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sunthas 01-23-2005 02:20 AM

Ammo Only Window
Here is my ammo only window. I'd like to be able to get it so it automatically opens but I haven't been able to get that to work. But the window works great.

/show_window MainHUD.Inventory

included eq2ui_mainhud.xml for your customui folder if you don't already have that file modified.

Download File Here

Deathbane27 01-23-2005 05:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
ARGH! My apologies, Sunthas. Using OnHide="show_window=(MainHud.Window) show_window=(MainHud.Window)" in MainHUD only works on /loadui, not on log-in, so that makes it pretty much worthless. :( I was so excited that it worked that I didn't quadruple-check it.

Luckily it will still work in, for example, MainHUD.Clock. I guess since we have to mod that window to get itself to load, we can declare that the official show_window window? :p (Or maybe we should use the unused "Memorized" window?)

I'll see if I can get it to work with MainHUD.visible cycling, but so far that's causing other problems.

Toss this in and your window will auto-load.

ger 01-23-2005 09:04 AM

Been wondering about this, but haven't had the time to really play with it…would it be at all possible to include the ammo counter as part of an already extant window? For instance, I believe Quib's mod had the counter layered on top of the player window, but would it be possible to actually include it in th eplayer window using parent referencing?

sunthas 01-23-2005 01:36 PM

I don't think its possible with what I understand right now, if you change the name of the parent window from Inventory to anything else it breaks the window, that means it must be hardcoded.

Quib's mod isn't considered valid XML, and when I ran his mod the ammo counter didn't show up, but perhaps I installed it incorrectly. Quib's mod essentially puts two totally sperate windows in one xml file and then layers them on top of each other, its a really neat idea. I could change the XML of this file to anchor it to any other window, but since I don't know what window people would want to anchor it...

The main thing I'd like to see is for it to open automatically, to me that would solve most issues with this mod. I don't know what someone is going to do if they want this mod and Moab's MiniInventory mod. He uses same method in his mod to open his window.

ger 01-23-2005 01:45 PM

I had figured as much. Would it be possible to tie the window open to the rangedautoattack effector? Sure, it wouldn't open at load, but it'd open the first time you needed it. Just throwing out ideas.

Addendum: I've always hated the autoattack/rangedautoattack effectors. I never found them to stand out enough to be helpful to me. In thinking about this ammo counter I realized something that, to me, would be much better. Add the ammo counter following the player's name. The ammo counter would display actual ammo if using a ranged attack, or ∞ if using melee attack. When not attacking the readouts would hide themselves.

Basically, what I have in mind would look like:

Not in combat: Ophis
In ranged combat: Ophis (99)
In melee combat: Ophis (∞)

I think the added icon/text, and the disparity between the two types, would help greatly in determining at a glanc what your character is doing. (And yeah, still just throwing out ideas)

sunthas 01-23-2005 04:39 PM

Thats a pretty good idea... I don't know how to do it :) hopefully someone smarter than me reads this and figure it out.

Deathbane27 01-23-2005 05:05 PM

Unfortunately Effector events only make use of effectors and can't execute scripts. I might be able to use an Opacity effector to get the infinity image and ammo slot to show/hide when autoattacking, though, but first we'd have to set their visibility to true. That would be doable if tied to the player window. (Note, however, that I've never messed with any Opacity effectors.)

sunthas 01-23-2005 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Deathbane27
ARGH! My apologies, Sunthas. Using OnHide="show_window=(MainHud.Window) show_window=(MainHud.Window)" in MainHUD only works on /loadui, not on log-in, so that makes it pretty much worthless. :( I was so excited that it worked that I didn't quadruple-check it.

Luckily it will still work in, for example, MainHUD.Clock. I guess since we have to mod that window to get itself to load, we can declare that the official show_window window? :p (Or maybe we should use the unused "Memorized" window?)

I'll see if I can get it to work with MainHUD.visible cycling, but so far that's causing other problems.

Toss this in and your window will auto-load.

Yeah, I tried to match the autoload stuff in the clock but it didn't work.

sunthas 01-26-2005 06:07 PM

What do I do to submit this to downloads?

Drumstix42 01-26-2005 06:22 PM

Goto the downloads page, and category you want, and hit upload at the top.

Drumstix42 01-27-2005 01:21 PM

Ok I see you submitted it and it's there. What happens to the original Inventory window though? And... what hapens if you already have a modified Inventory.xml ?

Quib 01-27-2005 02:31 PM

Nothing happens to your inventory. He used MainHUD.Inventory. The normal inventory is Inventory.Inventory.


sunthas 01-27-2005 04:42 PM

the window has to be named Inventory to get it to work. I don't know how far we can push different windows to and still get them to work. Still a n00b when it comes to mods, but if I named the window Ammo it broke it.

Drumstix42 01-28-2005 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Quib
Nothing happens to your inventory. He used MainHUD.Inventory. The normal inventory is Inventory.Inventory.


Ahhh, I see :)

frakboy9 03-02-2005 09:03 PM

Ammo Window MainHUD Update Script
Hey all-

Sunthas and I exchanged some private messages and I gained blessing to post this here.

I made a windows script that automates the process of copying over the mainhud to your custome ui folder and then it addes the needed <include> line to the end.

Now it's not currently hosted on EQ2 Interface; but here is a link to it.

Contains 3 sample images of the script in action, readme file, and the script itself.

You may [will] need to edit the .vbs file to chagne some variables about your setup (EQ2 install path, name of custom ui folder, etc).

