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MrNice 09-28-2005 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by trodriguezzz
So... I love everything except the castbar orb - and I haven't seen the breath bar yet - I deleted mainhud_casting out of the directory - but I didn't see any where to update in the settings so it won't load again.

Also, when we run this program and choose our features, does it save our selections? or do we have to re-select them every time we run it?

Thanks to MrNice and Faetyl for all the hard work done! :nana:


You select the advanced button, go to features and then browse to MAIN HUD/CASTING and make sure the option is not checked. Same for breath.

Any features not checked are no longer checked or updated by the auto updater software. This allows us to list a LOT of features but only update the ones you want.

Twiztidlust 09-28-2005 05:02 PM

Yay! Thanks fixed the problem thought i had deleted all the folders but i guess i didnt :o . Btw i love this UI, thanks for everything :nana:

jtburn29 09-28-2005 06:06 PM

I am having an issue with this UI for somereason after i installed my graphics are messed up in game.

when i load on my wide screen is maxed out and my graphics are all blotchy. What i mean by this is i have anothe transparent copy of me above myself and all my colors are totally messed up. I even uninstalled EQ2 and reinstalled it thinkin it might fix the prob nope its still waked whats goin on i cant play becouse of it cuz i have no clue what im lookin at?

there was nothing in my UI folder but the default folder and before i installed this UI everything was fine plz help me I have no clue whats goin on and i woulkd really like to play again but at this moment i can't :(

plz reply as soon as you can to this forum I look forward to hearing from you :D

ShadowProwler420 09-28-2005 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by jtburn29
I am having an issue with this UI for somereason after i installed my graphics are messed up in game.

when i load on my wide screen is maxed out and my graphics are all blotchy. What i mean by this is i have anothe transparent copy of me above myself and all my colors are totally messed up. I even uninstalled EQ2 and reinstalled it thinkin it might fix the prob nope its still waked whats goin on i cant play becouse of it cuz i have no clue what im lookin at?

there was nothing in my UI folder but the default folder and before i installed this UI everything was fine plz help me I have no clue whats goin on and i woulkd really like to play again but at this moment i can't :(

plz reply as soon as you can to this forum I look forward to hearing from you :D

Sounds to me like a video driver issue. But I could be wrong.

o O ( It's been known to happen on occasion.... ) :rolleyes:

Ive Defected 09-29-2005 02:37 AM

raid window no longer vertical...
i cant seem to find the old thread with this so i thought id repost sorry..
any update on if or when you can get the raid window vertical again?

neuston 09-29-2005 06:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The old version ThorUI works good.
But, There's some problems in the new version.
Some information has disappeared.
How to fix it?
See the Picture,pls

Savolk 09-29-2005 07:28 AM

I just wanted to take a second to thank Mr. Nice...After several posts and E-mails he worked through my issues. Your help was above and beyond what it needs to be. I love the UI and the AU is absolutely great!

I appreciate the time and effort, you make custom UI's worth using

Fuzi Vizion
Mistmoore Server

Faetyl 09-29-2005 09:28 AM

I was updated to go vertical again before release of the AU.
Try deleting your "eq2ui_mainhud_raid.xml" in the thorui or delete the thorui folder and run the AU again.
Let me know if it still doesn't work and we'll look into it further.


Originally Posted by Ive Defected
i cant seem to find the old thread with this so i thought id repost sorry..
any update on if or when you can get the raid window vertical again?

Faetyl 09-29-2005 09:34 AM

Wow Neuston those are all issues that would have happend by not using the DoF patch I made for the previous version. (I included all of those updates in the AU so not sure what's going on there)
Have you tried deleting the thorui folder within your EverQuest II\UI directory and relaunching the AU?
If you've done this and it still doesn't work can you do two things for me?
Send me "eq2ui_mainhud_groupmembers.xml" from the "\EverQuest II\UI\thorui" directory.
Send me "eq2ui_mainhud_experience.xml" from the "\EverQuest II\UI\Default" directory.


Originally Posted by neuston
The old version ThorUI works good.
But, There's some problems in the new version.
Some information has disappeared.
How to fix it?
See the Picture,pls

wulfgahr 09-29-2005 09:49 AM

Issue with main chat
I just wanted to start by saying this UI is great and good job to those involved.

