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gm9 10-22-2007 01:34 AM

More than escaping I would just like to be able to pass commands in international characters. Currently e.g. a simple /mood なし cannot be modded... (unless it was ninja fixed, did not check in a month or two).

dragowulf 10-22-2007 02:37 AM

yeah and is it possible to add a function like "x turns white if y is yellow"?

Othesus 10-22-2007 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by dragowulf (Post 64406)
yeah and is it possible to add a function like "x turns white if y is yellow"?

That's pretty easy to do now with scripting. The real question is when would you like to trigger this script?

SOE-Rothgar 10-22-2007 02:40 PM

In addition to saving individual files, our xml parser now encodes and decodes attribute whitespace into their proper entity references (#xD, #xA, #x9).

Unfortunately I'm not in the office today due to the fires raging in San Diego so I'm limited as to how well I can test these changes. But as soon as I get them thoroughly tested, I'll have a new UIBuilder.zip patched down.

gm9 10-22-2007 02:59 PM

A big thanks for that! :nana:

And if you ever need beta testers for your changes, you know where to find them. ;)

Landiin 10-22-2007 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by SOE-Rothgar (Post 64462)
In addition to saving individual files, our xml parser now encodes and decodes attribute whitespace into their proper entity references (#xD, #xA, #x9).

Unfortunately I'm not in the office today due to the fires raging in San Diego so I'm limited as to how well I can test these changes. But as soon as I get them thoroughly tested, I'll have a new UIBuilder.zip patched down.

Rothgar you have single handily changed my opinion of SOE DEVS.

If I wasn't at work and being blocked from image shack, I'ed give you a ROCK STAR award right NOW!

SOE-Rothgar 10-22-2007 04:11 PM

Thank you, its the thought that counts anyway! :)

Unfortunately I'm having to pack up and evacuate my house now. Hopefully this will all blow over very quickly so we can get back to work!

gm9 10-22-2007 04:26 PM

Get back to work? I rather hope for you the fire doesn't cause any damage so you can get back home. :)

Anyway, while Landiin can't do it, here's your award (not sure if that is what he had in mind, just the first thing that came up in google ;)):

dragowulf 10-22-2007 04:48 PM

Yeah Rothgar, are now the official SOE Rock Star.

You changed my opinion as well.


lordebon 10-23-2007 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by SOE-Rothgar (Post 64471)
Thank you, its the thought that counts anyway! :)

Unfortunately I'm having to pack up and evacuate my house now. Hopefully this will all blow over very quickly so we can get back to work!

I hope everything goes allright for you and the other Dev's. ((Although it makes me a little bit more glad to be on the east coast where I don't have to worry about that, but it's small consolation for being so far away from so many things ;) ))

SOE-Rothgar 10-23-2007 02:42 PM

I've just been able to test my changes and confirm everything is working properly. In addition to the changes I've mentioned previously, you will also see a new "Custom" module, eq2ui_custom.xml that you can add your windows to. This should all go live with our next update, which also happens to correspond with the expansion.

Keep your ideas for UI Builder coming!

dragowulf 10-23-2007 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by SOE-Rothgar (Post 64529)
I've just been able to test my changes and confirm everything is working properly. In addition to the changes I've mentioned previously, you will also see a new "Custom" module, eq2ui_custom.xml that you can add your windows to. This should all go live with our next update, which also happens to correspond with the expansion.

Keep your ideas for UI Builder coming!

Where the heck are you working from Rothgar? Don't you need to evacuate stat?!

What does this custom module thing do anyways? ....Oh, and this sounds like much but is there a way make a circular window and edit all the dead space out of the ends, instead of it being square always?

gm9 10-23-2007 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by SOE-Rothgar (Post 64529)
In addition to the changes I've mentioned previously, you will also see a new "Custom" module, eq2ui_custom.xml that you can add your windows to. This should all go live with our next update, which also happens to correspond with the expansion.

Rothgar, you bring tears of joy to my eyes. Now you've earned an award from me too. :nana:

PS: Drago, I requested this in the second post of the thread.

dragowulf 10-23-2007 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 64534)
Rothgar, you bring tears of joy to my eyes. Now you've earned an award from me too. :nana:

PS: Drago, I requested this in the second post of the thread.

