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-   -   ThorUI AU Help [Need Help with the Auto Updater? Post here!!!] (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4882)

valadonis 05-04-2008 03:02 PM

No more ThorUI?
I just installed the auto-updater and ran it... and I only get:


Welcome to Thor UI Auto Update!
Local File Name: D:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II\UI\thorui\lock.txt
Remote RULhttp://thorui.thorsparks.com/autoupdate/lock.txt
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Update Server is locked.  Please try again later!

In the window just below that, I get that the web page can't be found as well. I would really like to use this UI as it is simple, clean, and offers some great features.

Megera 05-06-2008 06:50 PM

Right now, my guildmate, Lodrelhai, is updating Thor UI by old fashioned coding for me. she's taking care of the next UI changes and probably will because she loves and adores her guildmaster. ::preen:: So check out the updates with her and on these forums - i know a couple of other folk are working on them as well.

gm9 05-06-2008 06:56 PM

*ponders what "old fashioned coding" is supposed to mean*

ShadowProwler420 05-07-2008 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 72587)
*ponders what "old fashioned coding" is supposed to mean*

Maybe they've devised a way for Basic (not Visual Basic, but old school Basic) programming to be compatible and read by SOE's game engine. :D;)

Lodrelhai 05-08-2008 08:26 PM

Be nice, she's my guildleader! ^_^

Though I suspect it's my behavior that's old-fashioned coding/programmer style. IE, she sent me the files, I'm going through them making changes, I chatter at her about the changes I've made and how this element needed tweaking and oh, that's what that section is for and why is it working when I do it this way but not that way, etc etc. All the while completely ignoring the fact that she has NO clue what I'm talking about.

Dracythis 05-13-2008 11:19 AM

ThorUI Update Engine stalled.....

Welcome to Thor UI Auto Update!
Local File Name: C:\Program Files\thorui\lock.txt
Remote RULhttp://thorui.thorsparks.com/autoupdate/lock.txt
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Update Server is locked.  Please try again later!

This is the error I'm getting this morning. Just in case you need to know, I am running Windows XP, not Vista. Faetyl, where are you when I need you?!?!?!? :p

Taltos Zadoq 05-13-2008 09:45 PM

My question is with the error pages and the Thor program not working, is there some kind of work around in the meantime so that we can access our banks (that changed in the latest update)?

I hope I don't have to stop using this UI, I've really grown to depend on it!! =(

Crazyinda 05-14-2008 02:48 PM

not sure what to do
Welcome to Thor UI Auto Update!
Getting Manifest File(Master Manifest)...
EXCEPTION in GetManifestFile
URL: http://thorui.thorsparks.com/autoupdate/manifest.xml
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
EXCEPTION: LoadManifest:
The system cannot locate the object specified.

Line: 0

im not sure my AU stoped work while back so i downlaoded it again and this is what i got help

ShadowProwler420 05-14-2008 04:53 PM

If I remember correctly, that error basically means the file server holding the UI files is down. And with the recent demise of ThorUI, I wouldn't hold your breath while waiting for the server to come back up.

Crazyinda 05-15-2008 09:49 AM

so thorui is no more? No more updates? i love the ui, is there going to be any fix for server problems

Dracythis 05-15-2008 12:14 PM

ThorUI Resurrection Project

Originally Posted by Crazyinda (Post 72835)
so thorui is no more? No more updates? i love the ui, is there going to be any fix for server problems

Ok, due to my love of using ThorUI, I'm going to step out on a limb here and take a more aggressive approach to this problem. From what I heard in the forums, Faetyl is MIA and has been since the beginning of 2008. Since the update server is down and Faetyl is MIA, I propose the following:

1. Every attempt at contacting Faetyl (by IM Messenger, E-mail, etc.) is made so we are not usurping his/her project. If possible, I would prefer to have Faetyl's blessing to take over the ThorUI project.

2. Once all attempts at contacting Faetyl are made and/or we have Faetyl's blessing. I propose we setup a committee of knowledgeable participants to manage ThorUI. I am unable to go this alone, I have none of the programming experience that is needed to make this new project work.

