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Landiin 07-24-2005 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by heidrickla
Ok all done there is a normal sized w/multi-color bars or solid color bars as well as minimalist versions of each.

Nice, but u didn't stay with the eXtreme theam of the 3d(tubed) bars:/

kramer 07-24-2005 08:09 PM

Have you figured out why I have color issues on my health and power bar?

Landiin 07-24-2005 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by kramer
Have you figured out why I have color issues on my health and power bar?

If you are talking about in the raid window, group window or the bars over NPC/PC's heads then blame SOE for makeing their ui devs/coders to push out an unfenished product(it's not the dev's fault their hand was forced). If You are talking about the target window, implied window, player window your eq2ui_settings files is corrupt, here you can blame the devs/coders for not fixing the eq2ui_settings bug. I get this from time to time and if camping out and coming back don't fix it I have to revert to a saved copy of my eq2ui_settings file that isn't corrupted. It only happen to me 1 or 2 times and its when I go LD or crash to desktop.

Landiin 07-24-2005 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by DarkScales
The map is sometimes displaying the detail and sometimes not. It will come up with a mostly blank area and just the zone points.

Great work, cant wait for the control panel.

The map isn't my work, its a fine mod by Zonx of the fetish mods. Only thing I did was change the frametype,titlebar and backgrounds to match the over all look of my UI. For issues with the map, I would head over to its post somewhere on this forum.

Laffs 07-24-2005 09:25 PM

I dont seem to be having this problem likes? I havent looked at your code but how far differnet is it from Perdi bottom target windows?

I know there is a problem with the con color getting borked when you camp to char select and log an alt in likes.... I have never been able to find what the problem is with that :confused: Its the tier indicator that sets the con color and i played with putting multiple copys of that on differnet pages and on the parent etc but it dont make no differance.... so I just put it down to duff SoE DD getting sent when you log from a high lvl toon to a lower one.....

heidrickla 07-24-2005 11:53 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here's the Skills window using eXtreme 3d bars as requested :D

shadowfx 07-25-2005 12:39 AM

Still have no chat tabs with the 1280 by 1024 ini file cannot make others work for layout on my lcd. would appreciate some help or suggestions thanks

heidrickla 07-25-2005 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by shadowfx
Still have no chat tabs with the 1280 by 1024 ini file cannot make others work for layout on my lcd. would appreciate some help or suggestions thanks

Could just do it the old fashion way and right click the chat window add new tab then click on that tab and right click chat options and add the chat you want to go to that tab. Kind of inconvienent but im not sure what problem you are having. You are using the latest version 1.12.2 correct? Perhaps post your ini and I'll take a look at it and see what's going on.

Landiin 07-25-2005 02:19 AM

I have a suprise in the next update for you people who raid. Well it'll prob be better for them that don't raid allot but I'm kind of stoked I made it work lol.

Landiin 07-25-2005 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Laffs
I dont seem to be having this problem likes? I havent looked at your code but how far differnet is it from Perdi bottom target windows?

I know there is a problem with the con color getting borked when you camp to char select and log an alt in likes.... I have never been able to find what the problem is with that :confused: Its the tier indicator that sets the con color and i played with putting multiple copys of that on differnet pages and on the parent etc but it dont make no differance.... so I just put it down to duff SoE DD getting sent when you log from a high lvl toon to a lower one.....

I think its because mine can be sized in the game. I can't remember if yours can or not so that may be the reason. Im just gonna lock their size and nail the correct lingth down.

surveyor 07-25-2005 06:30 AM

CSM Player
I want to start by saying thank you for taking your time to create such an awesome UI and mostly for sharing it lol. And thanks to all of those who help with it.

I have 2 minor probs atm. First one is the autobank feature in the bank window is not accepting items. When i mouse over the bar and drop the coin or whatever in it I get the destroy warning message.

Second is the CSM. Can you do a breif overview of how to set this up? I cant seem to figure it out on my own :confused:

Thanks in advance

heidrickla 07-25-2005 08:18 PM

Really this is for Landiin but someone else might find it usefull /shrug
Not sure if you know about this one but can add this to your eq2.ini to set the letterbox size so people will stop bugging you about windows being out of place.

cl_letter_box_amount 0.090000
letterbox_frame_visible false

You can set it to whatever size you want in the eq2.ini
If you do want to change it you can find your current letterbox size in eq2_recent.ini

Overzellas 07-25-2005 11:42 PM

Guild Logo
Hey Landiin,Love the UI. Was just wondering if a guild name could be put in where it says GUILD LOGO at start up and when zoning? How would I go about doing that? Thanks ( o.O )

Landiin 07-26-2005 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by heidrickla
Really this is for Landiin but someone else might find it usefull /shrug
Not sure if you know about this one but can add this to your eq2.ini to set the letterbox size so people will stop bugging you about windows being out of place.

cl_letter_box_amount 0.090000
letterbox_frame_visible false

You can set it to whatever size you want in the eq2.ini
If you do want to change it you can find your current letterbox size in eq2_recent.ini

Dang good Idea Heidrickla, I never thought of doing that. You can bet ur pants it'll be in there next update.


