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-   -   Now in Default UI w/ GU51: Not possible: Hate List/Hate Meter/Aggro List/Aggro Meter (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5160)

Arremis 12-12-2005 05:49 PM

Now in Default UI w/ GU51: Not possible: Hate List/Hate Meter/Aggro List/Aggro Meter
Is there a way to come up with a window which can be used to keep constant track of who in the group is on a mobs hate list, as well as the numbers used to generate hate list priority?

Arre with a smile :D

Drumstix42 12-12-2005 08:15 PM

Nope. Would be interesting to have, but the devs would have to make that information available to us to be able to use.

silasp 05-29-2006 08:56 AM

Agro Monitor??
Playing a wizard is great fun. The only time I have problems is when I pull to much agro (easy to do :D ). Yes I know, I could slow down my casting or cast some agro debuffs, but what I really want is to be able to nuke like hell until I see that I'm about to get agro. Can you develop a way to see some sort of an agro counter. Hopefully it would be a list of say the top 4 or 5 and a number display for the agro. Even better if you can fit it into the group window showing the agro attained by each member.

Just an Idea,

ShadowProwler420 05-29-2006 11:07 AM

You're pretty much looking for a way to take a peek in their head and be able to see the mob's hate list, and I'm almost positive that's something that is not transmitted to us via the client.

The best advice would be to know your spells and get a feel for the people you group with to see how fast they can generate agro and/or get it back if they lose it.


Magus 05-29-2006 03:29 PM

Lazaru5 is correct, this can't be done in EQ2, as they don't send ANY aggro info to clients.

You just need to learn how to play your class, and slow down accordingly - or, keep unloading at max speed and just accept all the deaths you'll get :)

Grrak 05-29-2006 06:44 PM

Client maybe dont give that info but making a thing like that should be "pretty easy" anyway, parsers deal with that all the time, but doing so without breaking the eula is more uncertain.

Maybe by using the same solution parsers do with a group or raidsay.

I belive 1 damage is same as 1 agro so all you need to know is a "max/you" and when the difference between them are smaller than expected damage from a spell, dont cast it :)

Personaly I wouldnt use a mod like that, my healer would be depressed getting spammed with "Current mob status 3099/23 :p

Honestly, I dont have a clue, but I found it better to try inspire someone who maybe does, than seing the obstacles :eek:


Magus 05-29-2006 09:40 PM

But here's the thing - parsers can't access exact threat numbers on ANY aggro generating ability.

You can use a DPS parser to judge how much damage you're doing, and try to balance that, but it would be impossible to compare your damage amount to how much the tank is taunting.

You don't get a message like "Tank taunts Creature X for 1400 threat", but merely something like "Creature X is enraged" or the like.

You can NOT get any sort of aggro meter that would be at all reliable. The best you can do is just learn how to control your own aggro.

Zonx 05-29-2006 11:13 PM

Parsers also don't know what agro modifiers are on each person dealing dmg or what their proxcimity agro is.

Magus 05-30-2006 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Zonx
Parsers also don't know what agro modifiers are on each person dealing dmg or what their proxcimity agro is.

Exactly. There's just too many unknowns to do this.

Volder 08-28-2006 11:42 AM

Hate Meter?
Hey guys. Here would be a really awesome Idea for eq2. Ya know how a tanks taunts are like (Increases hate gain of caster by 1742-3678)? Well there has to be somewhere that that hate gain is tracked. I have a lvl 70 wizard and I almost always pull aggro off the tank when I cast even my little spells (which do damage in the area of 1500. My big hitters do damage at like 14,000! :nana: ) Even Rescue sometimes doesnt get the aggro off me. I was just wondering if that number of hate that you generated is tracked anywhere. If so can anyone please come up with like a small bar graph of something like that showing the hate gain of the group members and what they generate on a real time basis? That would help tanks know who to rescue (instead of wasting rescue on someone that doesnt need it) and it would help casters such as myself reduce the aggro we generate. Thanks! :)

Volder-lvl 70 Wizard (Blackburrow Server)
Avati-lvl 50 Inquisitor (Blackburrow Server)
Avitar-lvl 32 Conjuror (Blackburrow Server)

Zounia 08-28-2006 05:34 PM

AFAIK this data is not exposed, so it cannot be done.

tiraas 08-28-2006 06:49 PM

Do we know how much hate per spell? Could you create a counter that logs how many times you cast a spell/ how much hate is generated by that spell.
Or is it simply a display only thing in eq2 ui's?

