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Faetyl 11-17-2005 09:20 PM

Suggestions [Users post their suggestions here]
Users post their suggestions for the ThorUI AU here...
(I wanted to allow a central location for any suggestions the user community may have for the ThorUI. Please note; I'm not getting 1 cent for my time so please understand if I don't have the time to meet everyone's needs/wants)

Common suggestion topics are:

1. UI Modding
What else would you like?

Have suggestions on more Enhanced Features?
Don't like something and would like to change it or have an alternate option available?

2. Auto Updater Install
Recommendations on how the ThorUI AU installs and the features included with the initial install.

3. Auto Updater Configuration
Recommendations on how the features are presented to you.

Lycanthor 11-19-2005 12:50 AM

1600x1200 Window Placements
I would REALLY like a 1600x1200 window placements file. This is the mode I always run in. I tried loading one of the other placements and moving stuff around, but it didn't work out. I'm sure alot of other people also run in this resolution. I'm just surprised no one has asked sooner. :)


LyCaNtHoR (Highkeep)

Lycanthor 11-19-2005 01:24 AM

Enhanced Shutdown Window
I really love the enhanced shut down window with fast character switching. Of course, being a ThorUI user, I obviously demand more. :)

Sooo.. How bout a character switch that skips the delay for camping, and instead uses the /quit command, then loads up the next character?

LyCaNtHoR (Highkeep)

Morpheusdead 11-19-2005 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by Lycanthor
Sooo.. How bout a character switch that skips the delay for camping, and instead uses the /quit command, then loads up the next character?
LyCaNtHoR (Highkeep)

That as far as I know can't be done, the only way to skip camping to is to /quit which exits EQ2. Then you would have to relaunch the game and a UI mod could not do this, it would have to be a outside application:(


Lycanthor 11-19-2005 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Morpheusdead
That as far as I know can't be done, the only way to skip camping to is to /quit which exits EQ2. Then you would have to relaunch the game and a UI mod could not do this, it would have to be a outside application:(


That's incorrect. You must be thinking of the /exit command, which closes EQ2. The /quit command brings you back to the character selection screen.

LyCaNtHoR (Highkeep)

Manwaunial 11-19-2005 07:28 PM

Pet, Inventory & Other
I tried both pet window options. Those things are HUGE. I tried to drop the OCD pet window in, but the power and health bar don't work. So a slim pet window would be great.

I also tried both Inventory window options. I like that you included the old OCD one, it is one of my favorites. But it has no Food buttons. Thanks to SOE you cannot eat without being able to get to the Food buttons. So I dropped in depechenode's Advanced Inventory LU16 Window.

It would be nice if the AU could be told to ask before it overwrites files. I got the directions for doing the Quick Change shutdown. Then the AU prompty overwrote the file. :mad:

Thanks for all your hard work.

Faetyl 11-20-2005 02:38 AM

Just got a new CRT
I'll see if I can accomodate ;)


Originally Posted by Lycanthor
I would REALLY like a 1600x1200 window placements file. This is the mode I always run in. I tried loading one of the other placements and moving stuff around, but it didn't work out. I'm sure alot of other people also run in this resolution. I'm just surprised no one has asked sooner. :)


LyCaNtHoR (Highkeep)

Faetyl 11-20-2005 02:45 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Pet Window: I'll see what I can do. (Did you know you can close the pet window via ALT+P and you can drag and drop the pet command buttons to your hotbar and control him from those without the pet window at all?)

Do not update:
That's an excellent idea and yes MrNice and I already included that as an option ;)

See screenshot attachments...

Also, I suggest making a copy of any edited versions of your files as an extra safeguard. Just leave them in the thorui folder as "copy of" and all will be fine.


Originally Posted by Manwaunial
I tried both pet window options. Those things are HUGE. I tried to drop the OCD pet window in, but the power and health bar don't work. So a slim pet window would be great.

I also tried both Inventory window options. I like that you included the old OCD one, it is one of my favorites. But it has no Food buttons. Thanks to SOE you cannot eat without being able to get to the Food buttons. So I dropped in depechenode's Advanced Inventory LU16 Window.

It would be nice if the AU could be told to ask before it overwrites files. I got the directions for doing the Quick Change shutdown. Then the AU prompty overwrote the file. :mad:

Thanks for all your hard work.

Faetyl 11-20-2005 02:54 AM

/quit does indeed take you back to the character selection screen and that is what the camp to character window cuts out therefore saving just a bit of time.