I was trying to go through the forum here to see if anyone else has the same issue so I apologize if this has been brought up before. I am having difficulty with getting the chat to start in the default window. I have the "Enter" key set as the hot key for this. Can someone advise the best way to fix this? I can use the "/" key to gain focus in the main chat window and most of the time just hit the backspace to chat in my default channel. I'm so used to hitting enter to start chat that I end up typing and get the map, journal, emotes windows popping up since I've hit their hot key instead of typing in chat as expected. Any help would be great.

52 Fury

neuston 09-29-2005 10:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Faetyl
Wow Neuston those are all issues that would have happend by not using the DoF patch I made for the previous version. (I included all of those updates in the AU so not sure what's going on there)
Have you tried deleting the thorui folder within your EverQuest II\UI directory and relaunching the AU?
If you've done this and it still doesn't work can you do two things for me?
Send me "eq2ui_mainhud_groupmembers.xml" from the "\EverQuest II\UI\thorui" directory.
Send me "eq2ui_mainhud_experience.xml" from the "\EverQuest II\UI\Default" directory.

I'v reinstalled the game,then uesed Thor AU.
But the problem still exists.
see the attachments.There're files what you need.

Could you send me the previous version ThorUI?
My email address is [email protected]


Kagnar 09-29-2005 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by wulfgahr
I just wanted to start by saying this UI is great and good job to those involved.

I was trying to go through the forum here to see if anyone else has the same issue so I apologize if this has been brought up before. I am having difficulty with getting the chat to start in the default window. I have the "Enter" key set as the hot key for this. Can someone advise the best way to fix this? I can use the "/" key to gain focus in the main chat window and most of the time just hit the backspace to chat in my default channel. I'm so used to hitting enter to start chat that I end up typing and get the map, journal, emotes windows popping up since I've hit their hot key instead of typing in chat as expected. Any help would be great.

52 Fury

Make sure that you have set your chat window to "Always Chat Here"

The way you do that is right click the windows and select always chat here...

Faetyl 09-29-2005 02:45 PM

Don't use my inventory :)

I hate to admit it but the issue is with my inventory mod.
I'll try and fix this asap.

Chat on enter will work as long as my inventory window is closed so that would be the workaround till i can get to it.


Originally Posted by wulfgahr
I just wanted to start by saying this UI is great and good job to those involved.

I was trying to go through the forum here to see if anyone else has the same issue so I apologize if this has been brought up before. I am having difficulty with getting the chat to start in the default window. I have the "Enter" key set as the hot key for this. Can someone advise the best way to fix this? I can use the "/" key to gain focus in the main chat window and most of the time just hit the backspace to chat in my default channel. I'm so used to hitting enter to start chat that I end up typing and get the map, journal, emotes windows popping up since I've hit their hot key instead of typing in chat as expected. Any help would be great.

52 Fury

Yaroc 09-29-2005 03:55 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Savolk
Ok...I have figured out why i am such a newbi, but...I have run the AU several times and tried to resize it..I do not have an "advanced" button on it..So, I deleted everything and ran setup again..I have found that the original time the AU runs I have the advanced button, however it says there is a newer version that will be downloaded, then its gone. I may be missing something, but I have been spending way too much time(when i should be killing stuff)

I love the UI..everything about it is great, just want it to work for me..

Thanks again,

Fuzi Vision
Mistmoore Server

I am having this same problem atm...

I run the ThorUI Auto Update and the program does not appear to load full size, and there is no way to resize the window... everything is 'squished' on the right hand side (where, I'm assuming the checkboxes are etc).

I can see the Advanced button the first time the AU runs, but as soon as it says that there is a newer version and the AU restarts, the Advanced button disappears.

Very weird problem and I'm seeing what I can do to fix it ...

If anyone has any sort of idea, please let me know.


[EDIT: Uploaded screenshots of the loading screen and the main screen -- as you can see, there is no Advanced Button]


MrNice 09-29-2005 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Yaroc
I am having this same problem atm...

I run the ThorUI Auto Update and the program does not appear to load full size, and there is no way to resize the window... everything is 'squished' on the right hand side (where, I'm assuming the checkboxes are etc).

