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perdition 03-03-2005 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Kilidan
I really like this latest release. Everything seems to work perfectly. :nana:

One thing I would like to see added is the Norrath Day and time.
Possible locations would be below the day/night Globe with the day on 1st tier below and the time on the 2nd(right aligned) or on the bottom (the group window) move the status between the zone name and earth time(on the right) and the put the Norrath day and time on the left.

Again, thanks for your great mod

Oasis Server

Hello Kilidan,

As I said before I have some problems to have ingame time/day to appears on the night/day orb. I'm still workng on it.

Khandor 03-03-2005 10:59 AM

Ohhh, okay, then it makes more sence if it is the player health/power. But even still, if it IS the player health/power it probably should be next to each other, so you don't have to be looking all around. And yes, I thought that the bars were for the target / implied target. :D

And as such, if the vertical bars are to be put in, then perhaps the player window should be changed around as well? I'm not sure if it's needed, but again there might be too many bars to look at. The vertical bars are much easier to see as well and so the horizontal player power/health is basically obsolete and no longer necessary.

I downloaded the file and rechecked the bags. opening and closing bags works, the ammo indicator works, but it still crashes if I move a bag from my inventory screen up to the mini-inventory at the top. :b

perdition 03-03-2005 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Khandor
Ohhh, okay, then it makes more sence if it is the player health/power. But even still, if it IS the player health/power it probably should be next to each other, so you don't have to be looking all around. And yes, I thought that the bars were for the target / implied target. :D

And as such, if the vertical bars are to be put in, then perhaps the player window should be changed around as well? I'm not sure if it's needed, but again there might be too many bars to look at. The vertical bars are much easier to see as well and so the horizontal player power/health is basically obsolete and no longer necessary.

I downloaded the file and rechecked the bags. opening and closing bags works, the ammo indicator works, but it still crashes if I move a bag from my inventory screen up to the mini-inventory at the top. :b

Hello Khandor :)

As you can see HERE on my previoust post, I already removed the old guauge for the player window .

For the vertical bar on both side, or on one side, I made some test and for me it's more beautiful with one on each side.Anyway the next release will be with guage on both side, if people don't feel it good after some days using it, I will see to change it or include the possibility to chose between both type. :)

Thanks for mini inventory testing, I will see if I can find a solution. ;)

lossolsun 03-03-2005 12:58 PM

Seeing as how I can't find the edges of the indivudual windows when I'm trying to change this UI a little, is there any chance that you can release a version that has, at 1600x1200, a smaller quest helper and hot buttons, but larger text boxes? I'd love to use this UI, but the size of the chat boxes are keeping me from it. I much prefer a larger chat box than the increased size of the quest helper and the additional two hotkey bars, seeing as how I don't even fill up two bars yet.

Thanks much,

perdition 03-03-2005 01:09 PM

You can resize and move all window....

So you can have bigger Chat window very easely.

Sorry but you will have to move windows by yourself...I will not make a specific Freezed version for that when you just have to resize it.

perdition 03-03-2005 04:05 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Release V5 has been uploaded and is waiting for approval :)

Khandor 03-03-2005 06:34 PM

Yes, you are right that it does look better with them on the sides, I'm just saying it might be distracting, but since you put it up, I'll check it out tonight myself and I'll post how it came off to me. :)

And actually, I missed the post where you removed it. :b

urlryn 03-03-2005 07:54 PM

Heya Again.

I was wondering which XML file i need to delete to get rid of the French Text?

The window with the mini inventory/text box above it to the left of hte compass. I wasn't sure what the file name was.

Thanks for a very cool UI! =)

Elenna 03-03-2005 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by perdition
Release V5 has been uploaded and is waiting for approval [img]/images/eq2layout/smilies/smile.gif[/img]

So....... when can we download the latest?? I am just loving this... it puts everything I need right out where I can see it. I am VERY impressed, so far my fav mod. [img]/images/eq2layout/smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Jarod 03-03-2005 08:54 PM

Hi! First thanks for this work! best Ui so far !

I've this this on a past post but don't find the answer, about the fact that you have to do a "always chat here" each time you log, else you get a new chat window opened ? And the primary hotkey switching alone? Also, the chat window in the left bottom is unlocked each time you log also.
Another point, and it happened to 2 comp here, the guild chat sometimes jsut get bugged and you don't see it updated and cannot chat in guild.

Voila voila, il y a peut etre des bugs qui viennent d'autres part, genre de chez SOE :)

Merci encore pour ce travail, enfin une UI complete! (les patchwork, c'est visuellement insatisfaisant ;)

nikecmh 03-03-2005 09:48 PM

I don't know if its just me but I can't get the pow gauge to show up. I have the green health one but no blue power. This is from the v5 version.

mackgee 03-03-2005 10:24 PM

I too cannot get the blue bar to show..

Khandor 03-03-2005 11:16 PM

2 Attachment(s)
No power bar for me as well. And also, it seems my quest journal is looking, well.. wierd.

And for some reason, when I loaded up my other character I haven't played in a while, I'm actually MISSING parts of my UI, and I cannot get em back using the shortcut keys or hitting the UI reset button. Also both characters are missing the corner piece that attaches the target window to the hotbar. :confused:

I think the older vertical style would be better too, instead of many tiny bars, have the larger bars.

mackgee 03-03-2005 11:18 PM

Well at first I wasn't getting the blue power bar, and now I tried to do like you suggested in the download section..