That's the fastest we can go from character to character at this time unless SOE provides another option. Sorry

More details: The camp funtion actually begins a process in which several things happen. Character data is sent to the server and your window placements file is updated at camp. (among a few others I'm sure that I am not aware of at this time)

Oh, and it never hurts to demand more ;)


Originally Posted by Lycanthor
That's incorrect. You must be thinking of the /exit command, which closes EQ2. The /quit command brings you back to the character selection screen.

LyCaNtHoR (Highkeep)

Lycanthor 11-20-2005 10:03 AM

So there's no way to bypass the camping countdown when you use the character switcher? Also, does it skip saving window positions when you /quit? I very rarely actually /camp.

LyCaNtHoR (Highkeep)


Originally Posted by Faetyl
/quit does indeed take you back to the character selection screen and that is what the camp to character window cuts out therefore saving just a bit of time.

That's the fastest we can go from character to character at this time unless SOE provides another option. Sorry

Faetyl 11-20-2005 10:30 AM

I'm not aware of a way to bypass camping for switching characters.

I just tested this for sure before answering and it does indeed appear to save window positions when using /quit. (I was wrong :o )

I'll look closer at this one and see if it is indeed posible...


Originally Posted by Lycanthor
So there's no way to bypass the camping countdown when you use the character switcher? Also, does it skip saving window positions when you /quit? I very rarely actually /camp.

LyCaNtHoR (Highkeep)

smsmstroble 11-20-2005 03:11 PM

a bag with no dead space like the one at http://www.eq2interface.com/download...fo.php?id=3477
would be nice.

Sacraed 11-21-2005 01:05 AM

Chat sources
I'd like to see the "XXXXXXX says to the guild" removed from the chat. I've color coded all my chat so I already know what channel I'm talking in. I don't need it repeated back to me every time I hit enter while chatting to my guild or my group. At the very least, it should be an option.

Barbarian, Faydark

Sacraed 11-21-2005 01:26 AM

Where did the Thor map go? You know the one... shrinkable, bottom of the map drop down menus for ALL map areas.

All I can get is this huge blue framed thing that takes up most of the screen. I have to keep closing it in order to explore an area. And NO drop down menus even tho I have the AU set to install them.

Barbarian, Faydark

Drumstix42 11-21-2005 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Sacraed
I'd like to see the "XXXXXXX says to the guild" removed from the chat. I've color coded all my chat so I already know what channel I'm talking in. I don't need it repeated back to me every time I hit enter while chatting to my guild or my group. At the very least, it should be an option.

Barbarian, Faydark

I've wanted this forever. Even since eq1. I don't believe this is possible through UI modding however. An option to show/not should would be a great. A way to personally customize would be even better!

Kamintar 11-21-2005 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Faetyl
I'm not aware of a way to bypass camping for switching characters.

I just tested this for sure before answering and it does indeed appear to save window positions when using /quit. (I was wrong :o )

I'll look closer at this one and see if it is indeed posible...

I agree with you in saying that you can't "skip" the camp countdown. The fastest way I know of to switch characters is to use the "quick switch" mods that I have seen floating around made by Deathbane.

I'm sure you guys know of it, but incase you don't, what it does is camps, and then it skips the character select screen and goes straight to loading the next character. So, 20 seconds to camp, bam, next character loading. I can switch characters in 30-40 seconds depending on what zones I am in.

However, I wonder if it would be possible to incoporate something to do something like...

1) /camp
2) /quit
3) "quick load character" function here

I don't know what exactly the code does that makes it skip the character select screen, but you UI geniuses could probably figure it out and see if it is indeed possible...

The only issue I see is if you /camp then /quit if the /quit overrides the /camp and you get the "link death" issue where you can't log back in for like 3 minutes...

So many issues, so little time for me to figure it out. Maybe one of you guys can get it. If you have any questions, let me know - I'm pretty smart about these kinds of things so I can give insight even if I don't know the hard facts. :)

Shade2074 11-21-2005 03:01 AM

Mouse over pictures (or attached pictures) included with Poll questions (here on the website). I wasn't totally sure what you meant by reverse chat - I'm assuming you mean the chat with the tabs on the bottom though - I voted that I don't use those.

Faetyl 11-21-2005 03:06 AM

I can certainly understand that request but please understand I'm only one guy here and I have a life that needs tending to every so often. :p

With UI updates, AU uploads, Forum here, Guild, Guild events and website, Real Life, and actually attempting to play EQ2 I have to cut corners somewhere ;)

After all, I'm trying to get rid of the feature to save me time with updates.
I don't want you to see it and say oooo I want that! :p


Originally Posted by Shade2074
Mouse over pictures (or attached pictures) included with Poll questions (here on the website). I wasn't totally sure what you meant by reverse chat - I'm assuming you mean the chat with the tabs on the bottom though - I voted that I don't use those.

