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Zonx 12-05-2006 08:10 PM

FetishNightfall 8.0 Bugs
Please do not post install problems or feature requests in this thread. They will most likely be deleted without reply.

If you notice a bug and wish to report it, please do the following...

1) Verify you are in fact running the latest version by opening eq2ui_skininfo.xml in Notepad and checking the version number against the number listed on the download page. If you're up-to-date, continue to step 2.

2) Look for an existing report of the same bug. If one exists with no other verification, feel free to post verifing the bug. If more than 2 ppl have reported the same bug, please don't post it again.

Following these simple steps will help me provide a better product to you faster ;)

Liandra 12-06-2006 04:47 AM

I just installed you new version 8 and i noticed a slight problem with the clickstrike window.

It works fine for Mages/Priests/Scouts since their abilities only trigger if they have the correct enemy type targeted.

However for the fighter types, their Master Rage works in a slightly different way. For them it acts as a self buff that gived them a 25% proc when attacking the correct enemy type. The problem is to triger the ability, fighters do not have to have the enemy type targeted. It can be triggered at any time with any target.

When i tried it on my 26 Guardian (with gnoll, ghost and giant master rage) in Starcrest with nothing targeted, it fired off both Gnoll and Giant master rages one after another. Looking at the MasterRage.txt that is what i would expect. Gnoll is 1st so it gets fired off, Ghost is queued up next and then overwritten a couple of commands later by Giant.

Having said that, my none fighter alts will find this VERY VERY useful. Keep up the great work.

Zonx 12-06-2006 11:24 AM

Hmm... so should I just remove the Rage button or would it be useful to have one for every Rage skill?

Liandra 12-06-2006 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Zonx
Hmm... so should I just remove the Rage button or would it be useful to have one for every Rage skill?

I would say just remove it for now.

And possibly, at a later date, have a customisable window just for the fighters where (with a little code tweaking) they can add the 7-8 (or whatever the maximum number is) Rage skills they have. That would still fulfill the aim of getting the Rage skills off the hotbar. Having a bar/window with all 32 Rage skills might be a little bit much.

wolfmoonct 12-06-2006 04:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey Zonx.. I just installed 8.0 today. I deleted the old fetish directory, then unzipped the new one.

The chat windows.. the scroll bars always show now, wich is fine, but the chat text in one of my chat windows, the text goes under the scroll bar.... both chat boxes are affected. I tried dragging the size of the chat boxes, but that does not help. Is there a setting I need to change?

see attached image.

Thanks sooooo much for the 100% bags too. I find I have a ton less drag issues with the 100% bags over the 66% ones.

Zonx 12-06-2006 06:04 PM

As stated in the version notes, all previously stealthing chat window elements now obey Window Options Frame settings. Set the left frame opactity slider to 0 and the scroll bars should hide when the mouse isn't over the window. You can also set the title opacity to 0 if you don't want to see it.

Similar changes were made to the Tracking, Hotkeys and Quest Helper windows.

Linking these elements to the Frame settings gives users more control over how these elements hide and show. For instance you now have the option to keep them from ever showing by setting both sliders to 0. If you want them semi-transparent, that's now possible in-game.

Taveren 12-07-2006 09:33 AM

I had an issue with transmuting in fetish 7.5, and i just installed 8.0 and noticed its still there... I'm not sure its a UI problem but here goes... When transmuting at the workbench, making adornments, i dont see the little reactive icons to counter with the buttons, to get the critical success/failures(as the other tradeskills where you for instance get Hot Iron image, and you counter with a similar button). I asked some other transmuters to check that theese exist at all for transmuting and they say they do. Any ideas how i can get theese to show? (I can still buttonmash but not having the criticals available makes it more risky)

On another note, in the old thread you phased out, somone asked about PoIs on the map not being able to show on mouse-overs... i had the same issue in a few zones, and was able to resolve it by minimizing the map on the small triangle, and maximizing it again..this made the map-fog checkbox show up, and by removing the map fog, the PoIs became -mouse-over-able- again, just thought id mention it, if anyone encounters it still.

This is my first thread in this forum, which shows how awesome ur UI is Zonx, i've never had to ask anything before, great job man, we are many out there who luuub you :) Felt practically naked with default ui the week before 7.5 came :)

/pad Zonx one the shoulder

Zonx 12-07-2006 10:13 AM

Please confirm there is a problem with the Transmuting window by doing the following...

