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-   -   Release of EQ2 Reportedly Soon! (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132)

Xiepher 10-22-2004 11:21 AM

Wow, anyone else get this email this morning from ebgames.com?
That pre-ordered eq2 from there that is:

Thanks for pre-ordering from EBgames.com! As an added benefit to ordering from us, we’ll keep you informed of ship date changes. We are writing to let you know that the publisher has set a new ship date for Everquest 2 of November, 8th 2004. As always, EBgames.com will not charge your credit card until we ship your order.

Hope that's for real. I got picked into beta the other day and I can't even get this thing to download right so no beta for me at all and going crazy cause I can't play this great game. >_<

Furlined 10-22-2004 11:59 AM

That is interesting, they have changed all their EQ2 product dates to Nov 8th where they previously were listed as Nov 15th. I haven't seen "official" word from SoE or Blizzard on their games, but assuming that the previous Nov 15th date for both releases was correct, then this looks like a move to get out a week ahead of the competition. Of course it's all meaningless until it's in your hand.

Serpentis 10-22-2004 12:04 PM

It works for me!

Averad 10-22-2004 12:09 PM

Im confused but im not going to question a good thing :)

Kudane 10-22-2004 12:18 PM

Shipping Nov 8th would mean a Nov 9th release date (they ship 1 day before). Nov 9th does fall on a Tues which is the normal day for new movies and games to hit the stores.

Sooo maybe there is some truth to the rumor. (No, I have no idea they don' tell me either).

Serpentis 10-22-2004 12:32 PM

Like were gonna believe that.... we know they told ya... cause your:

Kudane - The Man

and we all know that if anyone knows, The Man would know... or it would be That Guy, and That Guy usually doesn't know. :D

Course I could just be talking out my arse, which is most likely beings I'm stuck at work on a Friday and I really don't wanna be here (no big suprize). :eek:

Esperant 10-22-2004 12:43 PM

Holy *bleep*.

Dear Lord... I honestly dont know if I like the sound of that. I hate it when they release games on beta. Here they were saying that they would'nt not release it if it was'nt to their finished liking. Thats why I quit SWG... could'nt stand all the bugs they had and balance issues within the first 6 months of release. They never addressed some of them till much later.

Oh well... we shall see huh?

Kudane 10-22-2004 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Serpentis
Like were gonna believe that.... we know they told ya... cause your:

Kudane - The Man

and we all know that if anyone knows, The Man would know... or it would be That Guy, and That Guy usually doesn't know. :D

Course I could just be talking out my arse, which is most likely beings I'm stuck at work on a Friday and I really don't wanna be here (no big suprize). :eek:

Well, you see the post where I say "i don't know either"... let me tell ya two words.

Plausable Deniabilty


Just kidding.. I really don't know on this one. SOE is keeping this one REALLY close to the vest. Last time I saw Moorgard I asked "Hey is the rumored Release date for real?" and all I got was a half-grin (kind of like your kidding right?) smile and a stare... after 2 mins of the stare I said "forget I asked" hehehe.

touisaacmoua 10-22-2004 12:49 PM

That is good and bad thing!
I just hope everyting goes well, kind of scares me when they move the date around, even if it's a closer date :eek: . Still have not gotten beta :( but oh well and trying to set up my Avatar right now, just looking for the right look. Oh yeah the good thing, it's a closer date :D ! it's a 50/50 thing i guess.

Serpentis 10-22-2004 01:11 PM

Hmmmm, I dunno Kudane.... I try not to read to much into thing, especially as of late. But if MG was staring at you for 2 minutes.... I'd have been gettin a funny feelin... Wonder if SOE has real Ninjas? If we don't hear from you for a few days, then we will know they got you!

mistium 10-22-2004 01:23 PM

Sometimes, ebgames does that to get better sales, knowing that sometimes those release dates are phoney, they place them there to get more money. But, I haven't the slightest clue, guess we'll find out on the 9th.

Zual 10-22-2004 08:04 PM

I am hearing New Release date
Yes its a rumor, but there is not really any specific of why.. but ebgame use to have EQ2 out of Nov 15th, now its Nov 8th... hmmm makes me wonder!

check out the link http://eq2.ogaming.com/

Kudane 10-22-2004 08:31 PM

Basically what Ogaming is saying is what they took a screenshot of

What we already knew.. No official announcement yet.

but soon..

Esperant 10-22-2004 09:07 PM

yeah ;) I think Smeds word is the authority right now. I'm going by that. Because two weeks from now imho is just a joke!

VampDude 10-23-2004 12:54 AM

Early release?
So retail sites have started showing EQ2 with a release date of November 8th or 9th. I was just wondering what some of you might think about this. Is it too early? Is the game far from finished? Or are the bugs minor and should this game hit the shelves ASAP? :confused:

guice 10-23-2004 06:01 AM

There are three retailers that all have upped their release/shipping dates to Nov 8th/9th per the "publisher" as the email said.

