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Papabard 10-13-2010 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Swelter (Post 93839)
Yeah, I'm sorry but that is so not helpful. I've spent five hours on this and things are going from bad to worse. For some reason nothing seems to be able to be unzipped into anything Sony related. I get this error message in Winrar:

"Cannot create install Profit UI updater.url"
"Access is denied"
"Cannot create Read me.url"
"Access is denied"

These are the same kind of denial problems that got where I am now. I need to know what I'm missing because my efforts are just making things worse.

Ah I just read this one. Access denied from winrar tells me that whatever folder you are trying to extract too is read only. Hence why you are having issues. If you are logged in as an Adminstrator that doesn't mean you are running in Admin mode. You still either need to run the program as adminstrator or you need to turn off uac

Jamesc146 10-13-2010 06:56 AM

yup I DLed the zip file last night before the patch and was able to come right into game today without an issue. Works great thank you, but might wanna push the files to the updater soon.

Chrislau 10-13-2010 07:02 AM

3 Attachment(s)
not able to hide the maintained spell cancellation button after the patch, so here's a revised version.

also made some doctoring on the tradeskill window.

a word or two about my disappearing: it's all about real life stress... i know it's my bad and I'm really sorry about this...:( :o

pnaxx 10-13-2010 07:02 AM

Ok, I see the link up at the top post for the fix. But, I need some help installing the zip file correctly. If anyone can take pitty on my poor pathetic soul, I would love some instructions on how to actually download the zip corectly....as I have screwed something up :)

I unzip the big file, then what? :)

Ixoa 10-13-2010 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Jamesc146 (Post 93874)
yup I DLed the zip file last night before the patch and was able to come right into game today without an issue. Works great thank you, but might wanna push the files to the updater soon.

The Files are on the updater as was posted in page 3 of this very thread by Silat


Ixoa 10-13-2010 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by pnaxx (Post 93876)
Ok, I see the link up at the top post for the fix. But, I need some help installing the zip file correctly. If anyone can take pitty on my poor pathetic soul, I would love some instructions on how to actually download the zip corectly....as I have screwed something up :)

I unzip the big file, then what? :)

page 2 of this same thread


Originally Posted by TalTal (Post 93808)
Go to this link:


Download the zip file attached to the bottom of the post.

Close EqII

Extract the zip file to your everquestii directory, wherever that is for you.

It should replace about 10 files.

Launch eqii.


Swelter 10-13-2010 07:28 AM

I have finally solved my problem. It was a matter of switching off UAC, granting advanced permissions and the 'change' status to the Everquest 2 folder, removing the cache and UI folders after uninstalling Profit, doing a game patch followed by clean reinstall of Profit... After many hours one of these things did the trick...

An interesting point is that you cannot run Winrar as administrator when Winrar is the program called by the zip file.

Thanks guys for caring enough to post the suggestions that eventually got me into the game.

TalTal 10-13-2010 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Chrislau (Post 93875)
not able to hide the maintained spell cancellation button after the patch, so here's a revised version.

also made some doctoring on the tradeskill window.

a word or two about my disappearing: it's all about real life stress... i know it's my bad and I'm really sorry about this...:( :o

Sorry To hear about the real life issues. As for the changes to the tradeskill window that was next on my list ;) .

If you are doing better now and want to continue with catalyst I will desist in my modding of profit.


Jamesc146 10-13-2010 09:02 AM

NOOO! Tal Tal you been doing great! you should both work together that would make me very :D

Chrislau 10-13-2010 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by TalTal (Post 93883)
Sorry To hear about the real life issues. As for the changes to the tradeskill window that was next on my list ;) .

If you are doing better now and want to continue with catalyst I will desist in my modding of profit.


still busy but finally i can split some time on the video games :o :p

not sure if i can continue the catalyst mod or not, maintenancing such a wonderful work costs time, bad thing is I don't have some. :(

TalTal 10-13-2010 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Chrislau (Post 93885)
still busy but finally i can split some time on the video games :o :p

not sure if i can continue the catalyst mod or not, maintenancing such a wonderful work costs time, bad thing is I don't have some. :(

No worries, if you feel like you have the time and desire to take it back up just let me know. Until then I will continue ;)


Mystara0001 10-14-2010 01:58 PM

Click Cures since GU 58
Hiyas Profit Magicians,

Prior to GU 58 I had modified my _ProfitUI_Curest.txt file so that I could use the Conjuror AA tree Cure Elemental in the Group/Raid/Self Target windows and all was good.

After the update (and to ensure I was using a clean install to prevent problems) I removed all my ignored files and updated the aforementioned text file.