3. If the price for an update server is reasonable ($30.00/mo or less), I would be willing to foot the bill for that. Once the new server is up and running, we can re-direct the ThorUI Auto Updater to the new server.

4. If my memory is correct, the only file that should be out of date on ThorUI is the new bank UI file from GU #45. I did find an interface author named Lodrelhai that created a ThorUI type bank interface that works with GU #45. I would at the very least to gain permission to use his/her bank interface with the ThorUI pack, but it would be nice to be able to get him/her onboard with the ThorUI resurrection project.

What does everyone think??? Please give feedback. If you have questions/comments, you don't feel like posting on the forums, you can e-mail me at [email protected]

Urth 05-15-2008 07:40 PM

Great Idea
Like you, I do not have the programming skills to make this UI work but am all for the idea if can be made to work. Thanks for stepping up to the plate :)


Originally Posted by Dracythis (Post 72839)
Ok, due to my love of using ThorUI, I'm going to step out on a limb here and take a more aggressive approach to this problem. From what I heard in the forums, Faetyl is MIA and has been since the beginning of 2008. Since the update server is down and Faetyl is MIA, I propose the following:

1. Every attempt at contacting Faetyl (by IM Messenger, E-mail, etc.) is made so we are not usurping his/her project. If possible, I would prefer to have Faetyl's blessing to take over the ThorUI project.

2. Once all attempts at contacting Faetyl are made and/or we have Faetyl's blessing. I propose we setup a committee of knowledgeable participants to manage ThorUI. I am unable to go this alone, I have none of the programming experience that is needed to make this new project work.

3. If the price for an update server is reasonable ($30.00/mo or less), I would be willing to foot the bill for that. Once the new server is up and running, we can re-direct the ThorUI Auto Updater to the new server.

4. If my memory is correct, the only file that should be out of date on ThorUI is the new bank UI file from GU #45. I did find an interface author named Lodrelhai that created a ThorUI type bank interface that works with GU #45. I would at the very least to gain permission to use his/her bank interface with the ThorUI pack, but it would be nice to be able to get him/her onboard with the ThorUI resurrection project.

What does everyone think??? Please give feedback. If you have questions/comments, you don't feel like posting on the forums, you can e-mail me at [email protected]

gm9 05-15-2008 07:49 PM

Just a note from someone who as actually taken over a UI project: Despite all good intentions with the server and the committee, in the end it comes down to having dedicated modders to keep the UI alive, and they will do it for their own reasons and not likely according to decisions from a committee that may not stick to the task for very long.

It seems to me that Lodrelhai said she was going to keep the UI up to date for the time being, and she already released 3 updated ThorUI windows. So my impression is that you should just go show some support and appreciation to her and maybe bug her to release it all as a complete set as she continues to work through the pieces. If you are nice enough to her your ThorUI future may thus be secured for a long time. ;)

Dracythis 05-15-2008 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 72859)
Just a note from someone who as actually taken over a UI project: Despite all good intentions with the server and the committee, in the end it comes down to having dedicated modders to keep the UI alive, and they will do it for their own reasons and not likely according to decisions from a committee that may not stick to the task for very long.

I know these sort of things can be an uphill battle, but I do have a tendency to see things through. In the end, I maybe a single member group, but I will stick with it. Maybe committee was the wrong description to use. My ultimate goal was to form a group of interested individuals (modders & others) to resurrect the autoupdater and provide replacement windows for the outdated one's as they come along. I am not expecting anyone to make a life-long commitment to the project, people are free to come and go as they please. I won't be moving forward on this project, until Faetyl has had ample opportunity to respond to my e-mail (I e-mailed him this morning). To tell the truth, having Faetyl respond, would be in the project's best interest. At the very best, he may indicate money is tight and payment of the server bill is all that is needed. At the very least, he may say that he is done with the project and can supply all the ThorUI files for use on a new server. <fingers crossed>