1) Rename eq2ui_tradeskill_transmuting.xml to bk_eq2ui_tradeskill_transmuting.xml to restore the default window.

2) Launch EQ2 and do a Transmuting combine. Let me know if it behaves any differently.

There is a bug on SOE's end that is resulting in an invisible fog layer blocking most POIs, their waypoints and tooltips when in a pre-KOS indoor zone. Fortunately the Fetish map makes this extra easy to work around. Just click the Fog button twice, then however many times needed to set it unchecked.

lordebon 12-07-2006 10:28 AM

The transmuting window is used only for the process of breaking down gear to raw materials, and I don't think thats what their problem was.

Making adornments via transmuting should use the regular TS window. If you can see counters on any other class using the FN TS window, then it's not a UI problem... you just haven't gotten anything to counter (which does sound odd).

Zonx 12-07-2006 10:36 AM

I've been planing to get into Transmutting myself, so I'll eventually see what the deal is myself but that may take a while.

PaulGHarrison 12-07-2006 10:38 AM

> I asked some other transmuters to check that theese exist at all for transmuting and they say they do.

Taveren, this is completely opposite to my experience in beta where I level both transmuting and tinkering to arround 160. Also, I have yet to expeience any on live. Critical success/failure doesn't really have anything to do with using reactive arts. If the random number is high enough, critical success; if it's low enough, critical failure. In normal tradeskills, missing a counter causes power and/or health damage. I've never had that happen, and I only ever use the progress up/success down art unless I'm failing a lot, when I'll use power down/durability up.


Taveren 12-07-2006 10:57 AM

Tried that, still doesnt show up Zonx, same as before.

Taveren 12-07-2006 11:02 AM

I guess theres nothing to counter then, cuz i got the counters on my armorer and alchemist... odd tho, cuz i went at quite some length to explain it to a maxed out transmuter and he seemed to have them... and why add 4 different buttons, and not give anything to counter? Well i guess its a mistake to apply logic to SoE hehe. thx for the advice everyone tho.

Liandra 12-07-2006 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Taveren
I guess theres nothing to counter then, cuz i got the counters on my armorer and alchemist... odd tho, cuz i went at quite some length to explain it to a maxed out transmuter and he seemed to have them... and why add 4 different buttons, and not give anything to counter? Well i guess its a mistake to apply logic to SoE hehe. thx for the advice everyone tho.

ummm. did you look at them? 2 of them increase progress (at the cost of either power or durability) and 2 of them increase durability (at the cost of either power or progress).

They are a way of speeding the process along by adding progress to your regular tick or, if you get a few bad rounds, a way of restoring durability to ensure you get a pristine result.

Aweebard 12-07-2006 01:17 PM

I installed 8.0 over 7.0/7.5 and I still have the "incompatible UI" error when it comes to tool tips. Should I completely delete the subdirectory and reinstall?

Thank you

lordebon 12-07-2006 02:08 PM

Yes. It's always best to install completely fresh, that way nothing old is there when it shouldn't be.

Taveren 12-07-2006 03:40 PM

Its inconsistent with the other tradeskills Liandra, plus the fact that they have different pictures....anyway i know what they do, its not what i was asking, its the counters i'm inquiring about.. no big deal i can just mash the no-power durability one as i always have, just curious about an odd inconsitency fro SoE

Zonx 12-07-2006 08:13 PM

Aweebard, the cause of your error message is probably an old copy of eq2ui_FontStyles.xml.

There is no reason for this file to be in your Fetish directory and has never been included in any ZIP from me. Delete it.

Unless you have some reason you don't want to trash your old UI, it is best to do a clean install now and then. 7.5 and 8.0 affected so many files, now would be a good time for a clean install. You might also find some nicer map images from EQ2Maps get downloaded when you run their patcher to a clean directory.

garylian 12-09-2006 10:12 AM

Volume levels don't stick?
Since doing a fresh install of Fetish with the 8.0 version (I completely deleted the old folder), I have my volume settings reset every time I log a toon in.

Instead of having both general music and combat music being turned off, with the master volume at max, I get both sets of music on, but master turned down to .4.

