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-   -   Landiin's EverQuest II MAP Updater: Feedbadk (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12307)

JetLagDragonfly 07-10-2011 12:48 PM

Works on my mac when the other EQ2maps would not, 5 stars from me;)

Landiin 07-20-2011 01:19 AM

OMFG!!! Deleted 1.2.6 source!!! Thought it was eq2map the ui files.. /cry good thing I have 1.1. whatever... /sigh

Now to figure out what is missing.... /BODY::Face->palm!

Drumstix42 07-20-2011 03:23 AM

Oooops :( That's an ouchie.

gm9 07-20-2011 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Landiin (Post 97855)
OMFG!!! Deleted 1.2.6 source!!! Thought it was eq2map the ui files.. /cry good thing I have 1.1. whatever... /sigh

Now to figure out what is missing.... /BODY::Face->palm!

Use SVN or a similar revision control system. Too useful to not have IMO.

Also if you have not extensively written to your disk yet google a free undelete program and recover your files.

lordebon 07-20-2011 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 97868)
Use SVN or a similar revision control system. Too useful to not have IMO.

Also if you have not extensively written to your disk yet google a free undelete program and recover your files.


Assuming the files are pretty small, you could still have a good chance of getting them back, assuming you didn't go downloading all kinds of stuff.

Gardee 01-18-2012 04:15 AM

intaslling up dater & Eq maps
This is my dir that EQ is installed at on my PC

C:\Program Files\EVERQUEST II

in that i see folders launchpad and
Station launcher

just where do i extract the eq maps to so i can once again enjoy the best maps prog that EQ 2 uses
the last eq 2 up date MY Viursscanner saw the launch padasa worm ..deleted the file so now i dont have station launcher the way it was ,,,for now till EQ techs getback to me but i 'd like to be able to have EQ 2 maps working thanks any one

Gardee 01-18-2012 04:16 AM

intaslling up dater & Eq maps
This is my dir that EQ is installed at on my PC

C:\Program Files\EVERQUEST II

in that i see folders launchpad and
Station launcher

just where do i extract the eq maps to?? so i can once again enjoy the best maps prog that EQ 2 uses.
the last eq 2 up date MY Viurs scanner saw the launch pad as a worm ..deleted the file so now i dont have station launcher the way it was. ,,,For now till EQ techs get back to me but i 'd like to be able to have EQ 2 maps working thanks any one

Landiin 01-20-2012 12:36 PM

Probably use "C:\Program Files\EVERQUEST II" as the path to eq2. I haven't looked at the auto launch since they are forcing the new launcher. I just randomly update eq2map then run the launcher. I'll take a look at it and see if I need to add code for it to load the new launcher.

Therendil 01-20-2012 02:59 PM

I've mentioned this in other threads, but AoD made some changes to the launch process. The biggest deal is that you must NOT call eq2.exe to launch the game because that will now break your setup. You must call launchpad.exe or everquest2.exe in the current EQII directory. Station Launcher is officially dead as well, at least for EQII.

I use EQ2Maps, but I never use the launch function myself, so I don't know exactly what it points to for that.

Landiin 01-21-2012 10:31 AM

Ok here is what to do:
Just drag and drop your EverQuest2 shortcut icon (the one the new launcher made) in the the path field. The updater will get the path to the game from the shortcut. You can no longer use the station launcher option in the run options. You are now limited to Patcher or No Patch.

There is the possible (maybe) that EverQuest2.exe and LaunchPad.exe are not in the same directory?.?. If this is the case you'll need to use the path to EverQuest2.exe to get EQ2MAP to update correctly. If this is the case my Updater will tell you.

Maybe one day I'll get around to updating My EQ2MAP updater but I feel the mod community in EQ2 isn't being supported by SOE and I've long lost my drive to build/make/support my creations for this game.

Therendil 01-21-2012 01:17 PM

Using the shortcut created by the new installer would be good because it will point to launchpad.exe.

The question about the location of launchpad.exe is important. In a clean install, there will be one copy of launchpad.exe and it will be in the EQII directory. In an upgrade install, there will be a copy of launchpad.exe in the EQII directory, but there may be other copies left over elsewhere. It is essential to be sure your shortcut points to the right one. It is better to find and delete those extra copies.

