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-   -   ThorUI AU Help [Need Help with the Auto Updater? Post here!!!] (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4882)

Faetyl 08-02-2006 09:26 AM

Selecting a Feature:
1. Launch the ThorUI AU
2. Click “Cancel” therefore stoping the update process
3. Click “Advanced”
4. Check the feature you would like to start using
5. Click “Ok”
6. Click “Ok”
7. Click "Update"

Also found in the installation Instructions here:


Originally Posted by jellyman04_05
i have a question about the thor ui options. how do you change optional windows with this user interface?

Livinlifex 08-07-2006 05:14 PM

Inspectable Quest Updates
I am not sure if this has happened to anyone else, or if it is the UI itself. The items (like a note) that you inspect for a quest update will allow me to examine these types of items one time and complete the update. If I try to examine another (or sometimes the same item) for a another quest update, it will fail. All that will happen will be that it just shows the description of the item, no update. The only way for me to fix this is to camp or zone. Then I may examine the item once again to continue the quest but only once then I have to log or zone. Is this maybe a bad UI that is incorporated into Thor UI? This did not start happening until after LU 25. I contacted SOE and they have no reported bugs that have this issue, they said that it may be my UI.

Faetyl 08-07-2006 09:24 PM

No offense to SOE but they ALWAYS point towards the UI being the cause.
I run a separate install completely clean of ANY changes and I mean ANY changes.
I have had the issue you mentioned.
I've confirmed the same issue with my clean install and I have /bug reported the issue.

If it was UI related it would be related to the examine xml (which I don't modify in any way for the ThorUI)

/bug report it.
It takes more than a handful of people to show there's an issue before they devote resources to it (I don't blame them)...
With this being such a defined issue, I can see it taking some time for them to take us seriously.

Livinlifex 08-08-2006 04:12 PM

LOL well, you are the first person other that I who has confirmed this issue. It is driving me nits because not many seem to have this problem. I even tried uninstalling the game, deleting all the patches and reinstalling it. And Yes, I did /bug report it. I really didn't think it was the UI itself, being that this did not happen until after LU25. However, I thought I would double check it anyhow being that this bug is driving me nuts, lol.

Iakona78 10-13-2006 08:59 AM

hotbar issues
Hello, i just wanted to say i have been playing eq2 for about 2 years now and have had Thor Ui since it came out :P...LOVE IT.
well i took a break from eq2 for a deployment:( came back and reinstalled everything and i have noticed that i cannot move my hotbars. default is at the top of the screen and i use them at the bottom but i cannot move them at all, if i try the default location then i have 5 bars on top of eachother and theres no way to move them, i've tried everything with no luck...Any Ideas? thank you in advance :)

Faetyl 10-13-2006 11:53 AM

hotbar moving can be tricky since the enhacments.

Right click and unlock the hotbar.
Click and hold in between the squares where the spells go and drag.

That will allow you to move the hotbars.
Welcome back to the game!

Warriorlife 10-15-2006 11:42 AM

Slight Buggs that you might not know.
I got the Auto updater for the thorUI last week.When you look at the download options for it we all see photos of a guild window with tabs for writs and HQ's so forth.But, Aftre install the guild window remains the same and the original UI is still there.So no guild window installled like whats shows in the photos.Dont know whats wrong the photos posted or the UI guild window not working no idea.
Second issue I have noticed.After you install the UI and defrag and whatever you play the game like normal which is good.But,It created an issue when typeing ingame text at all.Issue is that when typeing the charicter will jump out of the text bar and auto run a short distance untill you get stopped by a wall or press enter a few times.I have never had this issue ingame untill the thorUI was installed.I have deleted and reinstalled the UI and still the same.Any Ideas?
Please remember im not that computer literate to understand codes or anything thats why i used an auto updater UI, lol.

By chance have one for a guild window? lol, Thanks. :nana:

Faetyl 10-15-2006 01:01 PM

I don't edit the guild window in any way, never have actually.
Too much changing with it and it suits me fine so never bothered.

The window you are describing is the ThorUI InfoCenter which is basically the "Milquetowst Info Center" just changed out a bit. (99% credit goes to that author)
Anyway, the option for the info center is selectable in the Journals section and requires the startbutton mod unless you create a hotkey to open it yourself, and has full instructions on how to use it.

The auto run metod makes me think you have keymappings that have a modified autorun button or something.
The ThorUI doesn't do anything with keymappings in any way nor does it issue any non specific keypresses. So no clue what's cuasing that.

Basically the main thing you need to remember is that all UI's are contained in the EverQuest II\UI folder and a file by the name of eq2.ini is required to tell the game to use your custom interface.
If you are having trouble with a UI and think it may be UI related, I suggest you delete/modify the eq2.ini file. (Renaming it to eq2.old will stop you from using the UI and you can login and test if the issue is still occuring.)
The file is in your EverQuest II directory.

