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-   -   ThorUI AU Help [Need Help with the Auto Updater? Post here!!!] (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4882)

Faetyl 11-17-2005 09:26 PM

ThorUI AU Help [Need Help with the Auto Updater? Post here!!!]
Having trouble with the Auto Updater?
Post all Auto Updater application issues here...

grendelrt 11-17-2005 10:56 PM

Maybe I missed something in the past, but what happened to the program that saved the video presets. I have a folder and exe file, but when I run the exe I only get a DOS prompt box and have to kill it. Before it had a nice little frontend to it. The reason I noticed it at all is one day I logged on and my video presets were no longer what I had them set as, they looked like the default ones. BTW love the UI =)

Faetyl 11-18-2005 12:04 AM

This is actually an issue with the AU program if I am not mistaken.
The AU has an issue with the exe file it seems.
MrNice can assist you better. ;)


Originally Posted by grendelrt
Maybe I missed something in the past, but what happened to the program that saved the video presets. I have a folder and exe file, but when I run the exe I only get a DOS prompt box and have to kill it. Before it had a nice little frontend to it. The reason I noticed it at all is one day I logged on and my video presets were no longer what I had them set as, they looked like the default ones. BTW love the UI =)

Faetyl 11-18-2005 12:05 AM

AU appears to corrupt eq2ui_custompreset.exe on download
This is actually an issue with the AU program if I am not mistaken.
The AU has an issue with the exe file it seems.
I'll copy my reply and post your question the the ThorUI AU help section as MrNice can assist you better.

Originally Posted by grendelrt
Maybe I missed something in the past, but what happened to the program that saved the video presets. I have a folder and exe file, but when I run the exe I only get a DOS prompt box and have to kill it. Before it had a nice little frontend to it. The reason I noticed it at all is one day I logged on and my video presets were no longer what I had them set as, they looked like the default ones. BTW love the UI =)

Narmorah 11-18-2005 09:15 AM

As discussed in an older thread the download of the eq2ui_custompreset.exe with the ThorUI AU leads to a non-functional dos application. Whatever the problem may be, I still have the link to the correct file from faetyl in my download list. Hope that helps:


Just overwrite the file from the AutoUpdater in your EQ-Folder/UI/thorui/#Custom Video Presets with this one and it should work like before. ;)

Since the "to do" txt.file is missing too (at least mine doesn´t make any sense) here´s a short summary:

- Start game, customize your options/graphics the way you like (user-defined)
- press accept button (updates your eq2recent.ini)
- task out of the game and start the eq2ui_custompreset.exe (location see above)
- make sure the program has the right path to your recent.ini and ui-folder
- select the number you want this preference to be saved as (1-3)
- select "kosmos style"
- press "Go" (creates eq2_custompresetX.xml -> x = selected number)
- "Exit", close and restart game

xibxang 11-18-2005 11:14 AM

Really neat UI. Thanks for taking the time to sit down and code it. I have a question. The 3 custom graphics presets on the new start button: Is it possible for me to make them of 3 sets of values that I determine? For instance, you seem to have it set for Really Basic, Middle, All Eye Candy on.

I'd like to set it up as One for Outside the Cities, One for Inside the Cities and Screenshot. Can I change those 3 presets to reflect that?

Thanks in advance.

Faetyl 11-18-2005 12:17 PM

You sure can although there is an issue with the Custom Preset exe being pulled down from the website right now.
Once that's resolved you can browse to the "cutom preset" folder within the ThorUI and follow the directions noted there.
You may also refference the above post for further assistance with that issue.

Preset one (1) is indeed extreme performance but it's also tweaked so you may see at the furthest range possible.
Preset two (2) is indeed Balanced but it's also tweaked so you may see at the furthest range possible.
Preset three (3) is set to max everything...


Originally Posted by xibxang
Really neat UI. Thanks for taking the time to sit down and code it. I have a question. The 3 custom graphics presets on the new start button: Is it possible for me to make them of 3 sets of values that I determine? For instance, you seem to have it set for Really Basic, Middle, All Eye Candy on.

