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Farside 11-16-2009 08:27 PM

Addon like Grid?
Is there an Addon for EQ2 like Grid was for WoW? Or if someone could help me on how to align the UI elements. (I play on 1920X1080)

Thank You

lordebon 11-16-2009 10:16 PM

Don't know what Grid is, but given that it's from WoW I doubt it -- the UIs are vastly different here.

If it's just something that aligns hotbars or bags together, then you can easily do that in EQ2 by just moving windows around.

kiersten 11-17-2009 08:45 AM

Grid was an addon that made highly configurable group windows. You could pretty much do anything with them. In that respect I would assume that it is impossible to do that in eq2.

The other aspect of grid that a lot of people liked might actually be doable. It was called grid because it looked somewhat like a grid instead of a few bars with health and mana that are typical in mmo's.


This layout made it much easier to track health of your party as the health bars are huge and color coded. So the less health a player has the bar will go from green to red.

gm9 11-17-2009 09:06 AM

So fat vertical health bars is what you want? Yeah, that would be possible.

Farside 11-17-2009 09:59 AM

Thanks for posting a screenie of Grid :) I would like the look of Grid for Party/Raid frames in EQ2 if possible, and I would like to be able to scale it by rows.
Thank You, Farside

kiersten 11-17-2009 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Farside (Post 87045)
Thanks for posting a screenie of Grid :) I would like the look of Grid for Party/Raid frames in EQ2 if possible, and I would like to be able to scale it by rows.
Thank You, Farside

Can you even make a modifiable Ui element with eq2? Isn't it more of a "one size fits all" type UI? I mean i guess if you were good with code you could modify it yourself outside of game. But nothing in game like the OP is asking for.

EQAditu 11-17-2009 02:24 PM

Well, you can create layouts during runtime if that's what you're asking. If you create all of the elements in XML you can later arrange them inside of the game using code. However depending on how you go about it, you may or may not get EQ2 to save enough data about the window to save that layout correctly.

But if all you had to do was resize boxes inside of a resizable grid, I don't think you even need code for that... just pack resizers. Scale by rows is a confusing description, is that like how the effects window fills itself with icons..?

Personally looking at that screenshot just confuses the hell out of me. :p

gm9 11-17-2009 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by EQAditu (Post 87048)
Personally looking at that screenshot just confuses the hell out of me. :p

Ack. ;)

As to a modular group window, you could just create one separate custom window per group member, that would allow you arrange them any way you want. Whether that makes sense is another question.

dragowulf 11-17-2009 06:48 PM

Give me a concept drawing including all the elements you want (ex. detrimental icons) and I will see what I can do.

Farside 11-17-2009 09:03 PM

I appreciate all the replies to my thread :)

To EQAditu: Sorry I didn't make it very clear. What I whould like is to either layout the groups Vertical or Horizontal and be able to scale them by width/height.

Group1 Player1 Player2 Player3....

Group2 Player1 Player2 Player3....

Group1 Group2
Player1 Player1
Player2 Player2
Player3 Player3

Looking at the Grid link above, you can see that each block inside the Grid is a group/raid player frame.

The main bar is health with players name,also switching to missing health and displaying Death,AFK,DND ect.

The small colored boxes in the corners could be set up to show a debuff (poison,magic ect) or a buff (Shield,HoT).

The individual boders could be colored to show debuffs,buffs,agro, ect.

You will also notice icons in the middle of some those are buff/debuff same as above just using icons instead of text.

From what I'm reading here alot of this is just not possible within EQ2?

Qupe 11-17-2009 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Farside (Post 87065)
I appreciate all the replies to my thread :)

To EQAditu: Sorry I didn't make it very clear. What I whould like is to either layout the groups Vertical or Horizontal and be able to scale them by width/height.

Group1 Player1 Player2 Player3....

Group2 Player1 Player2 Player3....

Group1 Group2
Player1 Player1
Player2 Player2
Player3 Player3

Looking at the Grid link above, you can see that each block inside the Grid is a group/raid player frame.

The main bar is health with players name,also switching to missing health and displaying Death,AFK,DND ect.

The small colored boxes in the corners could be set up to show a debuff (poison,magic ect) or a buff (Shield,HoT).

The individual boders could be colored to show debuffs,buffs,agro, ect.

You will also notice icons in the middle of some those are buff/debuff same as above just using icons instead of text.

From what I'm reading here alot of this is just not possible within EQ2?

