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-   -   Healer's Dream UI, and something else cool. (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1683)

Jerry 03-01-2005 05:44 PM

Healer's Dream UI, and something else cool.
2 Attachment(s)
I have two requests, both of which are simple. To make myself as clear as possible, I also drew a couple of pictures. :)

I didn't MAKE a UI, I just copied & pasted in MS paint. This is what I would want someone to make. :)

Idea 1 (see picture 1):
This is an integration of 3 of the items I like the most from this website, with some very minor modifications. However, if someone wanted to do it from the ground-up, that would be fine by me as well! :)

1. Perdition's UBER target / implied target / player panel.

I cannot tell you how much I like this thing!! All that has changed is that it has been made slightly smaller horizontally, and has been positioned to be directly above all five other group members, for easier at-a-glance comparison of health percentages. Also, the concentration slots have been moved.

2. beastnic's TKing group window

Basically all that is changed is the removal of the border. The wonderful horizontally-aligned stauts ailments that are easy to see at a glance makes this ideal as a group window for a healer (particularly a templar with all four group status heals).

3. tonyis3l33t's mini spell effects & maintained effects windows

Basically they have simply been placed here, but the idea would be to arrange them pixel-perfect with the rest of the windows so that one window can show 18 effects, the other can show 24. (These could be adjustable of course.)

This would be my 'dream UI,' and would really appreciate it if someone would mind doing this, or perhaps helping me to do it. I really like what I have now (currently I use Perditions uber-box, and will likely continue to if this does not get made), but this would make things much easier on my poor eyes. :)

Idea 2 (see picture 2):

A modification of Deathbane27's amazing mod for settings.

(I wasn't sure if I should put this request in a private message, or on that thread, but I know you visit here all the time, so... :) I decided to throw it in here as well, Deathbane.)

I would want these features to be on the bar--nothing fancy, but that's what this forum said on its description: "If you want just one tiny change..." :) So, if at all possible, Deathbane, could you make it have those features? Horizontal v. vertical arrangement doesn't matter to me, the picture is just to show what things I would want on it.

Well, these are some pretty long / perhaps complex requests, but I expect that LOTS of people would want them.

Thanks again! I really like the community here.


Tobiah 03-01-2005 05:59 PM

Very cool....

Jerry 03-01-2005 07:52 PM

Should I turn this into a poll, too?
Should I turn this into a poll, too, to see what everyone thinks? (Like, to demonstrate the desire that people would have for it.)

If I don't get any responses, I will go ahead and do it just to see.

perdition 03-02-2005 08:42 AM

Hello Jerry :)

I saw your pictures and read your explanation.....but....I do not understand what you want as it seems looking at your pictures that's it's already done . :confused:

Or maybe you made the picture using screenshot and resized all parts through image editor ?

Jerry 03-02-2005 01:29 PM

Right! : )
You were right--I used an image editor (I did the pictures in MS paint) ---I did not make a UI mod. I can't operate the UI editor with the level of skill that others do to save my life.

These pictures were things I drew just to provide a visual aid, so I didn't have to use as many words to describe what I wanted. :)

But it does make me feel good that I did such a good job in my mock-up that you thought it was *real*. :D

perdition 03-03-2005 09:27 AM

Ok jerry I will have a look on Idear 1 tomorrow :)

[edit] don't forget that only 12 maintained buff can be displayed, and 30 Effects.

then It will be :
6 Maintained
6 Maintained
6 Effects
6 Effects
6 Effects
6 Effects
6 Effects

Jerry 03-03-2005 01:22 PM

Woot! Perdition to the rescue again!

Thanks a ton!


PS--And actually, I had no idea about the 12 limit on maintained effects...! :) Thanks again!

thor797 03-03-2005 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Jerry
I have two requests, both of which are simple. To make myself as clear as possible, I also drew a couple of pictures. :)

I didn't MAKE a UI, I just copied & pasted in MS paint. This is what I would want someone to make. :)

Idea 1 (see picture 1):
This is an integration of 3 of the items I like the most from this website, with some very minor modifications. However, if someone wanted to do it from the ground-up, that would be fine by me as well! :)

1. Perdition's UBER target / implied target / player panel.

Thanks again! I really like the community here.


This Ive already put together, it is graphical with Tking Graphics : http://www.eq2interface.com/download...fo.php?id=3364

Jerry 03-03-2005 03:15 PM

While the Arcane UI looks really cool, it isn't quite what I had in mind with mine. The idea was to cram all the stuff that a healer needs to see, into the smallest possible area, while leaving the stuff he needs to see very large and visible.
Also, part of the idea was to vertically align ALL of the HP / power of the party, player, target, and implied target. Also, the idea was to make the status effects VERY visible: it beomes difficult to see becasue the icons for it were drawn very much alike.

