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Seagoat 07-30-2008 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Mardigann (Post 74616)
This is an AWESOME XP bar setup. but I am using ProfitUI and I need that XP bar too - so is there a way to use both? I tried just renaming this one, but that didn't work (long shot but I thought it might work).

Thanks in advance!

Thanks! :)

We had this discussion a few posts up, hehe. ;) You can use my XP bars with ProfitUI, but you have to manually initialize the ControlCenter once you're in-game.

You can type these commands into the chat bar manually, C&P, or best yet, make a macro and click it each time you login.
/show_window Custom.ProfitUI_ControlCenter
/hide_window Custom.ProfitUI_ControlCenter
Let me know if you have any problems. :)

gm9 07-30-2008 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Seagoat (Post 74617)
You can type these commands into the chat bar manually, C&P, or best yet, make a macro and click it each time you login.
/show_window Custom.ProfitUI_ControlCenter
/hide_window Custom.ProfitUI_ControlCenter

While that works, you could also just hit the ControlCenter button. :D

Mardigann 07-30-2008 02:47 PM

Ok what I'm asking for is this - I want to have my cake and eat it too - I want both of these XP bars - but they are both named the same thing... can I have both loaded? Renaming one doesn't seem to work... There must be a way to do it!!! The idea here is that Profit's is integrated but I like seeing all four - so I want both on at the same time and that's not happening.

Awesome response times also :D

Seagoat 07-30-2008 02:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
GM9: LOL, that works too! ;)

Mardigann: It should be possible, and if it works the way my head thinks it ought to work, all you should need to do is...

1. Rename my XP bars file to "Seagoat_Experience.xml"
2. If you have a eq2ui_custom.xml file, add this line to it:
...but if you don't have one, use the one attached. :)

gm9 07-30-2008 03:52 PM

I think bad things may happen if you do that. Because both files have the same name (in the XML), they will be merged during runtime. Might work, but it's better to avoid that.

Seagoat 07-30-2008 03:56 PM

I see...didn't think of that! Maybe the second line in the XML file can be changed from this:
to this:
Name="Seagoat_Experience" (or whatever)

Think that would do it?

gm9 07-30-2008 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Seagoat (Post 74629)
Think that would do it?

Yes. Don't forget that you'll need a
/show_window Custom.Seagoat_Experience
to see it though. :)

PS: Should I mention here that the ProfitUI XP window has a top bar that can show all 4 experience types at the same time as well?

Seagoat 07-30-2008 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 74631)
PS: Should I mention here that the ProfitUI XP window has a top bar that can show all 4 experience types at the same time as well?

Shhh! You're crampin' my style! :D

Landiin 07-30-2008 04:52 PM

It really don't matter, as long as they don't have the same direct parent. Heck I've even seen same name with the same parent and all works. If the objects are from the same parent with the same name are referred to in script the 1st one the the z-order will be used.

But its best not to put the same name under the same parent node. With SOE hard coding there isn't any telling what will happen if your naming mirrored SOE's.

gm9 07-30-2008 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Landiin (Post 74633)
If the objects are from the same parent with the same name are referred to in script the 1st one the the z-order will be used.

Exactly, although I have also already seen that both have been merged into a single child node.

The problem is that Custom and MainHUD get merged into _HUD, so the same applies as they will then have the same parent.

Mardigann 07-30-2008 09:01 PM

still messing with it- and its not working... I'm running at 1920x1200 - - would that change anything? I wonder since they are set to be in the same place if it would matter?

I've also tried (since your window wasn't showing up) renaming it bob.xml and putting THAT into the custom file - and then, when it STILL didn't show up I tried /show_window Bob (in case I was screwing up the name or something) but nothing.

For me this is just easier to read, though Profit is killer. Any chance one of you could try what you're asking me to do then detail the steps?

FYI the only other stuff I have loaded is EQMAPS and POIFinder. That's it.

Mardigann 07-30-2008 09:10 PM

And I just read that - how do I get Profit to show that? I still want to get this one to work, but I haven't seen ANY XP bars up on profit - just my health and a clicky next to those that will scroll my percentages, but no bars and I don't know how to edit it - is it in the extra zips that are included or something?

Mardigann 07-30-2008 09:28 PM

Maybe this will help - this is my custom.xml as it is right now -

eq2ui_custom.xml contents:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Page IgnoreTab="false" ismodule="true" Name="Custom" PackSize="1,1" PackSizeProp="0002/0003,0002/0003" ScrollExtent="1024,768" Size="1024,768" Visible="false">

<Namespace Name="ProfitUI_Styles">

lonegreywolf20 08-02-2008 07:33 PM

I would like to request a target ring if I may?

I see that you have done some sports ones and I was wondering if you could make me a Philadelphia Flyers one?

Their primary colors are Orange/Black/White.

Here is a pink to what it looks like:


Any other info just ask.

Seagoat 08-02-2008 07:51 PM

Sure thing. :) I'll post here when it's done!

Seagoat 08-02-2008 08:54 PM

Alrighty, here you go...it will be available for download here once an admin approves it. :)

Rythus 08-02-2008 10:36 PM

guild target ring request
I'd like a guild target ring. We are the Dark Crusaders of Nektulos. Here is a link to our website logo, maybe you could make something out of it.
Another idea i had was using the crusader's cross like this one
I'd like to keep the black and purple with gold trim if at all possible.
Let me know what ya think :)

lonegreywolf20 08-02-2008 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Seagoat (Post 74775)
Alrighty, here you go...it will be available for download here once an admin approves it. :)

Wow... that was fast!!

Thank you so much, it is greatly appreciated!

Seagoat 08-02-2008 11:03 PM

@ lonegreywolf20: Glad you like it! :D

@ Rythus: I'll see what I can do. :) How do you feel about having your guild heraldry incorporated? (If you click the link in my sig for the Cloak Designer I made, you can just send me a link to your guild's design.)

Seagoat 08-03-2008 10:11 AM

Here you go, Rythus...hope you and your guild like it. :) (Download link)

Aiyala 08-03-2008 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Seagoat (Post 74800)
Here you go, Rythus...hope you and your guild like it. :) (Download link)

Hehe, I snuck in here before Rythus could tell us it was done :D

Thanks! Looks sweet!!!:D

Rythus 08-04-2008 02:30 AM

Hehe, yea im on the backshift, just checking it at work. That looks awesome seagoat! Aiyala, let the guild know if ya get a chance, not sure when i will get a chance to log on in next couple of days :)

Rythus 08-04-2008 05:58 AM

just got off and downloaded. it looks really great, thanks again seagoat

Seagoat 08-04-2008 07:14 AM

You're quite welcome, both of you. :) Glad you like it!

Mardigann 08-17-2008 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mardigann (Post 74639)
Maybe this will help - this is my custom.xml as it is right now -

eq2ui_custom.xml contents:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Page IgnoreTab="false" ismodule="true" Name="Custom" PackSize="1,1" PackSizeProp="0002/0003,0002/0003" ScrollExtent="1024,768" Size="1024,768" Visible="false">

<Namespace Name="ProfitUI_Styles">

Seagoat - still trying to get your XP bars to display along with Profits bar. If you could give me an example. Lets say your file is called "bob.xml" what steps would I need to do to get both of them to show up? which files to edit and in what way?

Thanks in advance!

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