I see in the release notes the following:

Start Button: On popular demand, I’ve added Kosmo’s NightVision and volume controls. Initial volume settings can be customized by opening eq2ui_mainhud_startbutton.xml in Notepad. VolMaster, VolMusic and VolCombat can be found in the first page object. Each accepts a value of 0 - 20 which must not include a decimal. For reference, each increment set here equals 0.5 in-game.

So, the only way to get these settings to stick is to edit the file? I just want to make certain. I have to update 2 systems, which isn't a massive problem, but it is a little annoying that setting changes made in game doesn't update the file. Which was surprising, because it does save the location of the button, which I had moved a little.

Awesome UI, Zonx!

Zonx 12-09-2006 10:49 AM

Yes the initial log in values need to be coded into the file.

There are several limitations in the scripting language that prevent saving and retriving values from the Game Options window.

Badko 12-09-2006 10:54 AM

Macro for ClickStrike?
First, absolutely the best UI. Thanks for all your hard work.

Regarding ClickStrike you mention in the features that "macros can be set to a hotkey that activate these buttons". Could you elaborate?

Thanks again.

Wynd 12-09-2006 12:30 PM

Zonx.... absolutely amazing ...
Im almost ashamed to ask for one thing tho ...
could you perchance put your total coin total on the broker window
somewhere ? ... so you can tell how much you have to spend etc without
bringing up your inventory window ?
just miss it cause you had it on your old broker window ....
If not ....
you still ROCK darlin !!!!
and its the truth .... I cant play if my Fetish doesn't work....
You have just spoiled me !!

Thank you so so very much ...
I hope you and yours ....
Have a very Merry Everything and a Happy Always !!!

*blows kiss*

Zonx 12-09-2006 08:04 PM

Badco, standard macro creation... use the Socials window (Alt - O I think) and click the Macro tab. Click one of the edit links to open the Edit Macro window. Use the fields to name the macro, pick an icon, and enter the code I proveded line by line in the command fields. Save it to add the button to the Socials window. Now drag it to a Hotbar.

Wynd, I've been resisting putting in yet another coin list since its in both the inventory and the stat strip, but since you asked I'll put it in next release ;)

Actually a few ppl have asked now and there is room for it on the buy tab.

Wynd 12-09-2006 09:07 PM

Thank you !!!

*does the happy happy joy joy fae dance*


Bordd 12-11-2006 11:46 PM

Examine Window
This isn't a 8.0 bug i had the same issue with 7.5. Every since EOF when i went from default back to fetish when 7.5 was released the first examine window I open doesn't show up on the screen. Any other examine window i open after that is fine as long as i don't close that first examine window. I have tryed relocating all windows within EQ2 options and it doesn't fix the issue. Any help would be great. I am currently using Fetish 8.0 and yeah I completely deleted the fetish folder before I installed 8.0.

Zonx 12-12-2006 02:01 AM

Bordd, Try this...

Launch with the default UI. Examine 1 item and move it to the middle of your screen. Wait 2min then camp to desktop.

Now launch with Fetish and examine something.

If that doesn't work, camp to desktop. Rename your settings file. Log in and import the settings.

If neither of those fixes it, you'll need to trash your settings and re arange your windows. There is a layouts folder in your Fetish directory that includes settings files for 1280x1024 and 1600x1200 that might save you some time.

Once you get it setup how you want, make a backup of your settings file. I also recomend making a backup before any UI swap. Fetish uses a different base resolution than virtually every other UI, so stuff near the screen edges can wind up off screen when you swap UIs. Best to have a bakup of reliable settings for Fetish.

BrantBear 12-12-2006 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Zonx
Hmm... so should I just remove the Rage button or would it be useful to have one for every Rage skill?

Would be nice if in a future update you could Scroll the window to show just the button you need for that toon. Just an idea.

Bordd 12-12-2006 04:12 PM

Thanks Zonx. In playing with it, I ended up getting it to work by /load_uisettings to a character I never used the default UI on in the brief period I didn't have Fetish to use. Thanks for the help. I was already working thru your solution when I decided to try the old character's settings.

Ok another question. On all my characters I minimize the inventory screen then use the drop down thing to only see my charm/weapons/ammo and Bags. Each time I log on I have to minimize it then move it to it's place then do the drop down feature. Is there any way for me to make that default on log in? I know this isn't a bug so if it belongs in another area move it or delete it.