Shade2074 11-21-2005 03:13 AM


ALT+~ toggles the start button.
lol I didn't know about this one.

Man I would love to see this in a separate help text in the GUI that would be awesome.

Another suggestion (if it is at ALL possible). I would like to be able to add my own personal POI's to the map somehow for information that others probably wouldn't care about, but stuff I might use. I'd like to be able to add a unique dot (one that shows it's my own) then be able to add a note to it somewhere within the gui. I'm guessing this sort of thing can't be done though else it would have been done already but it's on of the very few things I miss from WoW.

The other features I miss include:

1. the ability to have a 'scratch pad' I can keep notes on within the game (without having to alt-tab out that is). I used to use it to keep notes on players (kinda like a santa's naughty and nice list).

2. The GUI I was using was able to (somehow) use custom made chat channels to let me know when other players were using the same GUI I was, it also used those same channels to let me send and receive POI's to and from other players. So if I got lost - someone with the same GUI could send me a POI that I could then go too.

I'm not sure how much of that is actually do-able here - but man that would be awesome to be able to do again. That GUI I had used there was called Cosmos - while I know these are two separate games - here's a link to their site, who knows maybe something there might help here?


ShadowProwler420 11-21-2005 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by Sacraed
Where did the Thor map go? You know the one... shrinkable, bottom of the map drop down menus for ALL map areas.

All I can get is this huge blue framed thing that takes up most of the screen. I have to keep closing it in order to explore an area. And NO drop down menus even tho I have the AU set to install them.

Barbarian, Faydark


madman1118 11-21-2005 07:46 AM

Sorry if this is posted somewhere but i couldnt find it. I use the slimline inventory so Im not sure if its true for the other one but can they get updated to have the food and water slots please.

Faetyl 11-21-2005 11:09 AM

The "slimline" inventory is mine and it had the food & water slots the week before they came available with LU16.
Post me a screen shot in the UI help forum and we'll look into this one further.


Originally Posted by madman1118
Sorry if this is posted somewhere but i couldnt find it. I use the slimline inventory so Im not sure if its true for the other one but can they get updated to have the food and water slots please.

madman1118 11-21-2005 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Faetyl
The "slimline" inventory is mine and it had the food & water slots the week before they came available with LU16.
Post me a screen shot in the UI help forum and we'll look into this one further.

Thanks for the quick reply. I will uninstall the UI and reinstall if that doesnt work I will get a screenshot up for you.

Okay I just reinstalled and I may have asked for the wrong thing. I use the Jaxel slimline inventory option so I doubt you update that one but it is out of date.

Faetyl 11-21-2005 02:37 PM

Gotcha, Jaxel just recently posted that he is departing and won't be updating his mods.
I'll try and see if I can offer something similar.


Originally Posted by madman1118
Thanks for the quick reply. I will uninstall the UI and reinstall if that doesnt work I will get a screenshot up for you.

Okay I just reinstalled and I may have asked for the wrong thing. I use the Jaxel slimline inventory option so I doubt you update that one but it is out of date.

madman1118 11-21-2005 02:56 PM

Okay thanks for the reply. I look forward to seeing what you do.

peallen42 11-21-2005 03:39 PM

EQ2 Maps is too small. Everything it too scrunched together. Like the minimap but would also like a HUGE map option.

Honumana 11-21-2005 04:17 PM

not a big poster here but i recently jumped from fetish to thorui ?? and a suggestion that would be great is to add an access quest spoiler like you did on the heritage quest spoiler

Lycanthor 11-22-2005 03:12 AM

Chat Window Scrollbar
I use 2 chat windows simultaneously. One is on the left side, one on the right. The problem is that both windows have the scrollbar on the left. That leaves a really ugly scroll bar sticking up from the bottom middle of my screen. It would be nice to be able to select which side you want the scrollbar control to be for each chat window.

LyCaNtHoR (Highkeep)

Pegesus 11-22-2005 02:33 PM

Just some thoughts
Your ui is great best i've seen yet. Here's what i would like to see if you can implement.

1. Restructure the Health Window to show a characters Avoidance and Mitigation. Fenix Ui using one that i had i find it helpful.

2. A new raid window. A transparent none colorless one would be great. Also i know most raid windows are buggy but if possible is there a way to make it actually show who the leader is for each group cuz now it just picks a random.