I'd like to set it up as One for Outside the Cities, One for Inside the Cities and Screenshot. Can I change those 3 presets to reflect that?

Thanks in advance.

xibxang 11-18-2005 03:57 PM

Ah superb. That worked well. I can easily shift between setting as I move in and out of various areas. You're a star. Thanks.

grendelrt 11-18-2005 05:25 PM

Wow thanks for the quick reply guys =)


Originally Posted by Narmorah
As discussed in an older thread the download of the eq2ui_custompreset.exe with the ThorUI AU leads to a non-functional dos application. Whatever the problem may be, I still have the link to the correct file from faetyl in my download list. Hope that helps:


Just overwrite the file from the AutoUpdater in your EQ-Folder/UI/thorui/#Custom Video Presets with this one and it should work like before. ;)

Since the "to do" txt.file is missing too (at least mine doesn´t make any sense) here´s a short summary:

- Start game, customize your options/graphics the way you like (user-defined)
- press accept button (updates your eq2recent.ini)
- task out of the game and start the eq2ui_custompreset.exe (location see above)
- make sure the program has the right path to your recent.ini and ui-folder
- select the number you want this preference to be saved as (1-3)
- select "kosmos style"
- press "Go" (creates eq2_custompresetX.xml -> x = selected number)
- "Exit", close and restart game

Manwaunial 11-19-2005 07:15 PM

Not getting Sort Option for Knowledge
The AU seems to be adding the Sort xml first the overwriting it with the non-sort Knowledge book. I checked the box for the Dragon Knowledge book, so I am not sure if this effects the other book options.

Shade2074 11-19-2005 11:09 PM

I sent my guildie here to try out your GUI and he says everything is working fine EXCEPT that he doesn't have the EQII start button.

I had him delete the folder and re-install it and still the same problem.
I made sure it was checked under the advanced options and he says it is.
I had him delete the eq2ui_mainhud_startbutton.xml file then click update on the auto updater... didn't work.
I asked him to post a screen shot on the guild website.
He posted a screenshot (see below) on our website and sure enough I can't see a EQ2 start button.

I asked him to mouse around the screen to see if maybe it's hidden but he says it's not, and he didn't see anything hidden.
Any ideas as to what might be going wrong with him?
I never had any problems installing your GUI, I ran out of ideas on how to help him.

Here is the screenshot: I know the picture is big and messes up the way the forum here looks so please feel free to edit it out when you've seen it (or if you need I will if you can't).

Edited out

Faetyl 11-20-2005 02:26 AM

ALT+~ toggles the start button.


Originally Posted by Shade2074
I sent my guildie here to try out your GUI and he says everything is working fine EXCEPT that he doesn't have the EQII start button.

I had him delete the folder and re-install it and still the same problem.
I made sure it was checked under the advanced options and he says it is.
I had him delete the eq2ui_mainhud_startbutton.xml file then click update on the auto updater... didn't work.
I asked him to post a screen shot on the guild website.
He posted a screenshot (see below) on our website and sure enough I can't see a EQ2 start button.

I asked him to mouse around the screen to see if maybe it's hidden but he says it's not, and he didn't see anything hidden.
Any ideas as to what might be going wrong with him?
I never had any problems installing your GUI, I ran out of ideas on how to help him.

Here is the screenshot: I know the picture is big and messes up the way the forum here looks so please feel free to edit it out when you've seen it (or if you need I will if you can't).

Faetyl 11-20-2005 02:28 AM

You may only choose one knowledge book.
Do you not have a sort button?


Originally Posted by Manwaunial
The AU seems to be adding the Sort xml first the overwriting it with the non-sort Knowledge book. I checked the box for the Dragon Knowledge book, so I am not sure if this effects the other book options.

Lavandel 11-21-2005 10:55 AM

Looking at the Screenshot I can only come to the conclusion that your Guildy allows windows "off-screen".