Have fun! :nana:

frakboy9 03-09-2005 06:48 PM

Well, it appears the mainhud.xml now uses a </page> at the end, making the script not functional.

Edited script and we are good to go again. Kind of a bummer, since the patch did require that the script be run; but the new format of the mainhud.xml didn't make it work right! Better luck in the future I hope!

I recommend running the script after every big SOE patch; else you might not have all of the cool new <include>s they do.

sunthas 03-09-2005 07:28 PM

Hmmm, My ammo window didn't stop working with the patch. Is that all they changed?

frakboy9 03-09-2005 09:28 PM

Well, if you don't run the script/make the file change by hand; then you'd be running ok, but with an outdated mainhud file.

I didn't really check this time, but in general if they <include> some cool new window, I guess you just wouldn't get that to function.

If you did run it after the patch, the orginal script code wasn't right with the new format of the mainhud and it will not display the ammo window. I updated the script and you may all download it again.

So, ideally you should update your mainhud after every big patch, so that you get new <includes>. If for some reason something changes, I will continue to update code.

gaitano 03-10-2005 08:52 PM

I must be doing something wrong. I think this is a great idea for a mod but I have never actually got it working. I followed the instructoins and it doesn't show up. I even removed all other mods, installed this one, ran the script to make sure my mainhud was up to date and it still will not show up. I have tried the show_window command and nothing. I know this is hard to troubleshoot but is there some detailed instructions on how to get this to display. There are plenty of details to instal it but not much else.

Thanks in advance for any help.


sunthas 03-11-2005 11:33 AM

1. You have to make sure you have it as an <include> file in your eq2ui_MainHUD.XML because its an additional window not a replacement window.

2. /show_window MainHUD.Inventory is case sensitive.

walk me through what you have done and I'll try to help you more.

If you want it to autoload take the Clock XML file from above and put it in the same directory as the ammo window xml, should be your custom UI folder.

Have you installed other custom UIs before? From what you are saying it looks like you have.

frakboy9 03-12-2005 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by gaitano
..... ran the script to make sure my mainhud was up to date and it still will not show up.


Hey pal,

Yeah, let us know what exactly you did and we can try to help.

In short:
1] Make a folder called 'custom'; or whatever you want for your custom ui under your \EverQuest II\UI\ folder (probably going to be C:\Program Files\EverQuest II\UI\custom)
2] Place the eq2ui_mainhud_ammo.xml that you downloaded into the new 'custom' folder; or whatever you called it. It just needs to be in a folder under the 'EverQuest II\UI' folder.
3] Copy the eq2ui_mainhud.xml file from your '\EverQuest II\UI\Default' to your '\EverQuest II\UI\custom' (or whatever) folder.

Now, we have to edit the eq2ui_mainhud.xml file that we placed under our 'custom' folder. Don't edit the one under the 'Default' UI folder, just the one under the 'custom'.

Goto the end of that file and tack on '<include>eq2ui_mainhud_ammo.xml</include>'


Notice the '</Page>' is at the very end of the file still. Don't place your '<include>eq2ui_mainhud_ammo.xml</include>' after the '</Page>'!

Then fire up the game and once inside type '/show_window MainHUD.Inventory' with no quotes ''; but with the exact capital letters.
A ammo window should show up!

Now, just released is new UI mod to autoload the ammo window so you don't have to type/macro that show_window command.

Also, I made a script that assists in copying the eq2ui_mainhud from your Default to custom folder; since that's really boring to do by hand. If you use the script, you will need to edit it with notepad to make sure a few settings at the top of the file are correct; else it probably won't work!
Just recently, SOE made it so the mainhud has that </Page> line at the bottom of the file; the old script wasn't coded for this; so it was placing the <include> line AFTER the </Page>; which causes it to not work. There is a very good chance that if you did ALL of the above steps and used the old script, then that is the only problem. Download the updated version and try again :)

gaitano 03-12-2005 03:26 PM

Thanks you for the info. Sometimes I don't know where my head is. I wasn't entering the "/show_window MainHUD.Inventory " case sensitive. Works great once I did that. Excellent mod by the way. I am downloading the autoloader now.


Adder 04-09-2005 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by sunthas
If you want it to autoload take the Clock XML file from above and put it in the same directory as the ammo window xml, should be your custom UI folder.

I already have a clock mod installed in my Custom UI. This over-writes it. Is there any other way to autoload the ammo window, or does the Clock XML that I already use need to be modified to include the ammo window?

Deathbane27 04-09-2005 01:30 AM

In order to have it auto-show, you will have to modify one or more existing windows. You could make it show in the StartButton window, the Clock window, the Character window, the Player window... whatever. The Clock is merely the best choice because it needs a custom version to show itself anyway.

Merecraft 07-17-2006 04:28 AM

Sine LU#25 this mod doesn't seem to work (I'm not bothered about having it autoload, but having the ammo button is really useful). I've tried altering it based on what Ive read about the inventory changes in other threads (such as changing the reference to "eqslot16" to "ammo") but it still crashes my game.

Anyone with a little more modding experience than me got it to work again?


Landiin 07-17-2006 08:38 AM

You may need to add version="2.0.0" to the page named inventory

Merecraft 07-17-2006 08:52 AM

Thanks Landin.

I just tried that but unfortunately it still causes a client crash when I execute the "/show_window mainHUD.Inventory" command. :(

gm9 07-17-2006 11:02 AM

Maybe you made a typo. I made the fix for you and uploaded it as a patch (might take a while before it's visible). Why not just drag your ammo on a hotbar though?

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