I can see the Advanced button the first time the AU runs, but as soon as it says that there is a newer version and the AU restarts, the Advanced button disappears.

Very weird problem and I'm seeing what I can do to fix it ...

If anyone has any sort of idea, please let me know.


[EDIT: Uploaded screenshots of the loading screen and the main screen -- as you can see, there is no Advanced Button]



This problem turned out to have been caused by the video driver or windows having LARGE FONTS enabled. This causes some issues with spacing. Check your windows settings and your video driver settings, change to normal fonts and things should clear right up.

I'll work on a patch this weekend to try and compensate for this issue. Problem is I use NVIDIA drivers which don't cause this to happen so I can't duplicate the effect.

neuston 09-29-2005 06:32 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I'v reinstalled the game,then uesed Thor AU.
But the problem still exists.
see the attachments.There're files what you need.

Could you send me the previous version ThorUI?
My email address is [email protected]


Faetyl 09-29-2005 06:36 PM

The ThorUI AU uses the same files that were in the previous version so we need to track down what's going on.
I'll email you and we'll try to work through this.


Originally Posted by neuston
I'v reinstalled the game,then uesed Thor AU.
But the problem still exists.
see the attachments.There're files what you need.

Could you send me the previous version ThorUI?
My email address is [email protected]


Ive Defected 09-29-2005 08:36 PM

raid window back in action thanks!
i also noticed that on my Main only there is no close button on his Inventory Window (on all my alts its there though) what should i delete and where do i find it?

Ive Defected 09-29-2005 08:42 PM

oh jeeze nm...i had the frames off ...permission to slap me is givin to all

Dunkeltraene 09-29-2005 09:37 PM

Heya, there's a bug in the installer or something.
I deinstalled the old UI and deleted the folder, then downloaded the AU and run it.

Ok he downloaded some files and stuff with a new version etc. After that I changed the advanced options and DESELECTED the breath fish and the caster orb. Especially the fish sucks in my eyes.
Then I run EQMap again and he downloaded every single map again but in the game the fish and the castorb were still there?!

I just want my yellow bar back, but like I said I told the AU not to use fish and orb but it won't work. Friend on Teamspeak said he has the same problem.

How about selecting the features on first start BEFORE updating? That way someone isn't "forced" to have it.

Kagnar 09-29-2005 10:50 PM

have to delete the following files from your thorui folder under UI


then rerun the AU and that should fix your problem

Kobara 09-29-2005 11:02 PM

Having a problem that was not present before using the AU... I have been unable to get an "implied Target" window up since I deleted the old ThorUI folder and used AU to set it up anew .

Is there a command key sequence I need to hit to bring up that window? Very frustrating as a healer to not be able to determine who is the focus of a mob's anger unless I stare at my group window and watch health bars...

I never had a problem with the implied target window until the AU came out.

Backfreeze 09-30-2005 04:37 AM

hey when i try to edit the notes the whole ui messes up all text goes black and no cammanods work like m for map or the screenshot(would have inculded on otherwise) i would realy like to put in some cammonds on the notes so i can remember them all easier

Savolk 09-30-2005 08:34 AM

[quote=Yaroc]I am having this same problem atm...

I run the ThorUI Auto Update and the program does not appear to load full size, and there is no way to resize the window... everything is 'squished' on the right hand side (where, I'm assuming the checkboxes are etc).

I can see the Advanced button the first time the AU runs, but as soon as it says that there is a newer version and the AU restarts, the Advanced button disappears.

Very weird problem and I'm seeing what I can do to fix it ...

If anyone has any sort of idea, please let me know.


I use a Radeon 9200, and in my ati settings my font was set to "large" that is why I had that problem. If you are using Radeon you may want to look in the driver settings and change your font style.

Good Luck,

Fuzi Vizion
Mistmoore Server

nomad980 09-30-2005 10:32 AM

After the recent update to the features list I noticed a small mistake. The mahonri condensed player window is listed under Feature:Character. This can cause two problems, one not allowing people to use both the enhanced player interface, and probably force the AU to download both the slim player window and mahonri's if thats even possible.

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