Reading through Faetyl's installation-instructions I believe I read that you should not allow windows off-screen for his Window-placement setup to work.

Hopefully the Startbutton is just located off-screen at the moment.

Make him open the options-window (Alt+O) and click User Interface.
Then find the litte "tick-box" labeled "allow windows off-screen" (or something similar).
Exit the game.
Delete the contents of the ThorUI directory.
Start up the Auto-updater and go for it.

Hopefully he'll see the Startbutton now.

Shade2074 11-21-2005 07:21 PM

He's going to try to re-install the GUI again after class. I have a feeling it was alt+~ too. I'll update this post to let you know the results, and take the screen shot down if all goes well (I'll take the screen shot down either way to fix the forums up again).

Thank you again for the very quick response!

EDIT: Alt+~ did the trick! thank you very much for your patience!

sfd 11-25-2005 10:17 AM

AU crashes...
ok i'm not very good with these things so need a bit of help. downloaded the AU and installed. when it gets to the file icon_map3.dds the AU freezes at 51% every time. without doubt it's my fault, i just don't know why.

MrNice 11-25-2005 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by sfd
ok i'm not very good with these things so need a bit of help. downloaded the AU and installed. when it gets to the file icon_map3.dds the AU freezes at 51% every time. without doubt it's my fault, i just don't know why.

Can you send the .log files to [email protected]

Lycanthor 12-02-2005 11:54 AM

I'm having some issues with the ThorUI AU. I've reinstalled it from scratch at it still does the same thing.


Faetyl 12-03-2005 10:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I installed and recieve the same thing as noted above.
The AU still works just shows the coding a bit odd in the update status window.\
Also the background is bright white.
I assume that's from the messed up coding?

Ok I checked it out.
Looks like the issue is from the logfile.html within the install

I've attached a working copy until Mr Nice can update the setup file.
Just unzip to your thorui install directory.
Usually C:\Program Files\thorui

MrNice 12-03-2005 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Faetyl
I installed and recieve the same thing as noted above.
The AU still works just shows the coding a bit odd in the update status window.\
Also the background is bright white.
I assume that's from the messed up coding?

Ok I checked it out.
Looks like the issue is from the logfile.html within the install

I've attached a working copy until Mr Nice can update the setup file.
Just unzip to your thorui install directory.
Usually C:\Program Files\thorui

Grrrr...I'm gona get rid of the HTML log output in the next release...yes I know the next release is taking it's sweet time but I've had a lot of things crop up here in the last 60 days...

Things to look forward to:
* HTML Logging out - Back to RTF logging and no font issues.
* Proxy support.
* Breaking up the build into packages (DLL's) so I only need to update a small fraction of the code at a time. Right now an update is 3MB in size because I've been building with runtime packages. I'm going to start deploying runtime libraries in the next release so the main application will only be something like 200K or less in size.
* Working on a new fix for the executable file download issue.
* New skin will be in place.
* New Interface, with a more professional Look and Feel to go with it.
* IF I can get the artwork done, a cool new non-rectangular border just like Everquest sports.

Anyway...I hope to start sending out patches by next weekend...bear with me please! :D

Xargon 12-04-2005 01:24 PM

better image
1 Attachment(s)
I think I am having the same problem as discussed above. The image does not show what I am getting though. I will post the image below. The updater freezes at 50% on the file icon_map3.dds. I replaced the logfile and still get the same problem. I've uninstalled and installed. I've removed all the dirs and started from scratch. I also load eq2map. My maps display bit the icons are colored dots instead of the different shapes.

[IMG]updater freeze image[/IMG]

snappz 12-13-2005 04:35 PM

same problem...i get to the "downloading icon_map3.dds" and then the program goes "not responding".

I tried uninstalling everything and putting that new log file in my thorui folder. No luck.

Suggestions are appreciated.

Any chance of posting the icon_map3.dds file here so i can bypass it in the updater?