Curious: What photos are you referencing?
The photos in the ThorUI Features section give the name of the window and there is no Guild Window feature.

Warriorlife 10-16-2006 04:56 AM

Here is the photo at the bottom when enlarged shows writs heritage ect.


Or, main menu/downloads/thorUI/ThorUI AU (Auto Updater) and photo at bottom.

This is what i was talking about on teh guild window not being in the UI like in the photo when you view the enlarged picture.Even as in the photo it says quest journal not guild window i do not have what is showne in the photo.Guess thats what is confuseing me i believe.Either way its not there.

Faetyl 10-16-2006 09:26 AM

yeah that's all in the infocenter.
Sorry about that...

I'll update the picture to correctly reference the InfoCenter.

GaminRoger 12-20-2006 09:35 AM

sub maps
When i go to sub zones the dots on the map do not work. Like regular zones. Whenu mouse over dot in regular zones it tells you what it is, but the other zones like POF and the clifts of Rujark etc are not working. :mad:

ShadowProwler420 12-20-2006 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by GaminRoger
When i go to sub zones the dots on the map do not work. Like regular zones. Whenu mouse over dot in regular zones it tells you what it is, but the other zones like POF and the clifts of Rujark etc are not working. :mad:

Sounds like an issue better posted in the EQ2map forums ;)

brigglesworth 09-01-2007 07:12 PM

I've been using Thorui for as long as it's been out. I had some recent computer issues and had to reinstall. I downloaded the autoinstaller and installed it. When I try to run the AU I get the message "The specified procedure could not be found." and then the AU window loads up but doesn't do anything. I'm an idiot when it comes to computer stuff so that's all I know to say.

knarf247 09-06-2007 10:32 AM

can't get i to update!
Welcome to Thor UI Auto Update!
Local File Name: C:\Program Files\thorui\lock.txt
Remote RULhttp://thorui.thorsparks.com/autoupdate/lock.txt
Socket Error # 10053

this is what i get every time, i have reinstalled and rebooted pls hlp=)

Zensthoth 09-13-2007 03:14 PM

I decied to try loading this interface but now everytime I try to run the auto update I get
(timestamp) Http/1.1 404 Not Found error. not behidn a firewall and it looks like rest of files are downloading fine but guessing it wont load due to server issue of some sort? or file path on the download list *shrug* any help on how to fix this would be great.

AbbathAB 11-29-2007 09:36 PM

Problem with the Auto Updater
So all of a sudden I'm playing EQ2 and my tradeskill window isnt compatible and my inventory has reverted back to having no appearance tabs. So I close down EQ2 and go to run the Auto Updater and it cancels it self.

Getting Manifest File(Master Manifest)...
Populating Feature Manifest List...
Populating plugin manifest list...
Done populating plugin manifest list
Fetching Feature Manifests...
Getting plugin manifests...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Getting Manifest File(Feature)...
Done merging plugin manifest files
Getting Manifest File(Master)...
Found 43 files in all manifests
Comparing with current content...
Examining local files...
Found 41 files that are out of date
Getting Out of Date Files...
Local File Name: C:\Program Files\thorui\thor_ui_autoupdate.ex_
Remote RULhttp://thorui.thorsparks.com/autoupdate/everquest/thor_ui_autoupdate.ex_
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Download Complete!
Operation cancelled by error or user request

That is the message I get over and over again, I uninstalled the program and reinstalled it to no avail. Any idea what the problem could be?

looseefur 11-29-2007 10:23 PM

Not sure what's wrong
Just installed the auto updater and when I run it I keep getting this error:

Getting Manifest File(Master Manifest)...
Populating Feature Manifest List...
Populating plugin manifest list...
Done populating plugin manifest list
Fetching Feature Manifests...
Getting plugin manifests...
Done merging plugin manifest files
Getting Manifest File(Master)...
Found 4 files in all manifests
Comparing with current content...
Examining local files...
Found 4 files that are out of date
Getting Out of Date Files...
Local File Name: C:\Program Files\thorui\thor_ui_autoupdate.ex_
Remote RULhttp://thorui.thorsparks.com/autoupdate/everquest/thor_ui_autoupdate.ex_
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Download Complete!
Operation cancelled by error or user request

Faetyl 11-29-2007 11:32 PM

I switched webhosts...
Please refer to this post for further updates regarding this issue.

iems96 11-30-2007 01:14 PM

Below is the information when I reinstalled Thor. I followed and did the uninstall and deleting of files as you show ? I did a reinstall because i was getting the message persona window not compatible with client ?

