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attriel 01-10-2005 08:19 PM

39) Target level. I'm color blind and I don't get enough colours to even change them to be useful. I know this came up before, but I felt it was important enough to get a second number :) (on test!)

40) In tradeskill, you get the numbers over your head for +- durability/progress. I'd really like to get that into the window where I cram all the tradeskill info, so I can look in one place (actually 75% of the time, the numbers are outside my field of view anyway). I'd settle for it being added as a chat message, but I'd much prefer it appearing for the UI (either as seperate values or as a combined value ; I'm not that picky ;) )

Lange 01-12-2005 01:50 PM

41) Guild level (on test!)
42) Guild xp
(on test!)
43) Guild xp % (on test! including tenths!)

insomniac 01-30-2005 01:56 AM

just updated for the 1/28 test patch. and...WOW. look at the damage SOE did to our list in 24 days time!

They killed off most of the resonable stuff (You really expect them to do stuff like dps? ) and even gave us some stuff we really should have thought of but didnt. (the 4 negative buffs for player one will be soo handy!)

All thats really left is inventory stuff, (which would allow for some nice ui mods..) finishing the buffs (self is more important! and timers!!!) hotbuttons/spells,(how cool would it be swapping the numbers for mana cost?) and pet stuff...

well, props to SOE. i feel like a kid in a candy store.
phenomenal job.

Drumstix42 01-30-2005 02:44 AM

Lemme just say WoW has a text display for DPS... does that encourage you SOE? hehehe (I hope so :( )

Epitech 01-30-2005 04:52 AM

Please please PLEASE

Add the ability to display skill numbers in other windows.

The only skill #s i care about are my harvesting numbers
and having to open up that 1 skill window and fish through
100s of skills to see what mine are up to is tedious.


Adding harvesting skills to the player-HP/MP window to the left of it.

insomniac 01-30-2005 06:07 PM

Yeah harvesting stats would be awesome!
The thing about showing dps.. they would not only have to add a tag for it, they would also need to make a parser! The "dps" in the character window was dps increase from buffs. Probably a percentage or +10 to your dps.

Selae 01-30-2005 07:15 PM

May have been suggested but how about a combo of #37 and #32

Data for how many kills of what type of critters. Like the poster at the city gates but can be used for those that keep track constantly...


Drumstix42 01-30-2005 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by insomniac
Yeah harvesting stats would be awesome!
The thing about showing dps.. they would not only have to add a tag for it, they would also need to make a parser! The "dps" in the character window was dps increase from buffs. Probably a percentage or +10 to your dps.

They could always come up with a formula. I'm not one who yearns over wanting to know my own DPS. I've never used a DPS parser, and probably won't, but it would still be cool to have if it can be done. I was just stating that it has been done, just in the wrong game ;)

Lange 01-31-2005 11:55 AM

:D That's a lot of yellow. Hard to read but great improvements on test!

insomniac 01-31-2005 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Lange
:D That's a lot of yellow. Hard to read but great improvements on test!

Switch to the default, darker style at the bottom of the page.

Novawulf 01-31-2005 02:18 PM

On the skills, even just allowing the different skills to be different colors would help alot. Melee > red Casting related > Blue harvesting > Green Armor (light med, ect) as Med Grey, Trades as orange or even just allow us to change the color of the categories of skills ourselves in the main window.

Is there a way to change the background color of the chat bubbles?
If not then there needs to be a way.
After learning of the color changing chat bubble, white isn't nice with the colors I'm using, as my UI is a darker color.

Needs to be a way to move the Mobs info (name, hp bar) from over their head to the side or even near the feet. Mainly those mobs that are way over your head. In melee range of a giant and trying to see what hp he has left without having to target him is impossible. As a mystic switching back and forth, target to tank, is a tad dangerous even with the reverse implied targeting in place. If giant switches on someone else then back quick, but I ward during then,which has happened, can make for a lost fight. But I like the info when HP bar is always on the mob, as I can judge wether to cast the more mana intensive ward or just switch to spot heals. Making the Targets Info Box larger or highlighted, even use a different background color for that box from the rest of the group would be nice as well. Having windows below the action is nice, but the heads up on the action I find at times more convenient.
Before someone says that thats the job of the HoTT bar, I agree, but I want both. :p


tonyis3l33t 01-31-2005 02:59 PM

44) the Guage that is used to represent the amount of re-cast time left that appears over the spells

45) %'s for the durability/state bars in tradeskill windows

Contro 01-31-2005 04:47 PM

Well my request (thought I'd post it anyway, as it does have a slight variation than the one posted previously by Daimond), was that the maintained spells window should have ether a label or a rollover effect that displays who the spell is currently cast on.

This would help HUGELY due to the fact that Illusionists, and I'm sure other classes, have to cast some spells over and over again, due to them needing to be recast very quickly, and them needing to be individually cast on each group member (Breeze is a, if not the, prime example).

I can't tell you how much this would help.