ShadowProwler420 12-13-2005 05:37 PM

I'd suggest you guys (Xargon and snappz) to send Mr Nice your .log files (which I assume are the thorgui.log and thor_ui_autoupdate.log files found in the AUs directory) like he told sfd to do above, if you haven't already and are still having issues.

snappz 12-13-2005 05:53 PM

my problem is actually downloading the file. i went to the download location outside of the AU and get the same thing. the download gets to ~50% and then freezes up and won't complete.

if one of you can email me the file so i can try to bypass the AU download of it that would be great. let me know and i will PM you my email address.



Faetyl 12-13-2005 06:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attaching map3.dds

snappz 12-13-2005 07:21 PM

to help anyone else out down load the file that was posted above me and put it in the following folder

C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II\UI\thorui\images\icons

then run the AU and it should work fine.

thanks Faetyl for posting this...


gkhat 12-17-2005 10:41 PM

thor ui not updating properly
PLease advise me, I have two hardrives on my cpu and i have run acrross this before.
I dont have the room to install my eq2 on my c drive and from my past experience that is the only way the thor udater will work with eq2.
I have installed eq2 and thor on my d drive but the thor will not update to my eq2. what am I doing wrong :eek:

Faetyl 12-18-2005 04:00 AM

Just run ThorUI AU and click "cancel" before it auto launches.
Click on options and change the path to your EQ2 directory by browsing to your EQ2 install.
Click ok then launch the ThorUI AU and allow it to update.

That's it...


Originally Posted by gkhat
PLease advise me, I have two hardrives on my cpu and i have run acrross this before.
I dont have the room to install my eq2 on my c drive and from my past experience that is the only way the thor udater will work with eq2.
I have installed eq2 and thor on my d drive but the thor will not update to my eq2. what am I doing wrong :eek:

gkhat 12-18-2005 08:47 PM

thank you

Originally Posted by Faetyl
Just run ThorUI AU and click "cancel" before it auto launches.
Click on options and change the path to your EQ2 directory by browsing to your EQ2 install.
Click ok then launch the ThorUI AU and allow it to update.

That's it...

Thank You, for your assistance

chevesse 12-31-2005 03:11 AM

Having an issue with the updater.

I install and run the 'help wizard' selecting to install full, tried deleting and installing slim, and tried deleting and setting my own features. No matter what I do, it begins downloading the files and when it gets to thorui autoupdater.ex_ it stops at 38% and stops responding. I have to alt ctrl del to close the program.

Any suggestions?

MrNice 12-31-2005 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by chevesse
Having an issue with the updater.

I install and run the 'help wizard' selecting to install full, tried deleting and installing slim, and tried deleting and setting my own features. No matter what I do, it begins downloading the files and when it gets to thorui autoupdater.ex_ it stops at 38% and stops responding. I have to alt ctrl del to close the program.

Any suggestions?


That appears to be something to do with your firewall or anti-spyware software. Check your settings in response to downloading executables.

The .ex_ is the first file it will download, as it is a patch to the auto-updater itself. It will do this before trying to download any other files.

What security software are you running? AU update was developed with McAfee Anti-virus, Microsoft Anti-Spyware, Microsoft Firewall and a router firewall all in place.

Also, you can send the .log files to me at [email protected] so I can examine if something happened during download.

chevesse 01-01-2006 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by MrNice

That appears to be something to do with your firewall or anti-spyware software. Check your settings in response to downloading executables.

The .ex_ is the first file it will download, as it is a patch to the auto-updater itself. It will do this before trying to download any other files.

What security software are you running? AU update was developed with McAfee Anti-virus, Microsoft Anti-Spyware, Microsoft Firewall and a router firewall all in place.

Also, you can send the .log files to me at [email protected] so I can examine if something happened during download.

I'm not running ANY anti virus, firewall, or anti-spyware when I try to insall or download it (thought that might do it too). Where can I find these .log files to see if the download bugged?

MrNice 01-01-2006 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by chevesse
I'm not running ANY anti virus, firewall, or anti-spyware when I try to insall or download it (thought that might do it too). Where can I find these .log files to see if the download bugged?


