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TalTal 07-28-2010 08:39 PM

It works with eq2maps. It just does not rely on it. On Test I am useing eq2maps and seeing the highlighted quest areas from the change they made.


Drumstix42 07-29-2010 08:14 PM

Is there any reason as to why there haven't been more hotbars added to the game since it's been one of the most requested things to be added to the UI?

Is it database storage of hotkey layouts? Is it being worried bout having a keybinds for more than 10 banks?
Just seems weird, cause it seems like something that would be fairly easy to add.

Zonx 07-30-2010 06:10 AM

At the least we should be able to get hotbars 11 and 12 which would bind to minus and equals, but really I think folks would be fine with more than that being available but only accessible via spinner.

Mainly I think these additional bars would be used for macros, pots, and other situational stuff you're not gonna stick on your top 3-5 bars anyway.

Another high request item we simply can't do with script is a universal bag window. One window that combines the slots of all your bags. Ideally with some sort options. The current multi-bag arrangement results in WAY to much screen clutter and dead space.

Landiin 07-30-2010 09:41 AM

I just want some Double Click events on buttons and things. I would love to be able to mod a C2C button to one click heal, double click cancel que/spell cast then heal or or what ever you have set for that button to cast.

Maozem 07-31-2010 11:38 PM

The changing of keys
Just a personal opinion:

I would have hoped that the C key would have remained as the crouch key, and that the I or P key would have been linked to the new persona tab. I know its easy to reassign the keys, I am just dreading the inevitable case of explaining to the realative novice how to do so over and over again.

Otherwise I am liking all of the posibilities the new look and pieces are adding. :)

Ellyana 08-01-2010 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Drumstix42 (Post 91781)
Is there any reason as to why there haven't been more hotbars added to the game since it's been one of the most requested things to be added to the UI?

Is it database storage of hotkey layouts? Is it being worried bout having a keybinds for more than 10 banks?
Just seems weird, cause it seems like something that would be fairly easy to add.

yes please! 2 more hotbars would be great. i currently use all 10 hotbars. Not that ever slot of every hotbar is full, because i like to space out and group together similar things. Like all my DD spells are grouped togther and then all my DoTs are grouped together all my Direct heals together, all my Heal OT otgether.. but the groups are seperated by empty(wasted) hotkey spaces. I find it confusing and awkward when everything is jumbled and next to each other.

would be nice if we had a hotkey system where we had say 144 hotkeys (12barsx12keys) where we could group together (verticaly/horizontaly) and number of hotkeys and not have to waste hotkey slots to allow for spacing. (i think shadowbane had a system like this or maybe it was WoW. /shrug)

PrincessAriel 08-01-2010 08:49 AM

Just some idea's
Please, please, please, perty please, {down on hands and knee's begging please} quick cast heals/cure/curse for the group, raid & player windows but DON"T change target.

The choice to have tabs on the bottom of the chat window would be nice. Easier to read experience bar like the profit ui (without all the wasted stuff) would be great. It would be fun if we could change our skin color or even what our target ring looks like. A bottom bar with our vital stats like many of eq's wonderful modders have made. Please make both the regular map and travel map smaller.

A smaller heroic opportunitiy window like the thor ui one would be a nice benefit.

Smaller & slimmer voice chat, tracking, maintained spells windows would be nice. What would even be nicer if you could put the maintained spells and beneficial spells in the same window. Plus woooot it would get rid of one window all together so more room on the screen.

Adjustable icon size and lock icon size for the target, implied target, maintained spells, beneficial spells, etc window.

A couple more hot bars, bag slots and bank slots would be great as well. I like the idea of quest slots or maybe even a quest bag/bank slot. It is has always bugged me that quiver slot on inventory for any class other then fighters and scout classes has no use and is a wasted slot. So what I would love to see is it become a slot where other classes could carry extra patch kits, potions, food & drink, etc. Bag slots on our horses would be nice (but then I would love to be able to change the apperance of my mount, so sick of ice cubes on the ground, and lol name my mount like we do our pets).

One more thing which would be a huge help on the journal, active journal window little tabs for wikia, zam and google. Oh and a little browser clickable window (you could even add that to the clock) would be a nice addition.