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 72859)
It seems to me that Lodrelhai said she was going to keep the UI up to date for the time being, and she already released 3 updated ThorUI windows. So my impression is that you should just go show some support and appreciation to her and maybe bug her to release it all as a complete set as she continues to work through the pieces. If you are nice enough to her your ThorUI future may thus be secured for a long time. ;)

Yes, I have seen Lodrelhai's work and I'm actually using one or two of her updated ThorUI windows in my UI directory for EQ2. She is a very talented modder. In fact, while I have no expectations, but if she would be kind enough to provide her windows for use with the ThorUI auto-updater, I would be extremely grateful. If she wanted to go further and join the ThorUI group, I would welcome her with open arms. However I'm going to hold off on contacting her for the time being, since I am giving Faetyl an opportunity to respond to my e-mail before moving forward.

If anyone is interested, I did have a fellow guildee send me his ThorUI directory yesterday. Some of the windows styles aren't my favorite, but it is ThorUI. If anyone is interested in getting a copy of the directory, my e-mail is [email protected]

Lodrelhai 05-16-2008 08:56 PM

Absolutely feel free to use my mods marked as ThorUI style - that's what they're for, to keep ThorUI going. And thank you so much for the compliment! Honestly, I'm just tweaking details as needed.

I'm not willing to take part in complete takeover until a) Faetyl has himself said he's dropping the mod or b) it's been at least 6 months since last contact, which would be around 1st week of July. By the sound of it, you're thoughts on that parallel mine. I hope you do get a reply. Either way, I hope wherever Faetyl is now, that he's doing something he really enjoys, even if it's not continuing the UI.

As for pieces, I'm looking through the ones I've got so far to see what exactly was changed in each. Several people have offered to send me the files I'm missing from ThorUI; sorry for the delay in getting back to you all on that. Next priority is the loot window, what comes after that will depend on if they break anything else in the next GU and if I can convince the updater to access files on a different website.

broojij 05-28-2008 11:45 AM

Help.. Can't get UI to load

Having major issues since the update on May 13,2008. UI won't load, get an error on the autoupdate and I've reinstalled several times and still not working.
Following is error I get when I use autoupdate.
Welcome to Thor UI Auto Update!
Local File Name: C:\EverQuest II\UI\thorui\lock.txt
Remote RULhttp://thorui.thorsparks.com/autoupdate/lock.txt
Socket Error # 10054
Connection reset by peer.
Update Server is locked. Please try again later!

Please Help, this is only UI that really works for my needs. Everything else is way to cluttered.

Lodrelhai 06-07-2008 02:52 PM

Scroll up. ;)

Sadly, Faetyl hasn't been around since January, and at this point it looks like ThorUI is an abandoned UI mod. I've updated a couple windows already (bank, group, player) and will do others as I have time. Working on a different project at the moment, so could be slow.

The two windows from ThorUI most likely to be making it unusable are the bank and the loot window. As stated above, I've already updated the bank - check in the bank section of downloads. The loot window... honestly, I'm still trying to figure out what the heck Faetyl changed with it, or if the version I have is actually a default. For now, remove that one from your ThorUI folder in the UI director of EQ2.

Pitcrew 06-30-2008 01:25 PM

So can a new person install the UI at this point?
So does the download and install for thorui work at this point, should I not wast my time downloading it? I do not want to download it if I can not get it to run.


dl1981 07-03-2008 01:36 PM

yes u can
ive been using it for a year now, it will run and work except for the bank part. u have too go into the thor ui folder and remove eq2_inventory_bank otherwise u wont be able too access your bank. i put it in a folder on my desktop in hopes that they fix. its a awesome ui :)

Pitcrew 07-16-2008 12:38 AM

Does not work
I tried downloading the UI but I can not get it to load. Error messages indicating the server is not available.

Avallon 07-26-2008 06:57 AM

Is this program dead?
I have downloaded the latest ThorUI AU and all I get is IDLE on both bars. Nothing will load.. webpage cannot be found. any ideas?

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