Insomniac suggested this:


Instead of the buff names in the maintained window (like you can do on test) the name of the person you casted the spell on would be alot more informative (i know what all MY icons do). And i dont think its too unreasonable. Try requesting a tag for the maintained window that shows the name of the person being effected by a spell.

I'm thinking some like this (pretend the banana is a spell icon)
:nana: Shizlak

It would help buffers out alot and wouldnt cause alot of clutter, it not too much information, cause would only going to work for YOUR spells.
Either would be great, although an option to choose out of the two (either to display the name as a tooltip or as a label) would be even greater!

Please, whoever is reading, this would be the mod of the century!

Take care!



Having thought on it, having the label option would be best: easier for quick reference.

insomniac 01-31-2005 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Novawulf
Is there a way to change the background color of the chat bubbles?
If not then there needs to be a way.
After learning of the color changing chat bubble, white isn't nice with the colors I'm using, as my UI is a darker color.

There is, the chat bubbles are ui elements just like everything else, they're in the image folder somewhere, i think its called something to the effect of windowpieces1

Originally Posted by Novawulf
Needs to be a way to move the Mobs info (name, hp bar) from over their head to the side or even near the feet. Mainly those mobs that are way over your head. In melee range of a giant and trying to see what hp he has left without having to target him is impossible. As a mystic switching back and forth, target to tank, is a tad dangerous even with the reverse implied targeting in place. If giant switches on someone else then back quick, but I ward during then,which has happened, can make for a lost fight.

There's an implied target window on test. i think that will solve your problem.

insomniac 02-14-2005 05:24 PM

4..7?) I wanna see Gamedata.Group_#.waypoint.
Little waypoint buttons in the group window would be cool.

Kosmos 03-06-2005 06:07 PM

Has anyone covered the 'Socials' window?

First of all it doens't look like we have these icons.dds files.
Plus, as far as I can tell I can only display 10 of them at at time in the eq2_mainhud_socials.xml.

Looks like they are treating these as spell abilities and the have them locked down tighet than fort knocks. I wasn't even able to get the data to display in two different windows.

So, there is a good chance that I'm doing something wrong, but can you guys double confirm this and update the list to give us more flexibility with these. There's a couple of mods I would like to do with this, but can't get more than 10 socials to show at one time.

yes, yes, I know I can drag them over to the hotbars, but that's not my point. I wanted to use the socials window.

Deathbane27 03-26-2005 06:50 AM

More DynamicData I'd like to see...

1- Min/Max Hp and Power for each group member
2- Level/Class for each group member
18- What zone the members of the group are in

(It's been two months and they still aren't enabled. Re-add to list.)

48- Target and ImpliedTarget TierIndicator info. (As Text. Replace up arrows with "+"s and down arrows with "-"s or something.)
49- Target Encounter and ImpliedTarget Encounter Solo/Heroic/Raid rating.

#7 and #14 have been accomplished with scripts, so dynamicdata for them is no longer necessary.

taco-man 03-30-2005 04:57 PM

the same dynamic data that is in the maintained spell window for the effects window.

Drumstix42 03-30-2005 05:15 PM

I wonder why the dynamic data for group stuff doesn't work yet :( It was put in the code like 2 months ago it seems, but still not "workable" or however you wanna put it. :(

Sorvani 04-09-2005 09:03 AM

50. group members pet health in group window & target method.

i duo a LOT with a necromancer. usually the pet is tanking, she's nuking and i'm healing. but if i lose target on the pet say to heal myself or her, then i have NO way to retarget the pet short of clicking on it. and that is not really an option most of the time. EQL i used the SARS interface and it had a pet health bar attached tot he group window. tis was a great thing. far as i can tell we don't have this available as dynamic data.

in EQL you could hit F2-F6 a second time and auto target that player's pet.

sardiaxx 04-09-2005 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Sorvani
50. group members pet health in group window & target method.

i duo a LOT with a necromancer. usually the pet is tanking, she's nuking and i'm healing. but if i lose target on the pet say to heal myself or her, then i have NO way to retarget the pet short of clicking on it. and that is not really an option most of the time. EQL i used the SARS interface and it had a pet health bar attached tot he group window. tis was a great thing. far as i can tell we don't have this available as dynamic data.

in EQL you could hit F2-F6 a second time and auto target that player's pet.

i believe shift+f2-f6 will target the pet.

Drumstix42 04-09-2005 01:18 PM

And if not I think hittling F2, then hitting F2 again will target pet as well.

Sorvani 04-10-2005 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by sardiaxx
i believe shift+f2-f6 will target the pet.

ok shift F2-F6 works. thanks for that tip. but i still want to see a health and power bar in the group window ideally.

dc_roenfanz 04-18-2005 10:33 AM

I noticed that the last yellow-text update was like 1/29. Have they changed/fixed anything on the list?

Killarny 04-25-2005 01:20 PM

51) HOTBAR recast timer

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