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Laffs 07-23-2005 11:49 AM

Laffs Lite UI... Support thread..... /hide
Just like the title says this be the support thread now ;)

Madhog 07-29-2005 09:11 AM

Cooeeee! Im back!

WoW was fun, for 3 weeks, then the kids that play it started to piss me off. Worst UI in a game Ive ever seen too.

Anyhow, glad to see yer still keeping this going Laffs, looks ok too!

I have a suggestion tho....


The idea originally was to make this a lite version of the other one you was buggering about with, but really, it aint that lite. I love the bottom bit, s'fab! I dont like the top tho.

Ideally Id remove all the elements at the top tbh. Ill clarify that...

At the top Id want just the default type quest helper, the exp bar on its own with no background, a compass and a clock. I like Thors compass and clock tbh. This way, all yer attention is focussed on the bottom and the bit above is for gameplay only.

I tried removing the 2 elements that have quest title and info in them, but, totally lost access to my journal and got some wierd error messages *giggle*, Im sure it would only take you 5 mins, can you whip them out for me pretty please?? Hey could call it Laffs Ultra Lite!

If you could knock me up a version with the top like that, I can test it and stuff for you /giggle

Miss me?? :D

Laffs 07-29-2005 10:13 AM

Omg...... here we go again... he's back.... what did I do to deserve this /cry

You mumbled that lot out so fast I forgot what half of the orders where by the time I had finished reading it lol

I will look into this in a few days time as I am off to a LAN party for the weekend in a few hours.. and got lots to do before I go :eek:

So cya laters ;)


Madhog 07-29-2005 11:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Ok been playing, shouldnt take a lot tbh, look at the attached screeny!

The journal helper would be ok if I could turn off that white border, but I cant. Thats with background set to zero, no frame etc etc but its still showing!

I like Thors clock and compass, have a look at them! Thats it tbh. I cant figure out why half the UI is blue marble and half is the cool black grad I did, tho Im sure that will come back to me.

Got a few other ideas for the start button but Ill bother you with that later on when Ive had a chance to think about it

LAN party? At your age? Or you running it for your kids??

Admit you missed me! Ive made you the most popular modder on here ffs!!


Laffs 07-29-2005 11:39 AM

Lol... Last response before I go lol

The most stressed modder on here maybe ;)

Change the name of your marble .dds to "laffsskin.dss" and drop it in images folder that could be the problem.

The LAN party is consists of 2 teams of CS players and some peeps from the guild on EQ about 42 in all..... realy its an excuse to drink loads of beer and actualy meet some of the peeps I play EQ with ;)

As for missing you lol :p

Well tbh Bakes took over from you! I was begining to think you and him was the same person lol .... Now I got 2 of you to deal with ! .... Going to find some rope I thinks :eek:


Madhog 07-30-2005 07:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok! Heres another more recent screeny with a proper colour scheme now.

Only niggles tbh are:

1. Quest journal helper. Its got some freaky white border I cant get rid of no matter what settings I use. Id be happy if that white border went or if the entire helper went and the default one was in.

2. Health Bar. I think its the HP one *giggle*. The one thats solo, moveable on its own. When I dont have the frame on, so I dont have the grey curvy top, I get a 2 pixelish high black line, minor but annoying. Any ideas why?

3. Clock. Could it be like this but horizontal not vertical you think?

4. Compass. Love it thank you ffs dont change or touch this :)

5. Start button. Horizontal would be fab. Or, put it where the solo moveable HP guage is, and put the HP One back where the casting / breath bar is, and put the casting bar / breath bar back as normal on the screen above the UI area in the bottom.

Apart from that, s'fab :D

Laffs 07-31-2005 12:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Right try these ;)

Madhog 08-31-2005 08:45 AM

*cough* Sorry, been busy heh. Ok tried that, and it aint helped. When I set the background transparency to nothing, it goes black. I want it clear dammit C L E A R!!


Theres sommat funny going on with the start button too, its huuuuge! Ill post a screeny when I get home form work tonight!

Oh at one point, not sure what Id done but I ended up with 2 power gauges and no health guage, thankfully I didnt know I was dieing but the healer did heh. Thats sorted tho since I reinstalled the UI. Those new files above tho, dont help.

Laffs 08-31-2005 10:35 AM

Its black coz you must have the letterbox enabled

Just resize the start button.... I made it that way so peeps could size it to fit into different places on the UI.

You ended up with 2 power guages coz you must have only used a few files from the alt folders you gotta use ALL the files in the alt folders if you want the alt windows to work correctly......

I know I am crap at writing instructions but I'm damn sure I did state that at least ;)

Madhog 08-31-2005 11:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Lies! I dont use the letterbox thingy, look at the screeny! Unless you mean I have to use letter box? That would defeat the whole point tho! Just removing the files that affect that portion would work Ida thought, as the default one is ok, I tried that tho and really messed it up heh.

Not sure about the other thing, but thats sorted now, yes I prolly didnt read any readme files ahem.

Laffs 08-31-2005 12:21 PM

Now I can see from the SS that its not the background that is the problem.. In the active quest and quest name windows there is another page if you like that has a frame with a lower opacity that sits over the top of the background to make the text more visible so to speak.... Its those that will need to be removed from the code..

