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Laffs 07-05-2005 07:56 PM

havent tried your latest update as of yet......

But with all the requests / bug reports your getting ... All I can say is

Welcome to the world of modding UI's Landiin :p heheh

Its a biach what seems to work on your system dont work on others lol, Me found that out the long and hard way GL bud :)

Landiin 07-05-2005 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Naelael
I can't bring up an invintory window.

The invintory is on the screen 100% of the time.. its on the top of the screen. Press teh + button to expand to see your eqpt. Im working on making this bigger for u blind people but its not at the top of the list till some of these bugs are fixed.

Landiin 07-05-2005 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Eloora
Thanks for the update. Here are my updated issues ;)

1. Sound settings still not saving upon relogging.

2. The market window cannot be resized and is rather large. Also there is no just-press-enter ability when doing a search.

3. The quest helper background still cannot be faded...dunno if you got around to that or not yet.

4. The 1600x1200 ui settings file was close but no cigar. The group, maintained, player, casting and the one hotbar window were all on top of each other at the bottom of the screen, as were most of the additional hotbars on the right side.


1. I can't get it to save the settings.. any help here?

2. ok will fixe

3. Its faded way down, it shouldn't be enterfearing

4. /shrug works great for me. I'll make a new one.

bakes 07-05-2005 11:20 PM

The UI seems to be causing alot of Memory cashes (Started since loading your UI, Laffs UI no issues but tonight in raid crashed 4/5 times) The target window when in detail mode has the ^^ cut off in the implied target window. The target window chat/health bar colors change when I die or zone (Happens in laffs also) Performance / music setting dont save the compas letters could be brighter to actualy see where i am going, raid window box can it be like laffs where I can remove the windows when I dont want them there or if I only want grp 1x and 4x there or what not, in the spell effects window 1 buff over hangs the edge always happens with laffs also =), In the target window the Lvl XX and then class bellow it is cut off with certain longer name classes/anon, there anyway to make the inventory moveable I usueally like to move it and have a bag near it so I can hot swap potions/totems etc, but memory error is the biggest problem that needs to be fixed

(also the yellow bubble still in the maintained buffed bubbles) can the HO window be made w/out the big ass bg arorund it

mackgee 07-06-2005 12:04 AM

Four new "bugs" I can remember off hand.

1. The quest journal still does not resize correctally. The bottom frame is locked, and the window will not adjust horizontally.

2. Also, the implied target health percentage is stuck at 100%. I saw in UI Builder that you use two /'s where there were supposed to be .'s for the dynamic data.

3. In the merchant window the money does not move when you adjust the window vertically. This causes the money to be behind the items for sale.

4. In your new pet window the power percentage sits too low, and it is difficult to read the percentage. Either re-arranging the pet window or making it a little taller will allow to see the percentage better.

I bet you didn't think you'd have to put up with all the BS when you came up with the idea for making a UI? I quote Laffs:

"Welcome to the world of modding UI's Landiin"

Keep up the good work..

p.s. too late for spell check.. going to bed..

Landiin 07-06-2005 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by bakes
The UI seems to be causing alot of Memory cashes (Started since loading your UI, Laffs UI no issues but tonight in raid crashed 4/5 times) The target window when in detail mode has the ^^ cut off in the implied target window. The target window chat/health bar colors change when I die or zone (Happens in laffs also) Performance / music setting dont save the compas letters could be brighter to actualy see where i am going, raid window box can it be like laffs where I can remove the windows when I dont want them there or if I only want grp 1x and 4x there or what not, in the spell effects window 1 buff over hangs the edge always happens with laffs also =), In the target window the Lvl XX and then class bellow it is cut off with certain longer name classes/anon, there anyway to make the inventory moveable I usueally like to move it and have a bag near it so I can hot swap potions/totems etc, but memory error is the biggest problem that needs to be fixed

(also the yellow bubble still in the maintained buffed bubbles) can the HO window be made w/out the big ass bg arorund it

When you crashed did you change your video settings via the exp window controles? I don't mean you changed the settings then u crashed, but changed them and a little be later you crashed..

I never liked the 4 box raid wndow. I just resize the window to what need. I'll try to toss somthing together, would be a good controle to put in a dead spot:P

I noticed ther ^^ being cut off too, but keep forgeting to fix it. Will not it this time.

As far as teh color changing no clue, Dosn't happen for me nether did laff's. What color is it changing to?

Working on getting it to save changes, Trust me I would like it to safe them myself. savessettings don't seem to work.

Tell the person thats names are getting cut off to /pet and get a shorter name. :) j/k Not much I can about that. But I'll look into making it longer.

Thats what I use the bag in the main invintory for, I just pop it open and drag and drop. But yea, I guess you can unlock it and drag it to where you need it.

Yea I hate that big ugly bulky backdrop on the HO wnidow also.. Working on makeing this look better atm..

Again, take note of what actions you did UI wise before you crashed, that will help me find whats causing your memory to leak on the floor.

Landiin 07-06-2005 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by mackgee
Four new "bugs" I can remember off hand.

