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gm9 11-12-2007 03:19 AM

Agreed, that would be a very useful function.

mortis42 11-12-2007 03:45 AM


I would like UIBuilder to, if not support comments (possibly through a "comment" Object property?), to at least retain comments when it writes to the file.
AFAIK, currently when saving with UIBuilder, it seems the whole file is re-written, effectively removing and comments that may have been present.

Othesus 11-12-2007 04:09 AM

Are you asking for the UIBuilder to load and save xml comments like this?

<!-- This is a comment -->

You can put what ever custom properties you want into each object. Some of the xml files have a version_note property on the first level.

Landiin 11-12-2007 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Othesus (Post 65494)
Are you asking for the UIBuilder to load and save xml comments like this?

<!-- This is a comment -->

You can put what ever custom properties you want into each object. Some of the xml files have a version_note property on the first level.

Currently if you put comments in your XML file, then later load it and save it with the UI Builder, the UI Builder strips the comments before saving.

It is common for people to comment their code as it is written to help them keep track of what function a particular code block does.

In most editors these comments show up in different font and color then the rest of the code so it is easily spotted where if you use an attributed it would blind in with the rest of the XML.

gm9 11-12-2007 11:14 AM

Added the following feature request to my first post:
  • Could we get non-localized DynamicData objects please? I use subclass detection for a number of windows and the translation it needs to do internally is taking it's toll an performance (in particular since I need to repeat it all the time due to dynamic data taking too long to initialize for people with slow computers). At least non-localized adventure and crafting subclasses would be very helpful.

Landiin 11-12-2007 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 65527)
Added the following feature request to my first post:
  • Could we get non-localized DynamicData objects please? I use subclass detection for a number of windows and the translation it needs to do internally is taking it's toll an performance (in particular since I need to repeat it all the time due to dynamic data taking too long to initialize for people with slow computers). At least non-localized adventure and crafting subclasses would be very helpful.

I think you will have better luck producing a mod for each language that has subclass detection then SOE providing the same data multiple times.

But as the saying goes; It never hurts to ask:)

gm9 11-12-2007 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Landiin (Post 65528)
I think you will have better luck producing a mod for each language that has subclass detection then SOE providing the same data multiple times.

I already have that functionality in ProfitUI for over a year now, that is not the problem. The problem is rather people with slow computers where I cannot initialize the detection OnShow of the UI. At least I had users where the funtionality would fail until I started detecting subclasses OnHoverIn, and I think it was due to the DynamicData not being intialized for a considerable amount of time after the UI loads.

Since now I will be adding subclass detection to my stat bar I need to have it OnShow. I guess I need to update the code to add a couple of seconds delay before it runs. But we all know SOE doesn't like us to create full automation code that uses delays, so I thought I'd ask for the DynamicData before I get banned. :p

PS: Also multiple languages lead to my most important grievance with the UI: it is not non-ASCII compatible. I cannot even do a /useabilityonplayer <non-ASCII player name>. I know it's only a ProfitUI problem since - as far as I know - ProfitUI is the only mod that is trying to be multi-language compatible, but it would still be great if that could be finally fixed...

Landiin 11-12-2007 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 65529)
Since now I will be adding subclass detection to my stat bar I need to have it OnShow. I guess I need to update the code to add a couple of seconds delay before it runs. But we all know SOE doesn't like us to create full automation code that uses delays, so I thought I'd ask for the DynamicData before I get banned. :p

Use the Zoning screen's OnHide event instead of an OnShow event of an Object in the MainHud.

The way the UI system is suppose to work is; the main UI object are created behind the zoning screen and get data filled as zoning progress. Then once every thing has been created, made visible and data filled the zoning screen is hid, revealing the Main UI. I am sure you already knew that but figured I'd say just in case:)

Boy we are getting off topic here:P This is for suggestion not comments about suggestion! My bad, hides keyboard, Topic back on track:)

gm9 11-12-2007 04:13 PM

On topic: Added the following to my feature requests list:
  • Allow UIbuilder to load interface folders, not specific files. This will reduce confusion for new users, and make it easier for mods that do not include an eq2ui.xml file. This functionality is mostly already part of UIbuilder. Currently you can copy an eq2ui.xml into your customUI folder and load it via UIbuilder. You can then delete it from the customUI folder and continue loading that UI into UIbuilder via the "Recent" list.