Will do it when I get time.

Laffs 09-02-2005 12:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Oks done them :)

Madhog 09-03-2005 05:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Ta! As you can see from the screeny, its almost there heh, cant remove that white border tho.

Whilst waiting on ya to do this, I had a play with Profits UI.

The top of his is fab! The only things I really didnt like were the compass and target + implied target are all in one unit, and I prefer me target boxes at the bottom, and his char info box top right is too big.

He has the coolest journal ever tho, right from the way its done at the top, down to when you open it you got pages of lore info, heritage info, L&L etc.

You should go look at it!

If I could merge your Lite Bottom, your exp bar, your clock, your target and implied target with his journal, his quest thingy at the top and his inventory buttons you can display on screen, Id be a happy gnome.

His colour scheme and font stuff is cool too.



Madhog 09-03-2005 05:26 AM

Oh and check out his startbutton, now *that* is fab, wouldnt take much for a crazy genius like, say, YOU!, to add in the other couple of mini buttons we use.


Laffs 09-03-2005 07:55 AM

I have been following Profits UI and yes it is a damn good un...

But I have no desire to "merge" any of his stuff in my UI... Reason being the concept and style of the 2 UI's is very different and if I was to copy and change any of the styles in Profits UI windows then they just wouldnt be the same and make the resulting UI look like a mix and match mess..

As for alt ideas for the start button, I have been looking at quite a few others to see what they are using on theirs... Going to be changing mine a bit somtime soon hardest part is figuring out a clean layout for it... Keep in mind I have made alot of start buttons and other windows that have lots of clicky buttons on them, but this UI is surposed to be "lite" is it not lol

Anyways I was thinking of placing buttons in the start menu itself I already have the performace panel in there... like I say still looking into updateing this stuff a bit.

Madhog 09-11-2005 06:28 PM

Hey Laffy, will this still work on Tuesday when they unleash Desert of Flames upon us?

Laffs 09-11-2005 07:55 PM

Yes as long as you delete the file called eq2ui_examine.xml

As it only seems to be the tooltip thats messed up.... But I know what Soe is like and have spend ages on getting stuff ready for past updates only to find they have changed stuff at the last min.... So I wait till it go's live then I fix UI problems ;)

Laffs 09-13-2005 05:20 PM

This one is real close to being fixed .... the effects window is working as it is but is getting a re code along with a few other windows I have been holding off doing untill now.....

If the damn server would stop crashing I would be able to post a working version much quicker :mad:

Despach 09-14-2005 01:30 AM

Thanks a ton for your hard work Laff, it's most appreciated.

If I find any issues I'll edit this post.

Ok so far:

Tooltips don't work on hotbars or in knowledge book. (Sort option is there and working)

Skills window - no bar graph or text

All else seems to work that I saw. Thanks again

Madhog 09-14-2005 06:57 AM

Problems I had last night were:

1. Guild Window missing new tab

2. Tool tips not working (get a box with icons but no text) this is from the hotbars and the knowledge book

3. Knowledge book has no sort options

That is all I can remember heh.

trodriguezzz 09-14-2005 09:07 AM

Hiyas! I am trying out your UI and so far it seems pretty cool :) I was just wondering if we can change the backgrounds on here using the perdigraphics files? also, are there any screenies of all of the different options available?

Thanks in advance - and I know you are busy with updating, so sorryto bug ya about trivial stuff!


Laffs 09-14-2005 10:37 AM

Right thanks for the info guys...

What I forgot to mention was you should delete the contents of the old Laffs Lite folder before you download and install the new one....

What I am going to have to do here is strip out all of the alt windows folders I have in the UI for the time being and get the basic set up working correctly as some of the problems you guys have mentioned I am not having the same issues.... Then get stuff working again from there bit by bit..

It would be laffsskin.dss you change for the backgrounds on this UI

trodriguezzz 09-14-2005 10:48 AM

Thank you! =) I will go ahead and play with the graphics background then :)

Madhog 09-14-2005 11:51 AM

Ok just tried that version with the 1 at the end. Tooltips arent a problem cos the game tells me when I log in the UI aint compatible and stops them being used heh. However, get no tooltip at all, not even the name, off either the hotbars or the spellbook.

Spellbook sort working ok.

Guild window still not got new tabs.

Lost the box with the Zone name etc in for some reason. Yes I just deleted old folder and put that one in, no changes, just used the no labels hotkey file you provide.

deliche 09-14-2005 12:00 PM

cannot unequip arrows
Hey Laffs,
I'm a long time dedicated Laffs UI fanatic and I really adore how spartan this new UI is. The only issue I'm having with this UI is the fact that I can't unequip arrows from the inventory window. Also, selecting other arrows from my bag and attempting to "equip" it as a means of swapping the type of arrows is also impossible. I was willing to ignore this before expansion but now arrow type used is so much more crucial.

Hope this is an easy fix :)

Laffs 09-14-2005 01:00 PM

There shouldnt be a guild window in the UI folder now!
Also make sure there is not a eq2ui_examine.xml file in there also.