Any Idea's

Getting Manifest File(Master Manifest)...
Populating Feature Manifest List...
Populating plugin manifest list...
Done populating plugin manifest list
Fetching Feature Manifests...
Getting plugin manifests...
Done merging plugin manifest files
Getting Manifest File(Master)...
Found 4 files in all manifests
Comparing with current content...
Examining local files...
Found 1 files that are out of date
Getting Out of Date Files...
Local File Name: C:\Program Files (x86)\thorui\thor_ui_autoupdate.ex_
Remote RULhttp://thorui.thorsparks.com/autoupdate/everquest/thor_ui_autoupdate.ex_
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Download Complete!
Operation cancelled by error or user request

mishtar 12-03-2007 07:50 PM

I tried a search and I did not see anything on this, I may have just missed it. But as soon as I start the AU it stops and says Operastion canceled by error or user request. Everytime I hit update it says this.

Faetyl 12-03-2007 07:55 PM

Yep, issue identified and tracked here:

Shouldn't be much longer...

Magnus99 12-04-2007 09:28 PM

operation cancelled by error or user request
OK, I've activated the Startup Button (sliders)---

I get a File not found for the Medium Performance.opt

operation cancelled by error or user request

(somehow I'm not able to paste the full text that I copied)

Barupi10 12-08-2007 07:27 PM

Updater not working
when I start the updater I get two messages some long code in the top part and a Service Unavailable in the bottom. Are my Thor UI days over or is there a fix for this ?

I would post the code here but its wicked long and for some reason my cut / paste isnt working.


tareon 12-09-2007 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Barupi10 (Post 67599)
when I start the updater I get two messages some long code in the top part and a Service Unavailable in the bottom. Are my Thor UI days over or is there a fix for this ?

I would post the code here but its wicked long and for some reason my cut / paste isnt working.


Same problem here!

Ilish 12-10-2007 07:49 PM

ThorUI updater not available
says SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE .. internet is peachie.. but not able and I have to say I am not at all sure I can live without ThorUI...it's .... just not doable... I may collapse and not even be able to play.... what shall I do...???:eek: help !

Cyprus 12-10-2007 10:02 PM

That's a ditto for me.

Internet is good.

Just getting service is not available and...

Welcome to Thor UI Auto Update!
Local File Name: C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II\UI\thorui\lock.txt
Remote RULhttp://thorui.thorsparks.com/autoupdate/lock.txt
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
Update Server is locked. Please try again later!

Faetyl 12-15-2007 04:07 PM

Is anyone still having trouble with this?

EyeofCanaan 12-16-2007 02:06 PM

Thor UI and Evil Vista
Hmmm. I just absolutely cannot get Thor UI to play nice in Windows Vista. I've come from a Windows XP and have learned enough you have to run in administrator mode, but EQ2 only seems to recognize certain parts of Thor UI. It acknowledges window placements, but that's about it.

Also, it went from about 78 updates in the Thor UI startup down to 65, then 58.

Any suggestions on how to get this working?

PS. I hate Vista.

EDIT: I did finally get this working. It took 3 installs and lots and lots of permissions to make it happen -- I reiterate... Vista sucks.

Faetyl 12-18-2007 07:42 PM

hehe yeah,
My experience with Vista so far is a lot of extra money for an Operating Sytems to ask "are you sure you want to do that?"
Then after you answer yes, it asks "are you absolutely certain you wish to do that?"
Then after you answer yes again, it states "ok, but you really shouldn't do that and by doing so you void all warranties specified or otherwise implied."

I believe I noticed another user mentioning something about read and write access.

ZANZIBAR 01-18-2008 02:33 PM

I keep getting a 'user cancelled update error' when I first I run the AU. I have uninstalled and deleted the files numerous times and still cannot get it to work after installing which is really aggravating. Is there any compatability issues with XP Pro? I had XP MCE & XP Home before and thorui ran fine.

I also get an exception in GetAFile

ShadowProwler420 01-19-2008 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by ZANZIBAR (Post 68693)
I keep getting a 'user cancelled update error' when I first I run the AU. I have uninstalled and deleted the files numerous times and still cannot get it to work after installing which is really aggravating. Is there any compatability issues with XP Pro? I had XP MCE & XP Home before and thorui ran fine.

I also get an exception in GetAFile

Do you have a firewall up and running?

Krollji 01-19-2008 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by ZANZIBAR (Post 68693)
I keep getting a 'user cancelled update error' when I first I run the AU. I have uninstalled and deleted the files numerous times and still cannot get it to work after installing which is really aggravating. Is there any compatability issues with XP Pro? I had XP MCE & XP Home before and thorui ran fine.

I also get an exception in GetAFile

I run XP Pro on two computers - play EQ2 on both using Thor UI. I have never seen any type of compatiblity issue for the past two years.