gm9 11-12-2007 06:36 PM

Added the following bug to first post.
  • Default DynamicDataFilter is set to FFFFFFFF instead of FFFF

Apart from that: I just downloaded the latest version and I must say I love it. In particular the ability to save single pages is a godsend, and redundant data is no longer saved. Count me in on the userbase again. :nana:

dragowulf 11-12-2007 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 65555)
Added the following bug to first post.
  • Default DynamicDataFilter is set to FFFFFFFF instead of FFFF

Apart from that: I just downloaded the latest version and I must say I love it. In particular the ability to save single pages is a godsend, and redundant data is no longer saved. Count me in on the userbase again. :nana:

Before, I just saved it all on a separate folder, took the files I needed, and then deleted the rest. I was easy, but this will make it significantly better.

gm9 11-12-2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by dragowulf (Post 65556)
Before, I just saved it all on a separate folder, took the files I needed, and then deleted the rest. I was easy, but this will make it significantly better.

Now you just hit Ctrl-S in UIbuilder, hit your /loadui ProfitUI macro button and see immediately in game how it works. I LOVE IT. :)

Ranot 11-13-2007 03:44 AM

except when you forget it saves just single files now.. when updating vert for RoK i did my usual ctrl-s to save everything then had a minor screaming fit with myself when i went ingame and realized it saved only one thing instead of everything :P

gm9 11-14-2007 03:59 PM

One thing I forgot to mention. Yesterday I tried to fix something in my tradeskill window with the new UIbuilder and it broke the nested scripts I have therein. I haven't checked so far what exactly went wrong, this is just a heads up to pay attention when using it.

Drumstix42 11-14-2007 11:12 PM

I'm finding it very annoying that you can't "drag" a window with the Play button toggled on. Resizes the MainHUD or whatever it may be, causing the displayed windows to black-out/disappear from view. Some kind of functionality has been changed/lost.

If play isn't turned on, it's too easy to click a specific element when trying to drag a window around, therefor incidentally moving the wrong thing!
Also wanted to point out my post (2nd to last) on the first page of this topic, in case it was missed. :)

Landiin 11-15-2007 12:08 AM

Some times the UIBuilder will include multi <include>file</include> for the same file.

It seems to do this on files that have more then one DocumentElement/root node. Not that I would ever use more then one *eyes squint and dart back and forth* but noticed it on some of the include in EQ2MAP I made year ago. (I don't wanna hear it gm9! lol)

dragowulf 11-15-2007 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Drumstix42 (Post 65845)
I'm finding it very annoying that you can't "drag" a window with the Play button toggled on. Resizes the MainHUD or whatever it may be, causing the displayed windows to black-out/disappear from view. Some kind of functionality has been changed/lost.

If play isn't turned on, it's too easy to click a specific element when trying to drag a window around, therefor incidentally moving the wrong thing!
Also wanted to point out my post (2nd to last) on the first page of this topic, in case it was missed. :)

Yeah, not only can't you drag a window, you can't press a button, or do anything that involves you using anything that is in the play related area. Which sucks because sometimes you need to do a little testing and what not.

Drumstix42 11-20-2007 03:38 AM

With the new "Top" "Height" "Left" and "Width" values, I've been messing around with some trigger events to try to change the size of other objects.
The problem is if I try to do any math, I'll get the 3 trailing decimals, ie 147.000
I tried manually putting in 147.000 into the "Height" property, and it wouldn't accept it. It just kept the previous value in there.

I guess my request is that these fields be updated to accept decimal inputs, and just trim off the trailing decimals.

*edit* My work around was to just set a nonvisable object the same size as the original, with the same pack size/location properties. (I'm changeing the size of a frame depending on certain conditions). This way I could change the size back and forth, without doing the simple math equations.

Othesus 11-20-2007 05:37 AM

I was just working on a really cool map plugin and I ran into the same problem Drumstix42 did.

I need to be able to set Top = A + B - C but we all know that this doesn't work because all math is done in some kind of floating point type and Top or Left wont take a floating point number. Would it be possible for the + - * operators to be overloaded to preserve type? Otherwise would it be possible to convert from float to integer?