You can find them at:

C:\Program Files\thorui\thor_ui_autoupdate.log

C:\Program Files\thorui\thorgui.log

chevesse 01-03-2006 09:44 AM

Here are the two logs:


03/01/2006 11:41:13 PM : Welcome to Thor UI Auto Update!
03/01/2006 11:41:13 PM : Getting Manifest File(Master Manifest)...
03/01/2006 11:41:31 PM : Logging GUID...
03/01/2006 11:41:46 PM : EXCEPTION in RegisterGUID:
03/01/2006 11:41:46 PM : Socket Error # 11004

03/01/2006 11:41:46 PM : Getting Manifest File(Master Manifest)...
03/01/2006 11:41:48 PM : Populating Feature Manifest List...
03/01/2006 11:41:48 PM : Populating plugin manifest list...
03/01/2006 11:41:48 PM : Done populating plugin manifest list
03/01/2006 11:41:48 PM : Fetching Feature Manifests...
03/01/2006 11:41:48 PM : Getting plugin manifests...
03/01/2006 11:41:48 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:48 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:48 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:48 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:49 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:49 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:49 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:49 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:50 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:50 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:50 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:50 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:50 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:51 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:51 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:51 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:52 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:52 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:52 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:52 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:52 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:53 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:53 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:53 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:54 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:54 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:54 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:54 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:55 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:55 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:55 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:55 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:56 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:56 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:56 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:56 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:57 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:57 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:57 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:57 PM : Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
03/01/2006 11:41:58 PM : Done merging plugin manifest files
03/01/2006 11:41:58 PM : Getting Manifest File(Master)...
03/01/2006 11:41:59 PM : Found 89 files in all manifests
03/01/2006 11:41:59 PM : Comparing with current content...
03/01/2006 11:41:59 PM : Examining local files...


1/3/2006 11:41:10 PM : Application Launched
1/3/2006 11:41:12 PM : Application Exits

-- the first file doesn't seem to show where it actually quits out, downloading thor_ui_autoupdater.ex_ at 38% I have to alt ctrl del at that point

MrNice 01-03-2006 12:06 PM

Hmmm... Don't have an answer for you. Try this. Put this URL in your web browser and see if it downloads.


That's the file my program is trying to fetch. It does this the same way your web browser does, via HTTP GET on port 80.

chevesse 01-05-2006 05:09 AM

It also stops at 38% thats downloading through firefox

ShadowProwler420 01-05-2006 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by chevesse
It also stops at 38% thats downloading through firefox

I know this probably doesn't help matters for you, but I just tried downloading from the above link through Firefox (v1.5; Build 200111116) and had no problems.

Perhaps you have some lingering anti-spyware/anti-virus processes still going on?

chevesse 01-05-2006 02:48 PM

ok these are the files I have running in 'processes' when I try to download that file from the browser or th updater:

firefox.exe yes me (my computer name)
svchost.exe SYSTEM
explorer.exe yes me
svchost.exe SYSTEM
svchost.exe LOCAL SERVICE
services.exe SYSTEM
csrss.exe SYSTEM
ctfmon.exe yes me
rundll32.exe yes me
spoolsv.exe SYSTEM
wscntfy.exe yes me
jusched.exe yes me
lsass.exe SYSTEM
winlogon.exe SYSTEM
smss.exe SYSTEM
System Idle Process

MrNice 01-07-2006 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by chevesse
It also stops at 38% thats downloading through firefox


Sorry, it's not the auto-updater. It's something on your PC. Something is probably objecting to downloading executables.


I did notice you are running: wscntfy.exe
This is your firewall software and probably the culprit.

More info:


chevesse 01-09-2006 12:15 PM

Aye I know thats the program, but I have it disabled that is the 'error firewall disabled' mess that sits in my bottom right bar. I can't seem to turn it off. It seems strange to me that anything would stop just that file from downloading at 38% ... not completely block it or not completely block the other downloads.

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