ShadowProwler420 08-28-2006 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Volder
I have a lvl 70 wizard and I almost always pull aggro off the tank when I cast even my little spells

Sounds like either the tanks you play with don't do their job (keep aggro) or your're not letting them do it (shooting your spells off before they even have a chance to build the aggro)!

As far as the subject at hand is concerned, I also don't believe there is any way to determine a numeric value for the aggro any given spell generates.

zackrspv 08-28-2006 08:03 PM

RE: Hate Meter
In theory this is a good idea, will show you how much hate you are gaining per spell cast and such. However, there are other variables to take into account:

1. The amount of hate generated by each spell.
2. The amount of hate taken away when taunt is used.
3. The amount of hate that is transfered when primary mob dies.

I don't think, right now, at least, that the numbers for these are visible within the client. So, while it is a good idea, perhaps too advanced at this time.

I would surmise, however, that would COULD create a hate meter that is 100% personal, ie, only dedicated to the spells YOU use, however, the meter would have to be able to distinguish between spell levels, and what exactly they hit for. Still, it would be mote w/o the amount of hate degridation for the tanks/ect.

lordebon 08-28-2006 08:14 PM

IMHO this simply isn't possible at this time.

The 'hate' you generate isn't data thats exposed to you at this moment, and while in theory you might be able to get a number from some spells or something, I don't know how easy it would be to keep track of, especially considering hate-modifiers.

Zonx 08-28-2006 08:32 PM

Hate gain is not reported in any way, so its impossible to acurately total hate generated by other players. The best you could manage would be an external log pareser that totals dmg done and applies various modifiers for hate transfer buffs and such. Attempting this would be very tricky and would only guestimate actual hate.

There's absolutely no way to account for abilities that add hate independant of dmg done since hate gain isn't reported directly. For example, using taunt doesn't produce a log entry stating how much hate was gained. If taunt success is reported (I think it is?) an average number for that skill could be used for estimating, but it wouldn't be acurate.

Its also impossible to account for possitional hate.

cripk8 08-28-2006 11:39 PM

Guys not sure if this helps or not...but heres a post on exactly how hate works

Dev's post about hate

mDm77 08-29-2006 04:48 AM

No way to measure this, since the game does not report how much hate a taunt lands for, neither should it.

mother9987 08-29-2006 09:25 AM

Yeah, I hate people who post things along the line of "learn to play your character", but I'm having trouble avoiding that phrase.

Really, you should have a feel for how much hate your character has, especially by late game. I've never played a game before where hate management was as much of a joke as it is in EQ2. A meter of some kind would just really make it silly IMO.

But that's just this crotchety old man's opinion. :p

Volder 08-30-2006 12:51 AM

Hey guys. I understand what you are saying and to those of you who think i dont know how to play my toon at end game, I just wanted to politely clarify that I do. I understand the whole hate management and thought that it would just be helpful that if someone might be able to answer my question about this. As for those of you who say it is impossible, nobody knows if it is possible or not but SOE. I certainly havent seen the game code for this game and I know a lot of you out there have not. Maybe if we got on their case about this, the people who actually do things like make the game worse in some aspects of change like when they get rid of beneficial buffs and stuff perhaps do some good deeds instead of bad. :) It is just a question that I posed and was interested in the resonses I got. However I am going to try to post numerous entries in forums and such on SOE's sites to try and see if it can infact get done and if so can they do it. :cool:

Zonx 08-30-2006 03:16 PM

To be clear Volder, it is impossible to get what you've ask for with the tools SOE has given us for interface modding.

Requests made on the EQ2Interface site are assumed to be for interface mods not server, client, or hacks that violate the EULA.

Of course SOE could enable this on their end, but this isn't the SOE Dev forums.