I'm sorry I never look at your posts....

Ok I do but I did not remember reading that....lol sorry let me go back and rewind :)


EDIT: Ok I got it now :)

SOE-Rothgar 10-23-2007 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by dragowulf (Post 64532)
Where the heck are you working from Rothgar? Don't you need to evacuate stat?!

What does this custom module thing do anyways. ....Oh, and this sounds like much but is there a way make a circular window and edit all the dead space out of the ends, instead of it being square always?

I'm working from the office at the moment. And good news, they just listed the mandatory evacuation from my neighborhood, so my wife is returning home now with our 2 dogs. :)

The custom module doesn't really do anything, it just acts as a container for your windows so you don't have to add them to MainHUD, Inventory, etc.

Some weird stuff can happen when you add windows to the other modules, besides the fact that you now have to ship out your own version of the module's xml file which causes players to not get updates when we add new windows.

Another thing you guys should keep in mind is that you should not create a new window with the same name as another window, even if its in a different module. Yes, this sounds goofy, and I agree. We can eventually fix this with code on our end, but for now I would make sure your window names are unique.

So for example, don't make a Custom.Inventory window... call it Custom.Profit_Inventory or something like that.

dragowulf 10-23-2007 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by SOE-Rothgar (Post 64536)
I'm working from the office at the moment. And good news, they just listed the mandatory evacuation from my neighborhood, so my wife is returning home now with our 2 dogs. :)

The custom module doesn't really do anything, it just acts as a container for your windows so you don't have to add them to MainHUD, Inventory, etc.

Some weird stuff can happen when you add windows to the other modules, besides the fact that you now have to ship out your own version of the module's xml file which causes players to not get updates when we add new windows.

Another thing you guys should keep in mind is that you should not create a new window with the same name as another window, even if its in a different module. Yes, this sounds goofy, and I agree. We can eventually fix this with code on our end, but for now I would make sure your window names are unique.

So for example, don't make a Custom.Inventory window... call it Custom.Profit_Inventory or something like that.

I noticed this for mainhud.map- i named a file inventory.map and when i opened it worked almost exactly the same as the map, and wasn't hardcoded or anything. it opened mainhud.map as well. funny stuff.


Some of the modders here at EQ2 including myself use much code to change their window with things such as “onpress”. For example on my inventory window I have 6 Different inventory mods built into one window, and at the top left corner there is a button to go through each inventory mode. The problem is, since it won’t save each “state of being”, I have to make like 6 or so files (and save them each with a different “state of being”) so that when EQ2 starts it won’t reset the file back to what it was when i saved it.

Another example is gm9’s resizing of the effect’s window in his profit ui control center in profitreborn. Yes it resizes the icons (makes them smaller/bigger) with the slider but when you restart eq2 it goes back to how it was when he saved the file.

My question is, can we have some sort of command or automated script so that we can save the “sate of being” without having to make whole new files?

gm9 10-23-2007 04:11 PM

The issue with the window names is that they all get consolidated into a virtual hierarchy (root._HUD) during runtime so you will get two windows copied into the same node if they have the same name. You can do some creative modding with that without touching the original file, but I never liked to do it that way. ;)

On the sizing I agree it would be nice to be able to save more states. There is currently a solution to this though, Drago. You know that page size, page position and page visible state are saved to uisettings.ini. Just work with that. The only issue is that the user needs to make those changes, you cannot do them via a script or they won't be saved. I got creative a while back and created a _ProfitUI_IconSizer.xml that is a collection of user-resizeable pages made to look like sliderbars (basically instead of pulling a slider you are resizing a window without knowing it). Via Minimum and MaximumSize you can give constraints on the "sliderbar" you need. Still clunky to use, and only works with icons sizes or volumepage sizes really since those use x,y format anyway.

Oh, all I could do if I could split a simple X from a Y. :p

Landiin 10-23-2007 05:11 PM

If we had access to the raw XML of the selected file while in the UI builder it would be great! I know this is a lot to ask because of having to parse on the fly so if you can pull it off Your rock even more, if not I totally understand.

gm9: /bonk Just say yea, let it save object states.. *devil*

Zonx 10-23-2007 06:02 PM

Roth, great news. You are truely a rockstar. I'll look for the Persona changes on Beta :)

Now if you want to level up to the next title, you'll find a way to implement the following:

1) ColorStyle - Globally defined colors that can be referenced into any of the various color properties.

