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Profit 08-08-2005 07:14 PM

Profit's UI
6 Attachment(s)

Click to see full size.

Interface pieces changed:


Change window settings (backdrop) to show place holders for Target and Implied Target.

Shows Earth time, hover mouse over to show game time.

Shows player class and level.
Click on the group number to toggle follow.
Hover over window to show the leave group button.
Group number will change colour to indicate currently selected player.
Shows your own effect icons and has opaque effect icons.


Shows health/power/cons, main stats, experience, levels and coinage.
Click the Experience area to cycle between Adventure/Trade/Guild
Enable window frame/backdrop/titlebar to show experience, coins and levels.

Slightly smaller than the default icons (24x24)
Target, ImpliedTarget, Casting, ActiveJournal
All changed to match theme.
Clean, with self-hiding up/down selector on right-hand side.

This is sizable but is default to cover the lower half of the screen to give the dark background.
The player effects area and start button are fixed in place.
Top slider and buttons change the complex shader, pressing the left button sets CS to –1, clicking the 'R' button recalls the previous setting.
Lower slider changes rendering distance and the buttons toggle shadows on/off.

I have found these changes alone make the most drastic differences to frame-rate.

Heroic, Mainchat, Tradeskills and Maintained
All based on other interface pieces and altered very slightly.
Journal and Guild
thanks to:
Market, Merchant and Store
Again borrowed from other pieces, these use the Fetish theme so this is included.
(I will link original author names soon).

Special window that runs the following commands from text files stored in the main EQ2 folder.
This window will show when you first target something. (as I could not get it to auto-open)

manastone.txt - uses item 19 (right activatable slot) and displays a message 1 minute later to indicate the manastone ready again.
hide_window Popup.UsageAlarm
gsay Using Manastone!
use_equipped_item 19
r_alrm_sess_dur_minutes 1.0
r_alrm_sess_dur_repeat 0

horse.txt - uses item 18 (left activatable slot) calls horse!
use_equipped_item 18

ring.txt - uses item 9 (right ring slot) uses ring.
use_equipped_item 9

change the text files to suit your needs.
Must install these fonts to your windows\fonts folder: (included in zip)
These images need to go to Custom\Images folder
buttons_master.dds (if you dont like the blue style buttons just remove this)
I would suggest using my UI ini file. This has been setup for 1280x1024


Change servername to name of your server, change playername to your characters name.

I do not have the player (ALT+U) window showing as my experience (ALT+X) window shows it all.

Once I've tidied up the files needed I will release first beta.

dragowulf 08-09-2005 03:06 AM

I like it, you make already? Keep up the good work!

Kilaer 08-09-2005 11:31 AM

very nice :) I like the colors ........... not so :eek:

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