And yes its probably possible through other means (like hacking the data stream) but this isn't a hacker forum either ;)

Gnomeanns 11-08-2006 05:52 AM

a real challenge
Any way someone can incorperate 3 things into an interface . 1 a dps parser 2 a heal parser a mrthod of determining were people are on the hate list so illusionist can reduce the hate list of the squishies

Gnomeanns 11-08-2006 05:52 AM

a real challenge
Any way someone can incorperate 3 things into an interface . 1 a dps parser 2 a heal parser a mrthod of determining were people are on the hate list so illusionist can reduce the hate list of the squishies

gm9 11-08-2006 07:43 AM

Anything more than what ACT does (display via ingame HTML browser) violates the EULA.

Laan 11-08-2006 10:40 AM

So something like an "aggro-meter" would be illigal ? :nana:

lordebon 11-08-2006 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Laan
So something like an "aggro-meter" would be illigal ? :nana:

Well, first thing is aggro numbers aren't reported anywhere, and so are very tough to program. Hate isn't 1:1 (if thats what you mean).

To the OP: You can't have a program running that modifies the game in any way. ACT (and other parsers) are OK because they're only reading the log and ACT either sends it to a HTML file (which you can open with the game) or just makes your clipboard be the data so you can paste it in. It is no way enters data into the game. And to have a UI like that, you'd have to inject data, which is against the EULA.

gm9 11-08-2006 12:36 PM

Aggro numbers are impossible to show in the interface, because we do not have that data available, as lordebon said. To make them available via an external parser is impossible since we do not know the formula how aggro is calculated - it is influenced by many things including your positioning, which a parser does not see (although ACT makes a cute simulation of the latter). And I do not know if all mobs that mem-wipe produce a log message to that extent.

lordebon 11-09-2006 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by gm9
And I do not know if all mobs that mem-wipe produce a log message to that extent.

They don't. Some do, some do it with an AE, some just do it (and wear nike shoes).

Some wipe just the target (usually the MT) aggro. Some wipe the whole raid aggro.

Absolutely no way of knowing it.

And don't forget, a parser also has no way of knowing about Amends and hate transfers unless you'd put it in manually... which would be a PitA. And then if that person dies, your parser would have to pick up on that and negate the hate xfer or whatever.

Neither easy nor 'legal' to have it shown in-game.

merse24 02-21-2007 04:42 PM

Hate Track
Was wondering if there was a program that would overlay into eq2 that could track hate (or threat) so that dps or tanks could see how they are standing in a fight.... would help them to know if they need to detaunt or taunt.

Morsies 02-21-2007 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by merse24
Was wondering if there was a program that would overlay into eq2 that could track hate (or threat) so that dps or tanks could see how they are standing in a fight.... would help them to know if they need to detaunt or taunt.

I dont think so ... ACT is about as clost to that as you're going to get I think.

lordebon 02-21-2007 05:57 PM

Not possible at all.

Not even possible to have a 'hate parser' -- the fact of the matter is not everything makes hate at the same ratio, and nowhere is hate accrued displayed or accessable in-game -- its purely server-side.

gm9 02-22-2007 02:35 AM

what Lordebon said, see also here for a longer discussion on the same issue.

DerNephelin 11-20-2007 12:24 PM

Canīt Find It, need it badly. HELP!
At first i want to apologise my bad english.

Now straight to the point. Iīm Searching for a Program that allow me and my party to how much the aggro is an how much each party member has. I know this useful program from WoW and since i chanced to EQ2 i miss this. Someone able to help me?

Thanks a lot for that, what you may do for me.

Dolby 11-20-2007 12:27 PM

If your talking about an addon, the addon/interface system in EQ2 is a lot different and you can not do such things yet.

If you are talking about a 3rd party program running in the background that would be against the EULA and such things aren't talked about here.

lordebon 11-21-2007 10:13 AM

Well, a 3rd party program that ran in the background would be fine so long as it only read the log, and not the actual game. Combat parsers read the log, but the equations for aggro or hate are not known at this time, and so it's impossible to track. Knowing how to keep aggro is part of being a good tank, and knowing how not to grab aggro is part of being a DPS in EQ2.

Sorry, but the first thing you're going to have to get used to is that here, there are a lot of limitations in what you can and cannot do. EQ2 is not "open" like WoW.

quengap 01-07-2008 04:15 PM

I hear you Voldor...I do the same thing...