Thanks, Rothgar!

gm9 11-20-2007 05:56 AM

Or just give us an Int() function. But yes, I already ran into the same issue of course.

And also, all the great window changes you do via script will not be saved until you perform some manual manipulation with the mouse. Please fix that - at least let /save_uisettings comprise all settings.

RickF7666 11-29-2007 12:19 PM

The problem with the UIBuilder that I'm having is that it adds slashes "/" where there shouldn't be. Specifically in the Persona screen.

<TabbedPane ActiveTab="0" DataSource="MainPage.TabSource" Location="5,37" Name="TabPane" PackLocation="left,top" PackLocationProp="0005/0001,0037/0001" PackSize="absolute,fixed" PackSizeProp="0020/0001,0002/0003" ScrollExtent="355,32" Size="355,32" Style="/WindowElements.WindowFrame.data.tab_data.tabbed_pane_style" TargetPage="MainPage.TabPages"/>

It adds a "/" before the "MainPage.TabSource" and "MainPage.TabPages". This is the third line in the xml code. It is a very small change with a big effect. If those slashes are there then the Persona screen doesn't work.

This isn't the only case of added slashes that I've run into. To remove the slashes, every time I save the file in UIBuilder I have to use Notepad to manually remove the slashes. It would be nice not to have to do that.

gm9 11-30-2007 04:39 AM

If it's adding a slash there, that means you opened the eq2ui_mainhud_persona.xml directly. Never do that. You must only open eq2ui.xml and nothing else.

Talyns 12-01-2007 12:39 AM

Where did our friends go? Maybe, we scared them away with too much work..


Originally Posted by Drumstix42 (Post 66596)
With the new "Top" "Height" "Left" and "Width" values, I've been messing around with some trigger events to try to change the size of other objects.
The problem is if I try to do any math, I'll get the 3 trailing decimals, ie 147.000
I tried manually putting in 147.000 into the "Height" property, and it wouldn't accept it. It just kept the previous value in there.

I guess my request is that these fields be updated to accept decimal inputs, and just trim off the trailing decimals.

This bug really removes the point of even having those properties. Any chance of getting this fixed up, please?


Originally Posted by Othesus to Gm in another thread
... Ah, ok the zoom buttons. Those could be shown and hidden easily. I don't know about activating them though. They're just images like this:

<Page Location="428,556" Name="ZoomControls" PackLocation="fff,fff" ScrollExtent="24,13" Size="24,13">
<Image GetsInput="true" LocalTooltip="Zoom In" Location="1,1" Name="ZoomIn" ScrollExtent="9,9" Size="9,9" Style="Skinnable_Styles.ZoomButtons.ZoomIn" Tooltip=":0df337557d461a46:Zoom In" />
<Image GetsInput="true" LocalTooltip="Zoom Out" Location="11,1" Name="ZoomOut" ScrollExtent="9,9" Size="9,9" Style="Skinnable_Styles.ZoomButtons.ZoomOut" Tooltip=":0df337556511a0b2:Zoom Out" />

Ok now that I've had a couple days to play with this I must say..
There is no way to access these controls that I know of; nor, a /command to change zoom level or variable that I have found..

Any chance of making the zoom controls into a slider so we can access it through scripts?.. That would be really useful!!

Atleast make images into buttons so they can be "pressed" through a script. Adding one to reset the zoom level would be great too.. However, I think I prefer a slider..

If there already is a way to change this through scripts, please enlighten me :)

Anybody listening?

Drumstix42 12-01-2007 12:52 AM

And this from page 1 ;), but the above are a bit more useful


Originally Posted by Drumstix42 (Post 65481)
I don't think this exists already, but...

I'd like to request a way to resize an object without it affecting other objects. Perhaps holding down ALT or SHIFT while resizing, would allow the user to resize that object without affecting properties of another. Sometimes resizing can be a pain if you've done a lot of placement of objects already, and then have to remove a bunch of PackSize/Location properties to resize something.

I know the way selection/de-selecting items is changing, so any hotkey would do really. Hope that made sense :)

Also, would be great to have "Run" mode working as it used to.

gm9 05-06-2008 06:54 PM

Added new bug to my post #2 in the thread:
  • The opacity setting for rectangle styles is not saved by UIbuilder, probably because it is also not shown in "Limit Properties" mode even for non-default values

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