Landlin, I sympathize with your frustrations. SOE could support the mod community better, but at least I still get enough help from them to keep up my testing work for ProfitUI (and EQ2Maps as I can).

LP4 is a big improvement (and long overdue,) but the new launcher architecture has caused temporary issues while people with older installations clean up their setups. Since I understand the new setup pretty well now, I can usually help out.

-= Therendil =-

Landiin 01-24-2012 09:07 AM

Yea, that is why I caution about using the launchpad.exe's shortcut. As it could point to somewhere other then where EverQuest2.exe is (the one the user actually uses).

I agree the lp4 is tons better then other ones excluding the station launcher of course ;).

Therendil 01-24-2012 11:28 AM

Yes. I loved Station Launcher too, and used it up until LP4. I am careful to never let them forget that they promised to put SL's features into the regular LaunchPad. Some feature are there now, but not all.

I've been encouraging people to delete and re-install EQ2 this time. There have been a lot of changes since Shadow Odyssey that leave older installations littered with duplicate or obsolete files. The changes to the default install path even leave duplicate installations of the game. This confuses the application, the user, or both. As an example, I did a search for launchpad.exe on my system and found it installed in three different places beside the EQ2 setup. A couple of these were the original LaunchPad, circa 2008. A fresh start is a good idea.

Landiin 01-26-2012 05:26 PM

I agree 100% and don't get me started on their distributions software.. I've helped people through out the years with UI issues to only find out they have 2 or even 3+ copies of EQ2 on their hard drive.

Landiin 01-26-2012 05:32 PM

Think I am going to rewrite this in C++ (No it will not need .NET or ever need it) and put the code on Google code or source forge. I wrote it in pascal b/c I just like the language better but more people know C/C++. that way people will be able to make adjustments as need long after I am gone.

Therendil 01-29-2012 07:49 PM

There is no doubt that the EQII application deployment architecture is pretty sad. I was reading some forum posts by a user who pointed out that SOE's sloppy decision to store cache and log files in that application directory (and hard-wire those paths) made it nearly impossible to improve performance by installing it on an SSD.

It also doesn't help that the average user is pretty clueless about how their computer works. But that's what we have to work with.

I think re-writing in C++ and publishing through someone like SourceForge is a good idea for the long-term maintainability of the code. And it is an application worth keeping alive for the long haul.

CharlieM 09-21-2012 03:02 PM

Spelling Mistake
"retreaved" should be spelt "retrieved"

Great utility!


Icekitty 12-14-2015 06:01 PM

Stopped working after upgrade to Windows 10
Running 64 bit Win 10 now, worked fine with Win 7. Gets the pop up box "EQ2MAPS has stopped working" Downloaded and used this one because the other auto updater crashes with "application has stopped working". :confused:

Therendil 12-16-2015 11:16 AM

I haven't had any issues with the auto-updater I use, which says "EQ2MAP Auto Updater (Version 1.2.10)" in the title bar at the top of the windows. That one is running okay on three different 64-bit Win10 systems.

That said, my experience so far has been that Win10 is fairly buggy. Right from the start, I've seen the System Event Logs rack up piles of error events, many of them serious. So you may have something ugly going on behind the scenes that's causing your problem.

-= Therendil =-

Icekitty 10-14-2018 08:28 AM

updater not running anymore, been working fine for years
now i get error message : Error: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently.

per Google: the 301 Moved Permanently code generally indicates an issue on the actual web server hosting your application.

Already tried download again and reinstalling, same error message.

Icekitty 11-26-2018 08:19 AM

update URL broken
Gets error message: Error: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

iggyspiggot 11-26-2018 09:17 AM

I'm getting the Error: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently come up whenever I try to update maps, I have downloaded the program again and installed but still the same.

I've not moved anything on my PC, not changed any links. Still it doesn't work.

Any ideas?

Darqwood 11-26-2018 11:11 AM

Landiin's last activity on this site was more than two years ago, and his last post was more than three years ago. This may give some insight regarding the status of his map updater, although I don't have any direct information.

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