more w/ the flying and flying. You go near some asteroid field, where 4 or 5 of your corporation's dedicated miners are working, and you pop around picking up their mined minerals. And when you get full you fly and fly and fly to your corporation starbase.

Then if you're rich and feel like being combative, A, hire on production corporation permanently to escort transports, and patrol the asteroid fields mentioned above. B, Go around uninhabited starsystems mindlessly killing NPC spawn pirates over and over and getting their loot. C, hire on or form a pirate/merc company. to take contracts to disrupt other corps mining and production.

I dont know if you picked up on the tone, but it is a patently tedious game. They do have a wonderful training and upgrade system both for your pilot and your various starships. And to tell the truth i really enjoyed my time there. However, when i was ingame i figure there was.. 1/20th of the population required to make it a really great game. You'll understand what i mean when you get there. The place.. is huge. Absofrickinlootly huge. Its the only game ive ever seen where you can almost begin to imagine how big a galaxy really is. Certainly the human mind cant fully fathom interstellar distances, but that game comes close.

And once you start to realize the size of the game, you start to see how there's nobody in it, nobody but noobs, noobing around the main starbases asking for money and shooting one another. Every once in a while one of them leaves the system, and never comes back.

Short version: Do all the reading you can on corporations, find ones that have a charter similar to your mindset, and join them as fast as possible. Make sure to read on the races and any forums you can find on the race's starships. There used to be GLARING imbalances, and im sure there are still.

You may have begun reading this thinking i hated the game. I didnt, it was wonderful. All the pointless flying and eyecandy that is the galaxy at large. (It is spectacular, and that was two computer's ago) All the mindless staring at asteroids w/ mining beams.. Some of the combat i was finally able to win at..

I just never found anyone I wanted to hang out with, so I left.

Draco-1 03-29-2005 07:26 PM

Ever play Tradewars on an old BBS? If you have, imagine that expanded into a full MMO.

Humudce 03-29-2005 07:35 PM


Sorry to hear you are leaving EQ2 but glad you are sticking around here :)

Laffs 03-29-2005 07:54 PM

well my first shot at that sort of thing was "Elite" and the best pc version that comes close is "X beyond the frontier" .. as for the online ones never tried any...

Anyways GL to you in your future endevours be it in a space craft or in some other drank dank dungeon lol :p

Eloa 03-30-2005 10:46 AM

Well I've started playing it, I've got a few hours in and it seems like itll be my new home for a while. All I'm wanting is a game that is like Federation. It was/is an IBGames Text MMO that was a space stock trading, corporation, manufacturing game. Basically a lot of work on having the players control every bit of the economy and that turned out to be the whole game so I guess kind of a space simcity type thing. No not really...rambling...noted. Anyways, this seems as close to that as I'm gonna get until I make my own MMO so I guess this is it for a few more years at least.

Sidnee Sowthis 03-30-2005 12:22 PM

Eve's loads of fun, you'll enjoy it.

Watch out for the pirates, both player and NPC.

Rule 1...you log off, make sure you're training something :)

Good luck

Stanley Tweedle 03-30-2005 01:29 PM

yes, and train training, and i think intelligence up first/soon. makes all other training timers shorter.

hmm, turning into eve forums.

Eloa 03-31-2005 06:11 AM

you're right, we're done. This dont belong here. I'll be around.

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