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Koroshiya 05-10-2005 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Teleboas
Ever since I installed this UI, I cant get the target window to show? Anyone have any ideas why?

I was having the same problem, and then I also had the same problem with my intended target window. I deleted all the UI files, EQ2 map, reinstalled everything from scratch (Not EQ2, just UI) and it started working again.

I too have extreme load times with this UI, and I know jaxel you say its not the UI and im inclined to believe ya, but Ill be honest using a couple others as a test, I load about 2x as fast. It doesnt get as hung up on loading UI resources for whatever reason... maybe not as many mods as yours?

Miss_Tia 05-10-2005 10:21 PM

Ok I think my problem wasn't related to your UI at all. My Options window went completely invisible and I lost my EQII button at the same time. Sony had me delete everything UI and .ini related to fix the problem. When I reinstalled the Custom UI everything worked great.

Thanks so much for this UI, I love it...especially the EQII button area!

Much <3,

Jaxel 05-11-2005 12:09 AM

The Developers have already come out and stated that EVERYONE is zoning slowly, it is a bug and they are working on fixing it. It has nothing to do with any UIs.

Calain80 05-11-2005 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by Jaxel
Open up: eq2ui_mainhud.xml
Is <include>eq2ui_mainhud_startbutton.xml</include> listed once or twice in that file?

It was listed only once. Even to reinstall the old version didn't work. I did also see a long window with the amution and all bags shown. This complete window was hidden after mouse-over. :confused:

But then I downloaded the updated version and it works now! There I only see the Amution-Slot even before I "mouse-over". :nana: :D

Thanks for all your work! I realy like your mods. ;)

Jaxel 05-12-2005 12:20 AM

If you are having problems seeing the target window... hit Ctrl + T

6u9m3n0t 05-12-2005 04:57 AM

Problems typing into the Market window
As of a few days ago I can't seem to type into the market window. I can use the search feature from the store window, but I cannot type directly into the market window to search for something by name. I can still search using the filters and that works correctly. Any thoughts?

Calain80 05-12-2005 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by 6u9m3n0t
As of a few days ago I can't seem to type into the market window. I can use the search feature from the store window, but I cannot type directly into the market window to search for something by name. I can still search using the filters and that works correctly. Any thoughts?

This in a known Problem with the Fonts.xml. There is at least one Font missing inside this file.

The easy way to patch this, is just to delete the Fonts.xml in your customUI-folder. But that will reset to the default and text in mods, that use an own font will show no text at all.

The harder way is to open the default Fonts.xml and your Fonts.xml and add the fonts from the default file, that are missing in your custom file. (The syntax is relativly easy)

Hope that helps. ;)

Adder 05-12-2005 07:29 AM

Jax, I really like your journal (as well as the other mods of yours that I use), with one exception...could you possibly add the splitter bar to the journal?

Just discovered a problem. I installed your startbutton and everything seems to work just fine. So tonight I started to add notes. I followed the instructions in the readme, ran the .bat file, but it won't add my notes. The .bat seems to run through then stops with three 'bad command or file'.
When I install this mod, should I use the folders open (I did) even though I install into a different folder than is listed in the readme? I don't use ../UI/Jaxel, I use ../UI/CustomUI which is filled with about 15 mod pieces from various authors. There vseems to be something in the .bat file that just doesn't jive with my setup, but I can't put my finger on it.


Jaxel 05-13-2005 02:12 AM

New mod out today... Guild Window.


Originally Posted by Adder
Jax, I really like your journal (as well as the other mods of yours that I use), with one exception...could you possibly add the splitter bar to the journal?

Just discovered a problem. I installed your startbutton and everything seems to work just fine. So tonight I started to add notes. I followed the instructions in the readme, ran the .bat file, but it won't add my notes. The .bat seems to run through then stops with three 'bad command or file'.
When I install this mod, should I use the folders open (I did) even though I install into a different folder than is listed in the readme? I don't use ../UI/Jaxel, I use ../UI/CustomUI which is filled with about 15 mod pieces from various authors. There vseems to be something in the .bat file that just doesn't jive with my setup, but I can't put my finger on it.


1. No. The splitter bar is ugly and there is no need for it. Besides, with the splitter bar, the only option I could give you is to make the left area BIGGER. You cannot make the left area any smaller because then the buttons at the bottom will get squished and crunched. There is no reason to make it any bigger because it is already big enough... So splitter bar? No need.

2. The folders must be nested in the correct folders. It doesnt matter what the root is, but Template MUST be in the folder of the root.

Nox 05-13-2005 11:16 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Im having a small random cosmetic problem with the target window. I have several characters i play daily and on one character the target window is fine, but when i camp and switch characters the frame of the target bars disappears. It not specific characters but happens with any of them.

Jaxel 05-13-2005 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Nox
Im having a small random cosmetic problem with the target window. I have several characters i play daily and on one character the target window is fine, but when i camp and switch characters the frame of the target bars disappears. It not specific characters but happens with any of them.