Also I just logged in to test stuff Im still working on and guess what! Half the fonts is well........... lets just say wrong :mad:

Working on fix for this now

The ammo in the inv window what inv are you using? the alt one or the one thats in the main UI folder already? send me a pm with that answer pls

Madhog 09-14-2005 02:15 PM

Heh just realised why I had a LAFFS-LITE_1, was already a folder on me desktop.

Just deleted the guild file, no examine one in there anyhoo!

Cmon slacker we need this!!



Madhog 09-14-2005 03:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok, there was an examine file heh, its gone now and the tooltips work fab. Guild window works too. Theres still no box that tells you what zone yer in, name of current quest yer tracking and the coins and equip slots, no idea what you call that tho.

Apart from that its fab, well apart from the stupid quest helped window which has the white line around it for no reason! Just remove it!!


PS good work!

Laffs 09-14-2005 03:44 PM

Never mind the damn frame..

I take it that is a SS taken within like the past hour or so?

Howcome the fonts is ok???? Mine seems to be using some strange default version of Zapf15 , 16 etc etc ?

I cant move on untill I find out why :( ...... Getting ready to just throw the towel in now likes

Madhog 09-14-2005 06:22 PM

Yup was a recent one. You sure you aint got fonts from Profits or sommat messing you up? I deleted my old laffs lite folder, lobbed the new one in, removed the stuff you was too lazy to, and thats what I got!

You aint played with any options have you? /eye

Madhog 09-15-2005 09:54 AM

Not sure if this helps ya Laffy, but I just noticed theres some zapf fonts in the UI folder, are there meant to be? That said mine aint using them as you can see from me screenys.

One problem I been getting which I meant to ask you about is, when I start playing, I have an extra chat window appear when I try to type stuff, so I delete it, and reset my main chat window to *always talk here*.

I have to do this everytime I log in, and I dunno why! Any ideas? I know its prolly not UI related but thought Id ask seeing as you're so clever.


Warcondom 09-15-2005 10:06 AM

Okay, so I downloaded the fixed version of Laffs-Lite, and it all seemed to work fine. But, I still get the message saying the UI is out dated and when I hover over something nothing happens and also in the top middle of the screen where the inventroy type window is, I just have a blank space. Any ideas?

Laffs 09-15-2005 10:41 AM

I was on with those fonts for like 3 hours lastnight and got nowhere... with and without the new options in game... Those font files are surposed to be in the ui folder likes....

As for the extra chat window is it not a stray tab ... drag and drop it onto the other chat window and then do the delete tab option that should kill it.

The inventory has been showing up on load up as expanded since LU13 I know that much... Going to see what I can do to sort this mess out again now

Despach 09-15-2005 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Warcondom
Okay, so I downloaded the fixed version of Laffs-Lite, and it all seemed to work fine. But, I still get the message saying the UI is out dated and when I hover over something nothing happens and also in the top middle of the screen where the inventroy type window is, I just have a blank space. Any ideas?

delete eq2ui_examine.xml shou;d solve it for now

Laffs 09-15-2005 01:07 PM

Thanks to those of you that are helping by answering some questions from other users :)

Oks then I have found what the strange fonts problem was .... (by chance as it happens) The old Zapf15 , 18 etc is now using the zcal801b.TTF font now that is the font for the new tooltip and since I already had that included things were gradualy changing to loading up the style from there hence bypassing my settings.... (basicly)

So I am in the process of putting all my own fonts in insted so sony dont nuke them again with this tooltip font type crap anymore....

I have discovered a much quicker way to do this in the process but not sure how stable it would be.... Anyways fingers crossed and you will get an update to the update so to speak quite soon....

Then I can move onto the other windows again that had to be removed.

Trishy42 09-15-2005 01:13 PM

broker windows missing fields
hoi. just another thingy i recognized is the broker windows.
the new selections fields of class and lvl range are missing.

but u can use the .xml form original UI and thats it.

greetz and great work and great UI!

Warcondom 09-15-2005 02:15 PM

Okay, I deleted that file and the error message is gone, everything is working fine except one thing.

As you can see in the top middle I am missing that little screen area. Yes, I am lvl 9 with 11 plat. ;-)

Edit: Also, alot of times now when zoning and it is loading UI resources, it goes to a full bar and sits there. I am in the game, but the screen did not load and I have to close out.

Laffs 09-15-2005 03:06 PM

Loading is a game issue and nothing to do with the UI

The window your missing is the real inventory window toggle "i" and see if it shows or try /show window (MainHUD.Inventory) that should bring it up...

All these things I know about and am still changing all the fonts atm .. so this stuff will have to wait.

Warcondom 09-15-2005 03:47 PM

That command did not bring it up. I press 'I' and it brings up my inventory, But before the patch I had a window up there displaying my bags, and a little tab that I could switch to view my weapon, secondary and activate slots.

Laffs 09-15-2005 07:26 PM

Hmm ... its the fake inv window your using from the main Ui folder ....

Have i posted you the right syntax lol ..

My brain is fried atm.....

Let me catch up with other stuff then I have a closer look at this .

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