You will most likely never be able to show the amount of information Grid shows in EQ2. I'm willing to bet the only aspect of Grid possible with this game's interface would be the ordering of groups you mentioned (Group1: P1 P2 P3 etc...).

I think I've seen raid windows that display a debuff when the raid member becomes debuffed so maybe an indicator for a debuff may be possible. I have no idea about range fading in this game either, but I bet it isn't possible as well.

Drumstix42 11-17-2009 10:32 PM

You could make something close, but it would probably look like poo :) Well maybe not, but it probably wouldn't be great with what there is to work with.

Farside 11-18-2009 10:44 AM

Seems like it would be alot of work for little gain so I will leave this request on hold for now. Hopefully they will add some more options for mod writers in the future.

To Drumstix42: I'm using almost all of your UI elements and I'm very pleased with them. Are you going to make an all-n-one package?

Drumstix42 11-18-2009 12:22 PM

Hehe yes, and soon!

kdversion2 11-19-2009 03:43 PM

Biggest thing about the WoW mods wasn't so much their aesthetics as their functionality.

As a healer, with grid-like mods, you could program the group window where if you LEFT CLICKED on a target - it would cast a fast heal, or if you RIGHT CLICKED on a target it would cast a heal-bomb.

You could also program middle buttons, etc on your mouse. This made healing quite easy from a "whack-a-mole" mash button perspective.

There's something similar to this in EQ2 in that you can click a CURE button under a name to cure the target, and there's even a mod that modifies the group window to add buttons that you can click for certain actions, but grid was just easier in that you didn't have to look for small buttons, you just clicked right/left/middle mouse button.

Drumstix42 11-19-2009 04:53 PM

Yeah, custom binds are one of the most powerful things in any game. With power, can come some bad things, too.

I would really love to see things be able to be much more customizable from in-game, and soon, but I also realize that the Devs don't want anything to be created that would be viewed as unattended gameplay.

Nonetheless I think they should take some more chances in letting the user have more fun playing their game and being able to play they way that they want to (ie, not playing whack-a-mole constantly).

For now all we can do is request it and hope for the best I suppose :)

dragowulf 11-22-2009 12:28 AM

It might not be exactly what you're looking for, but here's a quick mockup in UIBuilder. If you like my mockup, I will continue to develop a full modification. I can make this pretty customizable with a settings text file included (so you can have your own preferences), but nothing as crazy as WoW. I'm just talking about pretty much changing each groupmember's cell size and removing the mana/pet bars & detrimental effects if so chosen.

EDIT: Here's a better picture using my custom progressbar image

Shadewalker 11-22-2009 03:53 AM

This looks good, I also had another idea for a group window that was something more like the sort found in a few Vanguard: Saga of Heroes UIs with virticle health/whatever bars arranged horizontally next to one another. Though I have used Grid in wow, and also another mod like it called Squared for Warhammer Online, I have never seen anything like it for EQ II here's a link to Squared, which was inspired by Grid, just incase it helps clear anything up


dragowulf 11-22-2009 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Shadewalker (Post 87123)
This looks good, I also had another idea for a group window that was something more like the sort found in a few Vanguard: Saga of Heroes UIs with virticle health/whatever bars arranged horizontally next to one another. Though I have used Grid in wow, and also another mod like it called Squared for Warhammer Online, I have never seen anything like it for EQ II here's a link to Squared, which was inspired by Grid, just incase it helps clear anything up


I used that add on when I played WAR for like 2 weeks. That's kind of how I based my layout. I might end up removing the % and put the name in the middle.

If people are interested I will continue and release the project. I will probably use it myself.

dragowulf 11-22-2009 02:05 PM

It looks so much better now.

Valerate 11-23-2009 02:43 PM

i raid healed in wow for 3 years and now raid heal in eq2 and would love to have something like grid in eq2. I understand the limitations and can work with a text file for settings... so looking at what you have above i would take what ya got!



dragowulf 11-24-2009 04:15 PM

So far it's looking good. I haven't done C2C or dabbled in the Effects/Detrimental yet, but I have the settings file. So far it allows you to resize the "cells" (default is 52x52 pixels), only show the health bar or only show the mana bar, and you can turn off the class icon.

It's actually pretty minimalistic and somewhat smaller than EQ2's group window. If all works out I will make the raid version because this one is sort of a test.

Valerate 12-01-2009 04:38 PM

hehe, i would be happy to do some testing for ya ; )

Lemme know,


alugilac 10-28-2010 06:46 PM

Anything happen with this or did it die? Is there anything thats currently in a working state, or being worked on?

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