"Before logging in game , for easy customisation, delete or rename your Eq2_server.character.ini file."

After this trick the windows were in odd places, which is understandable, but both the player window, and the startbutton are no longer visible. Without these I cannot position the windows, because I am missing key windows. I tried toggling the player & startbutton (ALT+U & ALT+~) and they still do not appear.

I prefer the way you did the last release by adding in the ini files so that the first time I opened it everything was positioned where it was supposed to.

Perhaps you can at least post your ini file for those who wish to use it, even though some experience problems with the chat windows. I think having a good ini file for me would fix my problem, and I'm willing to deal with the chat windows myself.

Merci Beaucoup, est continue la bon travail.

Je suis désolé, mon francais est pas trop bein..

Qwagmire 03-04-2005 12:09 AM

same here with blue power bar

perdition 03-04-2005 03:27 AM

Sigh... :o

Sorry all I forgot to tell you for the power bar-corner

The first time you use the UI , type Show_window MainHUD.Memorized to make the window pop up.

I will maybe post an ini file, but If I'm doing this, you have to know that I will not answer at any Chat issue.

Another thing , don't forget to disable letter box as it can hide some windows untill you do a mouse over on it.

@Khandor , for the journal quest, just resiez it (bigger) to make it fit normally.

invokebane 03-04-2005 06:58 AM

Love V5! Atleast from the screenies :) I been heavyly debating to switch to a themed UI. I think V5 just bout has me doing it.

One thing though.......

My main is a 50 necro, would LOVE to beable to replace the hotbar under the target with my pet health/commands. At the very least could you supple a blank image to put there so i can drag the pet window over it? I mean a cool graphical pet window would rock but just need some place to put basic one now. I have a UI one which is the length of a hotbar.

Maybe shrink or limit the space on the 3 hotbars on the right and put it in there as well i dunno

thanks for all you have done. You truely are taking peoples EQ2 experience to the next level!


Itanius 03-04-2005 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by perdition
Sigh... :o

Sorry all I forgot to tell you for the power bar-corner

The first time you use the UI , type Show_window MainHUD.Memorized to make the window pop up.

This did not work for me.

Also, my experience window is only showing Adventure XP; I cannot get it to show Tradeskill XP.

perdition 03-04-2005 07:50 AM

2 Attachment(s)
V5A release has been uploaed, it contains:

Ini files for 1280*1024 and 1600*1200.
Journal quest fix
Startbutton and power guauge emplacement.

invokebane 03-04-2005 07:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok installed and issues are..... hehe

1.) No power bar, target, implied target or corner piece.
Tried ALT T multiple times
Tried /Show_window MainHUD.Memorized
Simple & detailed targeting, plus on a fresh install.

Next 3 are not problems but recommendations!
2.) No hotbar numbering. Current UI i have lets me turn it on/off and its smaller numbering then normal. If not possible at this time its cool

3.) Of course no place for my pet window :P

4.) Alot of wasted spacing between hotbars. Maybe a 3/4 option and less spacing. Probably would not need 3/4 size if just had spacing delt with. Plus Could maybe put in a new window aka pet? :P

invokebane 03-04-2005 08:04 AM

I applied the two files you just released above and all is showing up now! thanks. I had to just hit enter once for the chat to appear and it was golden. Also i forgot to add one thing to my above post of recommendations heh. Norrath time. I am so use to looking at it to see when certain spawns are or what not. Anyhow thanks for all your hard work!

I am going to be using this all day and see how it treats me :)

Itanius 03-04-2005 08:10 AM

I would love to see a 2/3 or even a 1/2 sized hotbar mod. :)

Thanks for the hard work, Perdition!! :cool:

BullMarkOne 03-04-2005 09:09 AM

I must say this is a truely awesome UI. I had a bit of trouble getting it working, but it was well worth the effort.

As has been said by others a 1/2 or 3/4ths hotbar mod would be nice too. And I'd personally like to see the maintained spells, and buff effects incorporated into the bottom part of the UI. Smaller Icons on these, and using some of the space recovered with the small hotbars would be cool.

perdition 03-04-2005 09:14 AM

@invokebane: The hotkey bar under the target window is a normal hotbar so you can move it and put your pet window instead.

If you want me to skin the one you have that looks like an hotbar, post it here and I will see what I can do.

For the hotkey renumbering, you have already one in the package hotkeys(labels) but it has also description labels on each icon. I will see to add a numbered version later.

@Itanius: For smallest hotkey bars I will maybe look on it but it wil takes times as it can forced me to make a lot of other changes to have it to fit correctly.

Elenna 03-04-2005 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by BullMarkOne
I must say this is a truely awesome UI. I had a bit of trouble getting it working, but it was well worth the effort.

As has been said by others a 1/2 or 3/4ths hotbar mod would be nice too. And I'd personally like to see the maintained spells, and buff effects incorporated into the bottom part of the UI. Smaller Icons on these, and using some of the space recovered with the small hotbars would be cool.

The NighElf port has the maintianed spells right where the target/implied target window would be in this UI. Having at least the maintained spell effects "up front and center" where you see them would be a great help for healers/mezzers/debuffers, etc. Although I have NO idea where you could put it in this UI, since things are so compact (I love it!!).

I downloaded the joural fix and the INI settings, but had to go to work so I will try them out when I get home.

Thank you for making such a wonderful UI. I'm not crazy about the steel thing, but I can certainly get used to it, since this UI does so many other great things!

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