1. The quest journal still does not resize correctally. The bottom frame is locked, and the window will not adjust horizontally.

2. Also, the implied target health percentage is stuck at 100%. I saw in UI Builder that you use two /'s where there were supposed to be .'s for the dynamic data.

3. In the merchant window the money does not move when you adjust the window vertically. This causes the money to be behind the items for sale.

4. In your new pet window the power percentage sits too low, and it is difficult to read the percentage. Either re-arranging the pet window or making it a little taller will allow to see the percentage better.

I bet you didn't think you'd have to put up with all the BS when you came up with the idea for making a UI? I quote Laffs:

"Welcome to the world of modding UI's Landiin"

Keep up the good work..

p.s. too late for spell check.. going to bed..

1. yea yea yea.. I noticed the frame locked tonight also, was like OMG!!

2. target and inplied are totaly redone in the next update.. But thanks for pointing this out I would prob get owned by copy and paste again lol.

3. see 1.

4. Yes Sir:) Pet people are so picky :) j/k I don't have a char with a pet so its hard for me to test this part. I should lvl one up to test with.

I figured there would be some, but its just xml how much could go wrong.. WOW wake up Landiin lol..

Franpan 07-06-2005 08:35 AM

nvm.. i got it

bakes 07-06-2005 10:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hers a SS of the problems listed so you can see.

Laffs 07-06-2005 11:12 AM

RE: the sound settings not saving

Savesettings command dont seem to work I noticed that awhile back.... Kosmos came up with an idea here someplace if you have a look for it reguarding the performance panel saveing its selections..

It go's somthing like this,

Have a few new pages all within each other with 0.000 opacity and checkboxes so when you set a value on the sound it also ticks the relevant checkbox on the hidden page... And make the sound commands refer to those pages upon log in (or something to that effect, If there was only 2 settings for each control it would be easy to just set visability true/false and have it check for that)

Hope this kindda puts you on the right chain of thought..... I maybe working on somthing like this myself will let you know if I do, then can maybe get heads together to sort it out.


Landiin 07-06-2005 06:26 PM

Bankes, Have no idea why your health bars are changing colors. Its seems almost like eq2 is ignoring the color filters. But I have never seen this happen to me and being a tank I die on more then my fair share a day.

About the effects window; There is nothing that an be done about it. Its how SOE seems to want it to work. I don't know whey they couldn't make bags and the effect window like the Maintained and hotkey window. You can not put the icons in a sub page to contain them so they go to the edger of the main window and wrap back no matter the size.

Whats happening there is its displaying your health range.. Yea it changes allignment but /shrug its there.

Fixed the conc bubble being stuck on.( I think).

Thanks for the info Laff I'll play around with it..

SOE, Fixe some of this stuff:) Saving the window settings to an .ini or even .xml would be easy I would think. Oh and fix color filtre in groupe while your at it.

Laffs 07-06-2005 07:11 PM

Np bud...

Also I spent ages trying to get that damn effects window to behave itself... only way to realy do it is this..

All the icons will follow on from the position you set the 1st one at!! (no need to set any others)

Then by setting the icon sizes, You can get the last one in the row to 'drop' down before the edge of the page as long as it would overhang the page by 3 pixels (approx)

But with the Perdition type skin your using no way will this work unless you make the angle of the triangle background from about 45deg to about 75deg therefore reducing the width of the page that the last icon needs before it will 'drop'

That make sense?

But I have got 2 versions working properly now that just use the 'frame & hole' ..... But that dont look too good with the style you got I found.......

Play with the degrees as I said above that will fix it


P.s I am sure there was mention of somthing being done with the effects window in some update to come? Or did I just dream that lol

Franpan 07-06-2005 07:20 PM

hey, i also posted some bugs before.. i dont know if landiin tooka a look at them or not, but I specially like to colors of this UI, and, my health bar changed colors as well, but only with my alts, not with my main char.. it aws weird..lol

Landiin 07-06-2005 08:51 PM

Yes EQ is realy messing up ui setting files. I never and I mean out of a good 30 tried never got a good ui settings file. I had to use the one someone put on this site a while back. I think that may be a lot of trouble some of you are having with colors and odd things happening. Nothing I can do about that. The reason I say that the ui settings file is the cause is becuase I did the loadui command and it reset my ui positioning to default and I lost the colors for my bars then. Then I just deleted the ui file and let eq make a new one and I had the colors for a good while but the I zoned and poof they where gone. But when i deleted the ui settings file and use the one I had with the zip the color came back and hasn't faded. I set my ui up and write protected teh file. lol In order for the correct colors to show up on the bars I have to filter the gamedata for that controle and beleave me the filtering is there.

mackgee 07-07-2005 12:39 AM

Implied add-on update.
1 Attachment(s)
The target/implied window is much better than before, but I made a very simple change to the add-on I had had used in the past. You can see by the screen cap I just made the implied target look identical to your new actual target. Personally I don't think they need to have different looks because people realize that implied is always on top.

I will submit this as an update to the add-on I made before. It only concerns the implied target window this time, and once again I only made changes to v0 targeting.