:p :p :p

Coriolanus 08-01-2010 04:33 PM

I run EQ2Maps and I noticed that when I copied characters over from Live that I still had the compass and time icons and they were not put on the mini-map. Apparently there is no way to put them on the minimap either.

I would especially like the compass points on the mini-map - but that doesn't happen if you use EQ2map.

jnils 08-01-2010 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Coriolanus (Post 91840)
I run EQ2Maps and I noticed that when I copied characters over from Live that I still had the compass and time icons and they were not put on the mini-map. Apparently there is no way to put them on the minimap either.

I would especially like the compass points on the mini-map - but that doesn't happen if you use EQ2map.

The EQ2MAP XML is not updated with the latest code changes yet, that will be fixed but we can't put the changes live until gu57 goes live.

TalTal 08-01-2010 04:46 PM

It happens. Just set the window settings of your minimap to frame or frame and titlebar.


Edit: Guess it no longer does. It did 2 days ago.

Alatariel 08-05-2010 07:57 PM

I would like to echo all the requests for the click to cure and click to cast raid (and group) windows. Every utility and healer class that raids has been in dire need of this kind of functionality since launch day of eq2, and for some strange reason it has never been addressed.

Gardee 03-11-2012 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by SOE-Rothgar (Post 91501)
Rest up because you're most likely going to have a lot of work to do when GU57 hits test server in just over a week! :)

I can't go into a lot of detail right now, but we've made some pretty big UI changes for 57. The default UI is getting a re-skin and many windows have been modified.

We'll post more when we can.

well LETS HOPE you have show consideration for playersthat sffer migraine andOTHER MASNY MANY sight disorders that thisgame refuseds to acknowledge rectifky show compassion to ppl with a disability but STILL ABLE to usea COMPUTER to help pass the idle time away ...
now i haveyour attention i hope ifyagoingto change the UI the default backdrop yes the clour behind this white text it is far easier and less EYE STRAIN if it wasreversed over BLACK TEXT on WHITE

for pets sake
i dotn know how many feedbacks i have lodged and suggestions over the many years but nothing seems to ever get through to you "wonder kids" ,,,Devs as you call ya selves at SOE
i have a opinion you are all self centred and and laugh at unfortunate people that are sight impared in some ways i am not saying blind ,, colour imparments and many other sight problems affect many many throught out the world

Lets hope that SOON ,SOE eqII becomes sight disabled FREINDLY at long last

Ellyana 03-11-2012 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by Gardee (Post 99762)
well LETS HOPE you have show consideration for playersthat sffer migraine andOTHER MASNY MANY sight disorders that thisgame refuseds to acknowledge rectifky show compassion to ppl with a disability but STILL ABLE to usea COMPUTER to help pass the idle time away ...
now i haveyour attention i hope ifyagoingto change the UI the default backdrop yes the clour behind this white text it is far easier and less EYE STRAIN if it wasreversed over BLACK TEXT on WHITE

for pets sake
i dotn know how many feedbacks i have lodged and suggestions over the many years but nothing seems to ever get through to you "wonder kids" ,,,Devs as you call ya selves at SOE
i have a opinion you are all self centred and and laugh at unfortunate people that are sight impared in some ways i am not saying blind ,, colour imparments and many other sight problems affect many many throught out the world

Lets hope that SOON ,SOE eqII becomes sight disabled FREINDLY at long last

your sight MUST be bad as this thread is over 2.5 years old. :(:(

Gardee 03-11-2012 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by Ellyana (Post 99763)
your sight MUST be bad as this thread is over 2.5 years old. :(:(

yeah andya wonder why so many steer clear of askigna simple request that hasd been ON GOING for over 4 years of playing yeah you types peve me off too

TalTal 03-11-2012 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Gardee (Post 99764)
yeah andya wonder why so many steer clear of askigna simple request that hasd been ON GOING for over 4 years of playing yeah you types peve me off too

Are you mentally disabled as well? The comment that offended you was obviously a joke and was a very light hearted way of telling you that your comment was irrelevant since the change you were talking about occurred two years ago. The developer that posted this thread has since moved on to other things.


gm9 03-11-2012 10:43 AM

It's usually best to ignore thread necros and rants of this type, or just hit the report button as someone did.

Also hi guys, haven't been around here much recently, but can still close threads down, which I'm doing now, since this is going nowhere good. ;)

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