Zonx 12-12-2006 08:11 PM

I used to include a word doc that had instructions for that and similar customizations. Most everything else from that doc has been ported to a stickied thread in this forum but I have not yet ported all the customization instructions.

I need to varify each has correct info. I'm almost certain some need updating befor I post them. Keep an eye out for updates to the Customizations thread. Your question will eventually get answered there ;)

Rhavin1 12-14-2006 06:19 PM

Character creation bug
Hi Zonx,

I first noticed this problem in 7.5 and it is in 8.0 as well.
When creating a new character, the NEXT button is missing and you cannot continue. If you change to the default eq2.ini, the NEXT button is there and character creation can be completed.

I am not sure if I am the only one having this problem or not.


crawler409 12-14-2006 06:25 PM

Whilst the "Next" is missing from the character creation page, if you click the orb next to where the "Next" should be you can continue. It seems to be a visual hiccup only.

Oh yeah, BTW, Thank you, Zonx.

My hat off to you and your UI!

Conjuror, Unrest Server

isaph 12-16-2006 01:48 PM

Examine Error(s)

My problem with the first examine window is back, not sure why.

In the UI error log it's saying "Couldn't load .xml" "Encountered data outside of container tags" ":: Could not access resource eq2ui_Examine_xamineRecipe.xml"

This is strange, it's only the first examine window that does this, the second and third operate fine. Do you have any suggestions other than a fresh install?


Zonx 12-16-2006 05:11 PM

Re-extract eq2ui_examin.xml from the Fetish ZIP.

Also check that your eq2ui.xml has this line of code

There should not be an include for eq2ui_examine_xamineRecipie.xml.

If there's a eq2ui_fonts.xml file in your Fetish directory, delete it. Its probably an old version that came from some other mod and does not include new fonts required by SOE.

Kordolmer 12-20-2006 11:51 PM

Hotbar settings
I had to do a complete reinstall of EQ2 today and I downloaded Nightfall 8.0 and installed it. I ran the eq2map updater, and logged into the game. I had to reset my hotbars which is fine, but when I go into the hotbar settings option I get a white box surrounded by a big black box. I have the microsoft Framenetwork 1.1 which it said was required in the readme notes. Did I do something wrong or do I need to install a new version of the microsoft framenetwork?

Thanks Zonx, i love the ui.

Epeank 12-21-2006 09:13 AM

hotbar settings
I didn't have to reinstall EQ2 to get this happen...I also lost the ability to hide the spinner.


Originally Posted by Kordolmer
I had to do a complete reinstall of EQ2 today and I downloaded Nightfall 8.0 and installed it. I ran the eq2map updater, and logged into the game. I had to reset my hotbars which is fine, but when I go into the hotbar settings option I get a white box surrounded by a big black box. I have the microsoft Framenetwork 1.1 which it said was required in the readme notes. Did I do something wrong or do I need to install a new version of the microsoft framenetwork?

Thanks Zonx, i love the ui.

Destructor 12-21-2006 09:14 AM

It looks like LU#30 broke that window somehow (even though the patch notes don't say anything was changed as far as windows go), as I'm getting the same exact problem.

Epeank 12-21-2006 09:32 AM

looks like a new file was added by soe according to the compare Dolby posted. eq2ui_popup_hotkeyoptions.xml is the new file. Don't know why it wouldn't work.

Keep up the good work Zonx.

found the issue and Zonx had it covered already. See his post at


tested and works for me :)

blimpo 12-21-2006 02:04 PM

LFG window not returning results
Just noticed a small issue, wasnt sure if it is on SOE's end or on the UI itself, but since LU#30, I noticed the LFG window does not return the values when you search for players LFG, in the UI window it just says:


the LFG query results DO show up in the chat window as usual, so the /who all lfg command is returning values, but they dont come through to the LFG window itself.

thought I'd mention it =) thanks for all the great work, zonx! :D

Dawrid 12-21-2006 03:11 PM

Didn't see this anywhere else, so...

1. When attempting to remove an ignored player from the "Y" window (not sure what the name of that window is :confused: ), I get crashed to desktop with the Error: Report to Microsoft pop-up.

Didn't try with default UI, so can't say if it's Fetish Nightfall or not.


Zonx 12-21-2006 06:13 PM

Some minor structural changes were made to the comunity window. I'll double check but SOE may not have retained backwards compatability with the old structure.

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