While the Arcane windows look super-cool, and quite ornate, they are designed to be spread out, not crammed one right next to each other.

Take a look at my mock-up, and see if it doesn't seem really different to you--Like the difference between the organic beauty of a plant, and the crystalline beauty of a well-put-together computer. :)


jimbob120 03-03-2005 04:55 PM

I would love to see ths made. I play as a healer most of the time and most windows just dont fit my needs.

I made a request for one before, but this one seems so much better than mine does :D

Eloora 03-04-2005 12:40 AM

I absolutely LOVE your first idea, a healer's dream indeed :nana: :nana:

I currently use a group window mod similar to T. King's except with no frills, just the tightly stacked group bars with the effects icons to the right. I just have to have my groups bars stacked vertically, so much easier to see who needs healing than a horizontal design. I'm also kind of a stickler about having my group, personal and target windows' healh/power bars be the same size and length. I could probably deal with larger target and implied target bars if it was part of this great mod idea :)

I also have my maintained buffs bar very close to the group window for at-a-glance ease. Having ALL buffs right there would be too uber for words.
I am a huge space hog when it comes to windows, and like to have everything as streamlined as possible, and if the windows can interlock with each other for a more uniform "dashboard" look, all the better.

Please, anyone out there, run with this idea! Me love you long time!

perdition 03-04-2005 10:07 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Here is the first try:

Could you please test it and let me know as I'm At work for long time again and can't do it.

(Preview and data file)

Jerry 03-04-2005 03:21 PM

Test #1
1 Attachment(s)
Okay, I tested it, and here are a couple of screenshots.

First off, thanks a ton! All the healers here will *very much* appreciate this!

This is looking great already! Here are a few things that I saw:

1. The target's health and power bars are not the same size as the player's--they extend outside of that, and outside of their own slots.

2. The spell effects window was having a weird thing happen to it--some of the icon slots remain blank, no matter what! Even when there is a spell that should be there, it will not display, but the NEXT spell I maintain WILL display. Really strange...

Great work on the first run-through! It really looks almost done--which is awesome!

I really like your two additions...The new font for the health & power % is MUCH clearer, and I also like the super-understandable concentration slots---you ALWAYS know if you have used that fifth slot. GREAT touch!

I have just a few small requests:
1. For the target and implied target, can you make it so there is no space in between the health and power bars, but extend the power bars to be as tall as the health bar on each pair? (Like, make the power bar on the implied target as high as the health bar on the implied target.) Power is a big issue when fighing things that can heal themselves! :)

2. Can we restrict the maximum vertical AND horizontal size of the party window? I know the TKing group window I linked to could do that, and it would be nice if we could do this one that way, so it could be pixel-perfect without the user having to figure it out themselves. I wasn't sure exactly how wide to make the party window, or how tall.

3. Would it be also possible to use a background similar to the TKing party window, for the party window? I don't mean the nice-looking border, I just mean the rectangles. I actually like those little rectangles around each party member, so I can more quickly see where their status ailments are.

This is looking excellent already! :) And from what others have said, I can tell that this'll be a very popular mod for healers.

Anyway, this is great already. Hope to see more very soon! WOOT!


jimbob120 03-04-2005 05:08 PM

Thanks alot for this
been looking for something like this for awhile :D

EDIT: not sure if i did something worng, but the health and power bars dont do anything, the % go down, but the bars dont.

Also a small request, could you make it so when i click on my health/power it targets me?

Eloora 03-04-2005 08:28 PM

Looking really great so far! Just the minor adjustments based on Jerry's and jimbob's feedback would make this mod quite close to perfect :nana:

Keep up the great work!

perdition 03-05-2005 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Jerry
Okay, I tested it, and here are a couple of screenshots.

First off, thanks a ton! All the healers here will *very much* appreciate this!

This is looking great already! Here are a few things that I saw:

1. The target's health and power bars are not the same size as the player's--they extend outside of that, and outside of their own slots.

2. The spell effects window was having a weird thing happen to it--some of the icon slots remain blank, no matter what! Even when there is a spell that should be there, it will not display, but the NEXT spell I maintain WILL display. Really strange...

Great work on the first run-through! It really looks almost done--which is awesome!

I really like your two additions...The new font for the health & power % is MUCH clearer, and I also like the super-understandable concentration slots---you ALWAYS know if you have used that fifth slot. GREAT touch!

I have just a few small requests:
1. For the target and implied target, can you make it so there is no space in between the health and power bars, but extend the power bars to be as tall as the health bar on each pair? (Like, make the power bar on the implied target as high as the health bar on the implied target.) Power is a big issue when fighing things that can heal themselves! :)

2. Can we restrict the maximum vertical AND horizontal size of the party window? I know the TKing group window I linked to could do that, and it would be nice if we could do this one that way, so it could be pixel-perfect without the user having to figure it out themselves. I wasn't sure exactly how wide to make the party window, or how tall.