2) Make every DynamicData in game now actually work. The majority of Group DDs have never worked and the recently added Maintained.AmountRemaining does not work. Yes, even on Beta.

3) Copy/Paste between UIBuilder Instances where all references can be resolved would be great.

4) Make apostrophies entered in script commands actually translate properly when referencing a spell/item name. Example:

onPress="useability Nature's Elixir"
doesn't trigger the apropriate spell due to the apos.

5) Split() function - The inability to get comma seperated values independently is a HUGE limitation.

6) Int() function. Similarly the inability to convert numbers with float (always a result of any math) to an Int (required by many controls) is HUGE.

gm9 10-24-2007 03:31 AM

All good stuff Zonx. Some comments though:


Originally Posted by Zonx (Post 64555)
The majority of Group DDs have never worked

I posted a week ago that they appear to have been fixed (someone must have read my despearate /bug that I decided to do once more). Did not yet test all of them though (not the effects for example).


Originally Posted by Zonx (Post 64555)
and the recently added Maintained.AmountRemaining does not work. Yes, even on Beta.

Unless they changed something only the visibility portion of it does not work and that can be worked around (they should still fix that of course).


Originally Posted by Zonx (Post 64555)
4) Make apostrophies entered in script commands actually translate properly when referencing a spell/item name. Example:

onPress="useability Nature's Elixir"
doesn't trigger the apropriate spell due to the apos.

I suppose you know how to do it:
useabilityonplayer Parent.Target "Nature's Elixir"

Othesus 10-24-2007 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Zonx (Post 64555)
the recently added Maintained.AmountRemaining does not work.

If you missed it we discussed a work around for the AmountRemaining bug here:

I wrote Zoltaroth about the bug a couple weeks ago and he said he would have to find out who added that. It might not be a priority since it doesn't affect the default UI and everyone is really busy with the beta and the chaos from the fires.

Drumstix42 10-24-2007 10:42 AM

Wow, this is all great news. I can't wait for it to be released :nana:

Zonx 10-26-2007 03:28 AM

It does appear that some work has been done to enable the busted group DDs. I can confirm Archetype is working but there do appear to be some minor issues still with some DDs. The Name DD is not properly coloring for out of zone and group leader in some cases. Archetype lists Warriors as Fighters. And as noted, there's the visibility bug with Maintained.AmountRemaining. Haven't checked all DDs so there could be more issues.

Last I checked, using the ' entity also does not solve the problem of scripting spell casts with apostrophies in the name. At any rate, that doesn't solve the problem of users typing "Nature's Elixir" into an in-game custom textbox that feeds a useability script. Can't really expect the average user to use entities. Works fine in the Macro window but not when processed by script.

I can't stress enough how major the addition of ColorStyles would be to the modding community. Currently, if I want to issue a green theme for my set, I have to replace every color def in every file of the UI, then maintain feature parity between the sets going forward. Its a MAJOR hassel. With global ColorStyles, I could reskin the entire set with 1 XML file and a handfull of images. ColorStyle = a multitude of themes in short order with virtually no maintanence overhead ;)

gm9 10-26-2007 03:48 AM

Yes, saw the issue you had with the color. Also last time I checked the .Window DD did not work.


Originally Posted by Zonx (Post 64672)
Archetype lists Warriors as Fighters.

That would be correct though, unless you meant Class.


Originally Posted by Zonx (Post 64672)
Last I checked, using the ' entity also does not solve the problem of scripting spell casts with apostrophies in the name.

I had confirmation from a number of users that use it successfully, guess I'll have to check it myself then.


Originally Posted by Zonx (Post 64672)
At any rate, that doesn't solve the problem of users typing "Nature's Elixir" into an in-game custom textbox that feeds a useability script. Can't really expect the average user to use entities.


Drumstix42 10-26-2007 02:34 PM

Something I would like to see the UIBuilder do is save the programs layout properties. Every time I open UI Builder, I have to move the view panel over and resize it to fight my screen (resolution of 1280x1024).
It's just a big pet peeve because I can't view all the tabs each time I open the program. And I usually like to resize the window anyhow.

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