Originally Posted by Overzellas
Hey Landiin,Love the UI. Was just wondering if a guild name could be put in where it says GUILD LOGO at start up and when zoning? How would I go about doing that? Thanks ( o.O )

You bet it can, Thats what its there for, its just a place hoder for people who want to add their guild logo. Just use the file in images called guildlogo.dds as a template. I didn't add a imagerect so it should use the image size. I havn't tested that but it seems to be the way it is.

Overzellas 07-26-2005 01:43 PM

Guild Logo
Hey Landiin,about the Guild Logo I posted earleir.Tried opening file,but it said it could not open b/c it was an unknown file.I'm not very computer literate :D, but tring to learn.How do I open file to put guild name in there?

heidrickla 07-26-2005 04:09 PM

you need something like photoshop to open it and u need the dds plugin from nvidia. Look in the forums for dds help.

rhogore 07-26-2005 04:23 PM

My inventory is overflowing and I have no way to move the overflow to inventory.

Landiin 07-26-2005 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by rhogore
My inventory is overflowing and I have no way to move the overflow to inventory.

Update to the lates version.

scygnus 07-26-2005 06:16 PM

Guild MOTD
Read page 10 and 11 and didn't see anyone posting about it, but the MOTD button doesn't work. I know you can do a /guild motd <message> but thought I would throw that in and see if anyone else picked it up or if they did, wanted to flame me =)

Thanks again Landriin and you too Heidrickla for working so hard on the UI and the patches/fixes, etc. You guys are awesome!!!

Gcrash3 07-26-2005 09:29 PM

When i minamize the map then try to put it back to normal it just stays small. Also no lavastorm in it so far all i see are the dots from eq2map and the whited out areas I have been but no land.I just downloaded this GREAT UI and love it but for that 1 little thing . Dont know yet if other maps are missing tho ..Tried to just redown load fetishes map from Zonk and it locks up my game right when I start to enter the game. Hope I or somebody can find a fix.

And again GREAT UI thanks alot

mackgee 07-26-2005 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Gcrash3
When i minamize the map then try to put it back to normal it just stays small. Also no lavastorm in it so far all i see are the dots from eq2map and the whited out areas I have been but no land.I just downloaded this GREAT UI and love it but for that 1 little thing . Dont know yet if other maps are missing tho ..Tried to just redown load fetishes map from Zonk and it locks up my game right when I start to enter the game. Hope I or somebody can find a fix.

And again GREAT UI thanks alot

I had the same problem.. this is the fix:

I traced the problem to the EQ Map Auto Update program. I run the auto updater before I log in to make sure I have the latest map files, and there's an option in there where it says "Ask to overwrite MainHUD.Map". I didn't have this box checked and when it would update it would overwrite your mainhud.map file. That's why it looked like it did in the screen caps. Checking this box and NOT overwriting the mainhud.map file fixed the problem. Thanks for your help once again.

Gcrash3 07-26-2005 10:50 PM

Thanks alot that fixed that. But it is still not showing the land mass of Lavastorm..Hmm.. I see it under the maps file in the ui but it doest show it in game only white.I even saw it get loaded when i ran the updater. Andy ideas?

Landiin 07-27-2005 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Gcrash3
When i minamize the map then try to put it back to normal it just stays small. Also no lavastorm in it so far all i see are the dots from eq2map and the whited out areas I have been but no land.I just downloaded this GREAT UI and love it but for that 1 little thing . Dont know yet if other maps are missing tho ..Tried to just redown load fetishes map from Zonk and it locks up my game right when I start to enter the game. Hope I or somebody can find a fix.

And again GREAT UI thanks alot

Did u run the updater to get all the current files from eq2maps? Also I have found that people that have trouble with the minimizing issue, don't have the option set so it would ask if you want to over write the eq2ui_mainhud.map.xml or not. Because if you over write this file it will FUBOR the map system.

Landiin 07-27-2005 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Gcrash3
Thanks alot that fixed that. But it is still not showing the land mass of Lavastorm..Hmm.. I see it under the maps file in the ui but it doest show it in game only white.I even saw it get loaded when i ran the updater. Andy ideas?

Hmm, I'll have to go there and see if i have the same issue.

Slyy 07-27-2005 03:30 AM

knowledge book
love the interface only problem i'm haven is the knowlege book. can't seem to push the combat section button witch i happen to notice when i went to look at an order spell. so its easy over looked i would think i don't use it much myself anyways thought i let you know.

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