I then modified it to once again include the AA cure. However now it doesn't recognize it at all. If I cure myself, it uses a potion. If I cure a group member it doesn't do anything.

I've checked and double checked the spell ID to ensure it's correct.

<Data Name="Conjuror" TraumaCure="NONE" ArcaneCure="3530975588" NoxiousCure="NONE" ElementalCure="1625329191" CurseCure="NONE"/>
Any help/info on this would be great.

TalTal 10-14-2010 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Kuja_Leonhart (Post 93763)
Still have empty space in variant 1.

And maybe mob casting bar make more wider.

Names, AA star position and e.t.c. is ok.

I cannot figure out what is causing this. I will keep looking at it. This shift does not happen on the target window. I copied the target window and changed the dynamicdata to be for implied target and made no other changes. The silly window still does that. I'll let you know if I figure it out.


TalTal 10-14-2010 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Mystara0001 (Post 93922)
Hiyas Profit Magicians,

Prior to GU 58 I had modified my _ProfitUI_Curest.txt file so that I could use the Conjuror AA tree Cure Elemental in the Group/Raid/Self Target windows and all was good.

After the update (and to ensure I was using a clean install to prevent problems) I removed all my ignored files and updated the aforementioned text file.

I then modified it to once again include the AA cure. However now it doesn't recognize it at all. If I cure myself, it uses a potion. If I cure a group member it doesn't do anything.

I've checked and double checked the spell ID to ensure it's correct.

<Data Name="Conjuror" TraumaCure="NONE" ArcaneCure="3530975588" NoxiousCure="NONE" ElementalCure="1625329191" CurseCure="NONE"/>
Any help/info on this would be great.

Not 100% sure this is causing your issue but it could be.


/useabilityonplayer has a bug at the moment that they are working on.


Mystara0001 10-17-2010 02:58 PM

I'm not really sure if that's the problem because the cure arcane works fine. The cure elemental doesn't even acknowledge the spell and uses potions immediately.

Since I double and triple checked the spell number, I have a feeling it's an oversight on Sony's side. Thank for the link to that thread though, I'll reply there to see if I can get help.

g0dless420 10-19-2010 03:32 PM

Hey Myst, I'm not sure if you're cure elemental works like the necro AA cure noxious so this may not apply.

For a necro those aa's add the effect to the already existing 'cure arcane' spell. Clicking the arcane cure (even if the elemental is lit up) may cure it for you as well.

alugilac 10-20-2010 12:30 PM

For this update regarding the spell timers. Were there coding changes between dragowulfs spell trakcer and yours that were required to allow for procs to be tracked using the macros and placing them on the bar? I'm using the Multi-character spell tracker and it works but making macros and placing them on the bar does not seem to work.

If there is a chunk of code I can transplant from your xml to his that would be great. I much prefer the seperate window for tracked spells over the maintained window its more compact and i can place it in an easy to see location and the only thing it ever shows are the spells that I want to see.

TalTal 10-20-2010 01:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I did not change anything to allow macro usage. I thought of the idea...tried it...and it worked. As for the hotbar usage the multicharacter version should have it set up that way.


Edit: Just tested it on live and it did not work on mine either. I tested it literally hundreds of times on test and it worked every time. I'll see if I can figure out the problem and then I'll let you know.

Edit2: Apparently you have to have a ca or spell as a step in the macro...but name the macro the buff name. It will then work.

Elohi 10-20-2010 03:01 PM

Examine windows
Before the update I was able to have at least 10 (I think) Examine windows open. Now, it's only letting me open 1 when I click a link in the chat box. Sometimes I am able to open more windows when I am examining items out of my bags but not all the time. The 2nd time I open an examine window...it seems like it opens but I don't see it. Then when I right-click the item again - it has a "Close examine" option. Are you aware of this? Is there a fix coming for this? Thanks :)

alugilac 10-20-2010 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by TalTal (Post 94108)
I did not change anything to allow macro usage. I thought of the idea...tried it...and it worked. As for the hotbar usage the multicharacter version should have it set up that way.


Edit: Just tested it on live and it did not work on mine either. I tested it literally hundreds of times on test and it worked every time. I'll see if I can figure out the problem and then I'll let you know.

Edit2: Apparently you have to have a ca or spell as a step in the macro...but name the macro the buff name. It will then work.

Thank you so very much for taking the time to help, I really appreciate it! Fantastic work and your a true asset to this community.