I have never liked v1, but just to let you know it seems you might have gotten "owned" by copy and paste again. In your v1 implied target the power percentage is actually showing the health percentage. Gotta watch that copy & paste.. Once again, your work is appreciated, and thanks for the updates for all the bugs that have been found.

Oh yes one more favor.. Please stop releasing updates late in the evening, because it always keeps me up way too freaking late. zzz..

Anarissa 07-07-2005 08:37 AM

Confused ?
I installed this yesterday, and it's great. Only thing is, today I log in, and can't see the heritage quests on the guild screen, whereas yesterday they were there. Did I perhaps accidentally do something? Not sure if I accidentally bugged it somehow, or how to fix it. Could you please lend a hand? I'm going to include a screen, if I can figure out how to.

Apparently I did the screenshot right! :D

Franpan 07-07-2005 09:13 AM

lol thats very odd... i havent take a look at my guild window, but ill see when servers come back up and tell you if i have the same problem or not

i will also take a screenshot of how i have it set up, so you can see...

Landiin 07-07-2005 09:49 AM


The target/implied window is much better than before, but I made a very simple change to the add-on I had had used in the past. You can see by the screen cap I just made the implied target look identical to your new actual target. Personally I don't think they need to have different looks because people realize that implied is always on top.
Yes I think so to and came so close to doing that but seconded guess my self and thought maybe they shouldn't look the same. Looking at that ss I can see I should have gone ahead and did it, it does look much better.


I have never liked v1, but just to let you know it seems you might have gotten "owned" by copy and paste again. In your v1 implied target the power percentage is actually showing the health percentage. Gotta watch that copy & paste.. Once again, your work is appreciated, and thanks for the updates for all the bugs that have been found.
How odd all I remember doing is resizing stuff. Guess I will break copy & paste so I can be so lazy.


Oh yes one more favor.. Please stop releasing updates late in the evening, because it always keeps me up way too freaking late. zzz..
I agree


Originally Posted by Anarissa
I installed this yesterday, and it's great. Only thing is, today I log in, and can't see the heritage quests on the guild screen, whereas yesterday they were there. Did I perhaps accidentally do something? Not sure if I accidentally bugged it somehow, or how to fix it. Could you please lend a hand? I'm going to include a screen, if I can figure out how to.

*Starts to ponder*
That is odd. I'm at work atm so can't look but will when I get home.

Franpan 07-07-2005 10:16 AM

My screenshots

thats the way im using it.. i like this color better, but im still changing to see which one is the best one for this..

Aeeolag 07-07-2005 11:28 AM

just one small annoyance for some reason when I am in north qeynos and I go to check my slayer title status the window doesnt pop up anymore?

Laffs 07-07-2005 12:47 PM

Maybe its because your from freeport lol :p

Naelael 07-07-2005 04:39 PM

Unable to use the CS interface (petitions), Bags are set to smallest size at all times, spell book is jacked, I am getting crashes and have never had them before.

Landiin 07-07-2005 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Naelael
Unable to use the CS interface (petitions), Bags are set to smallest size at all times, spell book is jacked, I am getting crashes and have never had them before.

CS interface, never thought to check it because all i did was just change frames and backgrounds, will check it tonight.

As I said in release 1.11.3 I put in fetish's spell book till I had time to get the bugs out of mine. Why use his? because its already set up to use fetish frames:)

Get more ram:) j/k are u using 1.11.3? This memory thing started when I tried to force it to remember the volume settings. I only have 1g and only crashed to memory error once and it was in the middle of a raid and I had switch video options using the desplay pannel. Witch is in the same window as the volume.

I plan on updateing tonight when I get home with out the save settings option and hopefully that will fix the memory issues.. so be ready for 1.11.4, oh yea I fixe the effects icons from spilling off the right side, they all stay in there frames now :) woohooo

Anarissa 07-07-2005 05:27 PM

Another dumb question
Sorry, another stupid question. My wife and daughter prefer the OCD, ( They're not exactly the brightest bulbs in the box) , point being, they have a line off the XP bar that gives them the option to disable combat XP. I didn't see one off yours, wondered if that was forgotten, or just not put in. I'd like the otion to do that if you were thinking of adding it, or if it's already there, please let me know where.

Sorry for the relative inexperience, but the only way to get answers, is to ask questions.

Thanks for your time. ;)

Landiin 07-07-2005 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Anarissa
Sorry, another stupid question. My wife and daughter prefer the OCD, ( They're not exactly the brightest bulbs in the box) , point being, they have a line off the XP bar that gives them the option to disable combat XP. I didn't see one off yours, wondered if that was forgotten, or just not put in. I'd like the otion to do that if you were thinking of adding it, or if it's already there, please let me know where.

Sorry for the relative inexperience, but the only way to get answers, is to ask questions.

Thanks for your time. ;)

Its there, it just don't display the text over the exp bar telling you. You can still right click on it and turn it on and off. I thought being it flashes the msg in front of your face ever time u have it tuned off why have it there..

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