ZANZIBAR 01-21-2008 01:41 PM

My firewall is setup to allow thorui to run but to give you the benefit of the doubt I disabled it and I still get the error. I can't copy and paste the details for some reason. I do get a 'download complete' before the error message.

Skyecat 02-03-2008 12:25 AM

Just installed thor on a brand new machine and getting --

Local File Name: D:\Program Files\thorui\lock.txt
Remote RULhttp://thorui.thorsparks.com/autoupdate/lock.txt
Socket Error # 10054

Same here, can't live without my ThorUI.

Please help :(

Quevin 02-28-2008 07:22 PM

Ok so since I put this stupid windows vista on my comp I went to download the ThorUI which I had recently removed. I use the auto update everything downloads fine and the thorui AU comes up. I update all files, open up EQ2 and there is nothing. When I had XP everything went where it was suppose to when I downloaded the program, now the files go everywhere and I am not a computer guru. I look into the UI folder under the EQ2 directory and it isnt in there, so I move it there.......still nothing......Hmmmmm any idea's? I thought click download, run, next next next next, finish....Viole it would work. Atleast it did in the past haha. Can you say Vista or Me?

Kaldran 02-28-2008 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Quevin (Post 70047)
Ok so since I put this stupid windows vista on my comp I went to download the ThorUI which I had recently removed. I use the auto update everything downloads fine and the thorui AU comes up. I update all files, open up EQ2 and there is nothing. When I had XP everything went where it was suppose to when I downloaded the program, now the files go everywhere and I am not a computer guru. I look into the UI folder under the EQ2 directory and it isnt in there, so I move it there.......still nothing......Hmmmmm any idea's? I thought click download, run, next next next next, finish....Viole it would work. Atleast it did in the past haha. Can you say Vista or Me?

I guess you have EQ2 installed within \program files path. Programs are not allowed to write files in there for several years now, but Vista is the first OS which enforces this. If a program writes files to a place which it is not allowed to, virtualization kicks in (for compatibility reasons) and reroutes the files to %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\VirtualStore . I guess you'll find the missing files in there.

Three ways to fix that, two of them you can do:
1. Move EQ2 out of \program files path. Virtualization will not move your files.
2. Run the updater as administrator (right click, then run as administrator). The updater will be allowed to write to \program files then.

tias9052 04-15-2008 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Skyecat (Post 69147)
Just installed thor on a brand new machine and getting --

Local File Name: D:\Program Files\thorui\lock.txt
Remote RULhttp://thorui.thorsparks.com/autoupdate/lock.txt
Socket Error # 10054

Same here, can't live without my ThorUI.

Please help :(

Was there a solution listed for this? I am experiencing the same problem. I upgraded my rig to a quad-core AMD and new mobo, reloaded Vista Ultimate x64, and now can not get Thor UI to run. The program opens, but I get this message in the window and it does not update. I also have all the latest updates, including SP1, and all the driver updates for my system as well.

Please help... Can't imagine roaming Norrath without my UI...

ShadowProwler420 04-16-2008 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by tias9052 (Post 71980)
Was there a solution listed for this? I am experiencing the same problem. I upgraded my rig to a quad-core AMD and new mobo, reloaded Vista Ultimate x64, and now can not get Thor UI to run. The program opens, but I get this message in the window and it does not update. I also have all the latest updates, including SP1, and all the driver updates for my system as well.

Please help... Can't imagine roaming Norrath without my UI...

If memory serves correctly, that lock error is/was a temporary error you would get if the file server (on Thor's side) was down for one reason or another (main reason was usually if/when he was updating the files to be sent). However, with the recent speculation of the death of ThorUI, perhaps he has taken the server down for good.


Runsha 04-16-2008 09:13 AM

Is this the end????
:( As sad as it makes me to say this. I think the end is here. File lock has been there for several days now. And attempts to access "http://thorui.thorsparks.com/" or the thorui info center directly fail. While it is not a failure such as we would get if the site did not exist, it IS a failure consisting of a single file with contents stating "The system cannot find the file specified." Looks like Faetyl has removed all UI content from his site. It's enough to make one cry.

I think we are safe till the next LU, but then I fear the worst. Has anyone tried the other total UIs? Any suggestions?

Wish I had the talents to have helped maintain this. But my efforts in this area have failed totally. And those simply efforts were enough to show me how much effort and time this was costing Faetyl. So despite my sadness, I salute him.

btw... Been with ThorUI from the beginning, just not big on chat. Ergo, the recent join date.

none33pl 04-16-2008 12:01 PM

Even with author MIA we can keep this alive.
I'm using ThorUI for over 2 years and I won't change it to anything else. So, I started looking at UI files and been lucky to fix GU44 issues with group window (posted in other thread). So we are good till next GU :) Than, we'll see.

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