TalTal 10-20-2010 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Elohi (Post 94111)
Before the update I was able to have at least 10 (I think) Examine windows open. Now, it's only letting me open 1 when I click a link in the chat box. Sometimes I am able to open more windows when I am examining items out of my bags but not all the time. The 2nd time I open an examine window...it seems like it opens but I don't see it. Then when I right-click the item again - it has a "Close examine" option. Are you aware of this? Is there a fix coming for this? Thanks :)

I have not modified the examine window at all and am unaware of any changes to it in the default either.

I checked my client and can have examine windows open for multiple linked items without a problem. So I am unable to guess why this is not so for you.


DiggityMan 10-20-2010 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Elohi (Post 94111)
Before the update I was able to have at least 10 (I think) Examine windows open. Now, it's only letting me open 1 when I click a link in the chat box. Sometimes I am able to open more windows when I am examining items out of my bags but not all the time. The 2nd time I open an examine window...it seems like it opens but I don't see it. Then when I right-click the item again - it has a "Close examine" option. Are you aware of this? Is there a fix coming for this? Thanks :)

Make sure "allow windows offscreen" is NOT Checked in your Advanced UI section of the option window

Kuja_Leonhart 10-21-2010 09:55 AM

Last eq2ui_mainhud_impliedtarget.xml

Line 166.
<Button Enabled="false" GetsInput="false" Name="TitleBarLeft" PackSize="a,f" Size="172,20" SizeIncrement="1,0" Style="/ProfitUI_Styles.WindowElements.TitleBarLeft" />

Maybe it must be TitleBarRight?

Line 100
<Button Location="16,2" Name="Con" OnPress="con_version=0 con_version=0" Size="18,18" Style="/WindowElements.WindowFrame.data.settings.style" Tooltip="Click to activate detailed targeting mode" Visible="false" />

It's from target window file. But for what this line in implied target file?

TalTal 10-21-2010 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Kuja_Leonhart (Post 94128)
Last eq2ui_mainhud_impliedtarget.xml

Line 166.
<Button Enabled="false" GetsInput="false" Name="TitleBarLeft" PackSize="a,f" Size="172,20" SizeIncrement="1,0" Style="/ProfitUI_Styles.WindowElements.TitleBarLeft" />

Maybe it must be TitleBarRight?

Line 100
<Button Location="16,2" Name="Con" OnPress="con_version=0 con_version=0" Size="18,18" Style="/WindowElements.WindowFrame.data.settings.style" Tooltip="Click to activate detailed targeting mode" Visible="false" />

It's from target window file. But for what this line in implied target file?

It is leftover from when I was troubleshooting the window. Will fix these with next update.


Maozem 10-23-2010 11:46 PM

Note for Implied Target - Found a change not sure if intended or not.
First off - Thanks for all the hard work Tal - It is greatly appreciated. :)

Ok, so I use the target and implied to switch targets quite often. As of the last update I found that this little trick no longer worked so I went digging. (Thankfully I keep backups of old files lol) and here is what I found.


Button LocalTooltip="Select Player" Name="Assist" OnPress="assist Parent.Parent.Parent.Target.Name2.LocalText" Opacity="0.000" Size="172,48" Tooltip="Select Player"/>

This line appears to be ommitted from the new version of the implied target window. Not sure if it was intended or not but putting back in the following didn't hurt anything that I can tell and brings the old functionality back.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Page DynamicData="/GameData.ImpliedTarget.Window" DynamicDataFilter="0001" eq2usescomwndcontrols="true" Location="693,0" MaximumSize="172,160" MinimumSize="172,96" Name="ImpliedTarget" PackLocation="nfn,nfn" Size="172,160" UserMovable="true">
<IconBank BackgroundOpacity="1.000" Font="/TextStyles.Normal.NormalStyle" FrameColor="#B5935A" IconFramePadding="0" IconPadding="1" IconSize="15" IconStyle="/IconStyles.effect" Location="5,92" Name="Icons" PackSize="a,a" RenderOutlines="false" Size="163,50" TextColor="#FFFFFF" TextMargin="2,-1,2,-2" OnMove="Location=&apos;5,92&apos;"/>
<Page Location="0,21" Name="Common" Size="172,71">
<Button LocalTooltip="Select Player" Name="Assist" OnPress="assist Parent.Parent.Parent.Target.Name2.LocalText" Opacity="0.000" Size="172,48" Tooltip="Select Player"/><Page AbsorbsInput="false" Location="4,56" Name="SearchAutomation" OnHoverIn="SetNames.Press=true" Size="165,14">
<Button BackgroundOpacity="0.000" BackgroundColor="#FF0000" Location="

Just thought I would share for those that miss the function as it was. :)

P.S. sorry if wrong forum, it appeared to be the best fit for now.


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