3. Would it be also possible to use a background similar to the TKing party window, for the party window? I don't mean the nice-looking border, I just mean the rectangles. I actually like those little rectangles around each party member, so I can more quickly see where their status ailments are.

This is looking excellent already! :) And from what others have said, I can tell that this'll be a very popular mod for healers.

Anyway, this is great already. Hope to see more very soon! WOOT!


Hello :) The target health/power are two bigs because for the moment I only modify it for the old Con version, I will do the new con when I will be sure that the old is working ok.

For the missing slots, it's normal cause I forgot to enable them again after redesign :p

The Party window width is already at the minimum (don't forget that there is 4 icons to the right, for the tall parameter, we need to based it on the Efects if we want to have something nice.

perdition 03-05-2005 05:35 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Here is the new version :)

Drumstix42 03-05-2005 02:04 PM

Hmmm I like the look of the health bars (the big ones)

perdition 03-05-2005 04:18 PM

This style bar is coming from Boho mod :)

Lightbearer 03-05-2005 05:25 PM

Maybe you can help me , I d/led healer 1, and 2 - unzipped 1 to the ui folder, then 2 to overwrite any changes in case i was missing any files from 1 instead of just d/ling 2 alone.

anyway.. after loggin in, i can see the mantained and buff windows , the target mod is there and i have the group mod , and the lil block that has 2 4 100%'s on it.

I do not however, have the palyer part that shows my hp/power, w/ a gague for my hp/power. Its hard to go by the 100% and mouse overing it to see what my hps are at - i dont like to go simply by percentage when it comes to my hp/power.

in the pictures on this thread even on healer2 latest screenshot, it shows it as that - what am i doing wrong?


Eloora 03-05-2005 06:32 PM

All windows functional for me, try pressing Alt + t twice and the window should appear for you Lightbearer.

I think the mod is looking great! And since Perdition is such a super guy and modder, I'm sure you won't mind some CC on it :p . Just some minor aesthetic things really, that keep the mod looking sort of "beta" when it could be perfect. This is at 1600x1200 resolution btw. Here are a couple little things I noticed:

- The background of the window with all of the hp/power %'s does not fade properly when you try to adjust the opacity. It's just solid black.
-The %'s aren't quite lined up with each other once the numbers drop below 100. You can kinda see from your screenshot. The 80% is sort of centered, and it might look better/be easier to read if they were all lined up on the left side.
- It was likely intentional, but all of the %'s next to the health bars have different colors. This may just be me, but I like it when the %'s directly reflect the color range of the bar (green then yellow then orange then red)
-The height of the target window is a few pixels too short and the ^^ indicators above the bars kind of peep over the edge.
-When you have no target, the words "No target" and "No implied target" appear instead, but "No implied target" text is off center compared to the other line and the health bars.

That's pretty much it. Everything seems fully functional and the way it should be (those buff icons sure are tiny at my reso! Oh wel what did i expect).
Thanks very much perdition for cranking this one out, it's truly a help.


Jerry 03-06-2005 02:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I would like to set aside a moment to say, WOOOHOOO!

This is amazing! It makes my UI super-adjustable and really slick. I can stick this thing in any corner, or even split it up if I have to (for those non-healer types). I use this for all my characters now!!

All the windows are perfectly functional for me as well, and the pieces are very nicely proportioned! Pixel-perfect party window too, with the handy rectangles! Thanks for those finishing touches!

I only noticed one thing, and it wasn't anything that was mentioned before. It's only a minor appearacne thing, and I can easily live with it. I think it is odd that nobody else had this happen...but I put a screenshot showing it.

There is a strange black background on the names of the target and the implied target.

Also, every once in a while, the HP and Power of the target would turn dark. Logging out and back in fixes this, so I don't know what causes it.

THis is great, Perdition! You have a lot of happy healers on your hands now! :)


Tobiah 03-06-2005 10:05 AM

Only wish would make group window smaller, its to wide imho
Should be possible to make it 50% of the width without its loses it function
Also sometimes as said the power guage changes to deep blue without any reason. No idea why

Jerry 03-06-2005 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Tobiah
Only wish would make group window smaller, its to wide imho
Should be possible to make it 50% of the width without its loses it function

But if it shrank to half its width, you couldn't see status effects when they come up! And that can be a big deal for a healer--one elemental status effect, and suddenly your fighter starts falling like a brick. Gotta make sure you can see those clarly!

Tobiah 03-06-2005 12:33 PM

Maybe its diffrent at high levl but as around levl 30 i wife healer dont need more than maybe 2 to 3 icons, i think they can be shrunk in size without its messing up the spirit

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