Nox, I myself have seen this problem and I have been unable to fix it. But I can tell you it ONLY happens if you camp to character select.

quaror 05-14-2005 02:48 AM

Is there any way to have the music muted whenever I log in? Seems like the default is music on?

cownosecat 05-16-2005 01:10 AM

I'm a mage and don't need to see how many arrows I have left, is there anyway to remove this?

cownosecat 05-16-2005 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by quaror
Is there any way to have the music muted whenever I log in? Seems like the default is music on?

Right next to where it shows you hwo many arrows you have and the EQII symbol there is a grey arrow pointing down, click on it for volume control.

Ricki 05-17-2005 04:25 PM

Hey Jaxel,
My crashing has stopped.. I redownloaded the version of the store window that was seperate and that fixxed it ??? dunno if maybe the one in the full UI is bad or not.. i didn't check the dates on them. Thanks again for an awesome UI.

sloejack 05-18-2005 08:06 AM

Jaxel, First off, this is the best complete mod I've seen the fits my desires for a hud and just general look and feel for playing the game. Thanks for that. I have run across one issue that I can't explain or seem to resolve. The mail window does not seem to properly wrap text or respond properly to returns or formatting... it all seems to just display on one line and that's it.

Kamintar 05-19-2005 06:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey Jaxel. Been using your UI for a while now, and I've come across this problem before, but it didn't really affect anything. However, I believe you should get it fixed anyway. It's a cosmetic problem, but it gets kinda hard.

The symptoms are, when you change characters, you get the old target bar back, but it is behind the custom bar you have. So, it goes down and is fully functional, both are, but it gets annoying. Also, the exp % number next to it goes to a dark grey color, and being on a black background, it is hard to read it.

I have attached a screenshot. It doesn't show the grey percent number for some reason, but it does happen to me. Not sure if it happens all the time though. Hope you can get it done. As I said, it only happens when you switch characters. I haven't had it happen at first launch yet. Good luck

Jaxel 05-19-2005 11:40 PM

Quoted from above:


Originally Posted by Jaxel
x, I myself have seen this problem and I have been unable to fix it. But I can tell you it ONLY happens if you camp to character select.

Kamintar 05-19-2005 11:47 PM

Not trying to be a dick, but that's not what my post said. I could care less if the frame was gone because I don't use it. I think you should read my post first before trying to discount my post.

nai1605 05-20-2005 12:52 AM

Can't get it...
Jaxel, you obviously have great taste in UI's. But much like you, I need to change stuff to my preferences. I want your target's and your personal windows but I can't download them seperately. The real bummer is that I can't download any of it. It tells me that they are corrupt. :confused: I wan't it.. please help! :)

dc_roenfanz 05-20-2005 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Kamintar
Not trying to be a dick, but that's not what my post said. I could care less if the frame was gone because I don't use it. I think you should read my post first before trying to discount my post.

Looking at Jaxel's file, I havent seen anything *wrong* with the file. Out of curiosity, could you please post a pic with the target at partial health? I would appreciate it.

Also, there could be some confusion in regards to the "frame"
I'm thinking of the whole window frame, which would be the plain gold border. Or the "frame" could be the crome-ish overlay around the targets health.

Something I just noticed, not sure if it would have anything to do with it, seems like the overlay "frame" has the target's name pumped into the dynamic data, filtered for color only. In theory, it seems to me, the target frame would change color based on the targets con.

Anyway, if you could post a screenie of partial health , I'd appreciate it.

dc_roenfanz 05-20-2005 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by nai1605
Jaxel, you obviously have great taste in UI's. But much like you, I need to change stuff to my preferences. I want your target's and your personal windows but I can't download them seperately. The real bummer is that I can't download any of it. It tells me that they are corrupt. :confused: I wan't it.. please help! :)

Hmmm... thats wierd, because I just downloaded the interface fine, without a hitch.

Jaxel 05-20-2005 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by Kamintar
Not trying to be a dick, but that's not what my post said. I could care less if the frame was gone because I don't use it. I think you should read my post first before trying to discount my post.

By the frame, the original poster meant the Overlay background to the bar, not the single_pixel gold bar. Its a common bug that everyone has with Wynnd's MyUI interface, and I haven't seen how to fix it.

mabocow 05-20-2005 06:46 AM

one annoyance, one feature request
hi, thanks for sharing the mod, i just got it today and noticed a couple of things i wanted to share:

1. the Tracking window won't close via the Escape key -- a minor annoyance.

2. would it be possible to add resizing capability to the recipe book? at the moment i'm only able to see a small handful of recipes, and it's harder to scroll with such a small window.

thanks again!

Kamintar 05-20-2005 09:13 AM

DC, if you look at my post with the screenshot, the screenshot has an image. Do you see that original target bar behind the customized one? That's what I'm talking about. It goes down just like the original target bar would. The only problem is, I don't want it there. It's distracting and it makes the color of the health % number do all sorts of funny things. I'll post a screenshot when I get home today of an enemy at lower health for you though.

Jaxel, call me stupid if I'm missing something, but I'm not talking about the customized graphics at all. It's simply a code problem. I don't want the original bar to be behind the customized one is all.

Look at Nox' screenshot, then look at mine. Notice anything different yet?

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