Originally Posted by Volder (Post 48504)
Hey guys. I understand what you are saying and to those of you who think i dont know how to play my toon at end game, I just wanted to politely clarify that I do. I understand the whole hate management and thought that it would just be helpful that if someone might be able to answer my question about this. As for those of you who say it is impossible, nobody knows if it is possible or not but SOE. I certainly havent seen the game code for this game and I know a lot of you out there have not. Maybe if we got on their case about this, the people who actually do things like make the game worse in some aspects of change like when they get rid of beneficial buffs and stuff perhaps do some good deeds instead of bad. :) It is just a question that I posed and was interested in the resonses I got. However I am going to try to post numerous entries in forums and such on SOE's sites to try and see if it can infact get done and if so can they do it. :cool:

I guess this is way late in the game from your original post, but I don't see why we can't have a hate/aggro meter, when World of Warcraft has one. Their's is called Omen Hate Meter.

Being that our spells have numbers associated with it like Blip (decrease hate by 2000 or so), I don't see why we can't get this data on a calculator, ya know?

It would be a great tool for casters to have. As an 80 wizard, it isn't like I try to pull agro, but I'm speced and gear so, I crit hit for over 50 percent of my spells, my dps is out the ying yang, and I do my job...damage. I have an 80 wizard on Vox named Dalimar. There are a few tanks that I can tank with in raids that I know I will never pull agro from, and the new Pally 80 spell is great for them to maintain agro, but with normal make shift groups that happen to gather for a raid or instance, I will definitely pull agro, and I know it...

Would be nice if I could have a visual on aggro so I can try to cycle my spells another way to ensure I don't get aggro, but I guess still at this moment, there isn't a counter out there for EQ2.

Good idea though...WoW has it, why can't we?

lordebon 01-07-2008 06:27 PM

The argument "WoW has it why can't EQ2" doesn't work -- they're different games. WoW is a LOT more open in their interface and what information they provide.

WoW may give hate information, but the game does not. In theory you could try and calculate hate (and even possibly display it in-game I suppose, in some kind of an overlay) but I believe taunts are not just "increases hate by x" and they can be resisted and such, meaning that as time goes on your calculation would get worse and worse.

Also, some sources of hate don't go 1:1. For example, heals on others are not (I believe) 1:1 with damage.

ObsidianDragon 01-07-2008 07:09 PM

Not to mention spells that are not attributed to the person that triggers (spineskin, various reactives) and spells with non-numeric effects(mezz/stun/stifle/daze/etc) which, as an illy I can tell you, generate a fair bit of hate :)

Yes it would be sweet, but SoE would have to choose to share the data with us like WoW does, but for now they don't.

grubgrub 01-11-2008 06:03 PM

Man this would be a dream come true if sony would share the info... I don't agree with the learn your class response because as a tank i know that i taunt my butt off.. but sometimes on raids we get a picked up caster or scout type that is not use to my tanking style.. or in pick up groups. it's true that usually I can tell who stole it because they tend to die first. This would also help so that I am able to tell when i have enough taunt in to maybe consentrate a little harder on DPS. So please give the wizzy a break. Everyone would epect their tank to have one if there was one and you know it.

hypoid 01-27-2008 12:38 PM

Yes I agree, I play as a raid MT. I dont have much problem with keeping my guys alive. But the new complex area of the new level 80 spells is hard to determine what is going on sometimes. THe poor pally uses his holy ground and goes splat sometimes. Though there are times when i have enough hate up and his holy ground barely works just kind of like a ping pong situation with me and him. So he stands on me and we dela with it. Was defiantly a wake up call to the healers who never had to heal the OT cause he never took aggro off of me but hey If I have to work whay dont they I guess.

But, on the other note if there was a way like a ACT parse to figure out who was on top of the hate list or getting close to taking aggro that would be great in my opinion. Cause it just seems that they only time I lose aggro is 2 seconds before i big raid wiping AE goes off.

I have DPS classes that hit 5K on the parse on a regular basis and i dont need to worry about losing aggro, even a life burn doesent really matter much anymore. Just those times when I drop from the infamous RoK 23K hits and the OT picks it up, would be nice to know how hard and who I have to fight to get the control of aggro back so i can tell that particular person to chill out for a min.

Just my thoughts. I dont design computer systems. I merely Build the structures that have the roof to keep them dry in the real world.

Thank you for your time.

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