3. Is there also a way to disable the spell info when you hover over a spell to be casted in your hotbar i find this extremely aggravating. Im not sure if there is anything you can do or if this is just SOE driving my nuts :)

Thanks again for this awesome ui


ShadowProwler420 11-22-2005 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pegesus
3. Is there also a way to disable the spell info when you hover over a spell to be casted in your hotbar i find this extremely aggravating. Im not sure if there is anything you can do or if this is just SOE driving my nuts :)

If you want to completely turn these off, I believe it will do a blanket effect and disable ALL tooltips. However, I believe there is a setting in the Options >> User Interface section which will allow you to control exactly how much info is given in the tooltips for the hotkeys (I'm not in game at the moment, so I can't accurately tell you where to look).

kpoland 11-23-2005 10:45 AM

This is a small detail, but one that I'm surprised is not in the UI already: I'd like house vault toggle bags, exactly like the bank toggle bags. I know it's only 2 slots, but I'm addicted to the toggle feature.

Also, my monitor has a max res of 1280x1024, but I like to play with all my inventory open all the time. Even with the smaller icons, they take up an awful lot of room. Could you make a "micro" feature that shrinks them another 33%?

Rrace 11-23-2005 09:06 PM

How about..
MAybe bringing back that old 'paperdoll' screen as part of the personna window? I can't seem to get a decent SOGA pic to stick on eq2players..

BTW - I just wanted to let you guys who work on Thor UI know you are the best. I don't know how i ever got along without this mod. Keep up the good work!!

tmc128 11-24-2005 06:23 PM

tradeskill window
put me down for the 1200x1600 placement file also. ;)

I use your tradeskill window, and am happy with it except that it does not show the current buffs in effect. it will gray out an event if you counter it, but I would like to see all buffs that i use in this window. ( i know I could just look in the maintained spells bar, but it would be nice to have all info in ts window) I think the default ts window shows all buffs, although I like your ts window setup better.
Also it does cut off some long names, you might have addressed this already with a resizable ts window

zedak 11-24-2005 09:23 PM

food in inventory
this is my first thread, so bear with me, i love the idea that i can click on an icon and my UI updates itself. With that said, if you could get the inventory window to show the food that is equipped, i for one would really appreciate it immensly.

bradshoe003 11-25-2005 01:19 AM

recast times on hotbar
I've wondered for quite a while now if there would be a way to change how the hotbars show the recast times to show the actual countdown ontop of a shaded hotkey. I think that would make it much easier to quickly glance and tell how long you have til you can cast a particular spell.... just a thought =)

Sacraed 11-25-2005 09:18 AM

Before it sounds like I'm bitching, I wanted to say how much I love the UI. I've tried others but I use ThorUI and recommend it to others in the game.

Now, on to it... I'm diabetic and my eyesite is failing. However, color makes an item stand out for me. The item I'm concerned about is the cursor. Is there a way to make the at rest cursor a different color and/or size? If so, a selection for all modes of cursor display would be very helpful to those of us that have difficulty seeing for medical reasons.

Badattitude, Faydark
The Hot Barbarian

ShadowProwler420 11-25-2005 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by zedak
this is my first thread, so bear with me, i love the idea that i can click on an icon and my UI updates itself. With that said, if you could get the inventory window to show the food that is equipped, i for one would really appreciate it immensly.

Take a gander at the last 4 or 5 posts on this page (bottom of page 1):


ShadowProwler420 11-25-2005 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by bradshoe003
I've wondered for quite a while now if there would be a way to change how the hotbars show the recast times to show the actual countdown ontop of a shaded hotkey. I think that would make it much easier to quickly glance and tell how long you have til you can cast a particular spell.... just a thought =)

Interesting idea, bradshoe...however......

I could be wrong, but I am thinking this is something that SOE would have to implement, as it sounds like this would effect how the hotkeys themselves work.

Perhaps a /feedback would get the proverbial ball rolling on this.

ShadowProwler420 11-25-2005 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sacraed
Is there a way to make the at rest cursor a different color and/or size? If so, a selection for all modes of cursor display would be very helpful to those of us that have difficulty seeing for medical reasons.

Unfortunately, I believe the cursor's size is directly controlled by what resolution is being used. I don't think it would be possible to say, use a 1024x768 res cursor while using an overall 1280x1024 resolution.

I also don't believe there is a way to single out one particular item, such as the cursor/pointer, when designating colors.

ShadowProwler420 11-25-2005 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rrace
MAybe bringing back that old 'paperdoll' screen as part of the personna window? I can't seem to get a decent SOGA pic to stick on eq2players..

You can get the paperdoll view by clicking (and holding) on your name on the stats tab.....

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