Retailers don't up dates unless they are told. Smedly's statement is naturally ambigous, but yet doesn't deny the Nov 9th date.

Honestly, I feel the game's not ready and SOE will mostly likely shoot themselves in the foot in the race against WoW. But, that's just me. Others naturally feel the other way about it (most of which aren't in EQII beta naturally).

Heck, I can't even log in now due to the infamous "Creating entities" stuck bug that's currently pledging the forums.

*Edit; hum, think if the game's getting released here in a couple weeks, they'll finally turn on the ability to load custom UIs? With all the other problems and bugs in EQII, I don't think we'll see that until the first week of Nov at the very list. Most likely it'll be forgotten until a bit after release. :p

Not saying SOE isn't making a priority, just saying with them upping the date and the Devs were already working 12-14 hour days (plus weekends), I can see this easily slipping through the cracks.

forry 10-23-2004 07:38 AM

I'm currently not in beta, so this post may be a little bias.

I personally don't mind a game being released with bugs in it...just as long as the publisher is working and doing the best they can to correct those bugs in a timely manner. I understand that beta testing is done to try to catch as many problems as possible, but what better way to test then to let everyone play the game. By doing this, they will at least see what kind of load the servers can handle (because you know the servers are going to get hammered the first day!) :) Take Lineage II for example...I was in the beta for that and felt the game was a little behind where it should have been by release, but it went well for them. They didnt release the seige parts until after release, but I really haven't heard anything bad. I don't mind Sony putting EQII out a little early...who knows what they are going to correct in the next 2 weeks. You could be surprised! Lets at least hope! :p

Quizap 10-23-2004 09:41 AM

Games like EQ, SWG, etc, etc will always be released with bugs, and they will always have bugs. Ive been playing EQ1 for 4 years now and there are still bugs with it. Why? Because its a game that always changes. EQ2 will have expansions and many many updates. In EQ1 i have a 70 ranger thats 3 kills away from my new epic but the clicky on the ranger epic is bugged. That goes for other quests for other players and many other things. Expect it to be bugged and just put in constant /bug reports. Its the only way to fix things.

TroyT 10-23-2004 09:54 AM

Even at work, I have never seen a software package without bugs. That does not mean they should release eq2 today, all I am saying if you think they are going to hold off until soe thinks they have a near perfect game, you are sadly mistaken. Marketing and competition does influence release dates. Look at it as an open beta without an official announcement as such. Oh, and open beta will cost you $50 to join.

guice 10-23-2004 10:20 AM

There's your general small bugs and there's your massive game effecting stability bugs. EQII has both. I'm going to compare this release with the release of GoD and near release of OoW (remember, Smedly was going to release OoW 4 weeks earlier than it did if it wasn't for Woody's boycott).

VampDude 10-23-2004 11:06 AM

I think SOE might have some things going on behind the scenes. I know the current beta is buggy, but i think they have some major updates coming up that will hopefully change that. We'll see of SOE dishes it out next few days.

heXum 10-23-2004 12:54 PM

I'm not worried about them releasing it with a few bugs... they have always released their EQ expansions with bugs and then fixed them up later. I'd rather have the game now with a few bugs that will get fixed in a matter of a week or 2, then no game til they fix a few bugs that might not even mean anything to me yet.

But I'm just really anxious to play, so don't mind me. :)

Vampiro 10-23-2004 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Xiepher
Hope that's for real. I got picked into beta the other day and I can't even get this thing to download right so no beta for me at all and going crazy cause I can't play this great game. >_<

Send me a PM.

Maybe they have you the wrong download URL. You cant find the url or is the download just not working correctly?

Mykind 10-23-2004 03:54 PM

Nov. 8th was the first date that EB and GameStop gave as the release..(Same company). They later changed the date to the 15th around the time Beta first started. WoW has a 15th release and I see this as a lets get it out first thing. WoW was always the 15th so sony can mop up on all the I don't know yets. A few days does not matter much when it comes to tweeking the game. I feel it has no Class A bugs ( Game stopping bugs...Crashes and such). So they are going for the early release. Many companys want it class A gone before release and hopfully most class b and c are managable. No game is ever bug free on release and it never will be!! I know some companies have a bug free name out there but its just that they have few bugs and there low level. With such a big project like this i'm sure any game of this size will have bugs even after the patch but.....so will the rest!!

Nyiri Hawkwing 10-23-2004 04:38 PM

Well, per an email I just received from GameStop (where I have pre-ordered EQ2)...
You have signed up to receive release date changes for:
EverQuest II Online DVD-ROM

Old Release Date - 11/15/2004
New Release Date - 11/9/2004
So maybe the rumors are true. :rolleyes:

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