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Madhog 02-21-2006 07:26 PM

Just a heads up Laffy, logged in post patch tonight and the new tool tips look odd. Sadly I didnt get enough time to get a screen but it looks like at the top of the tooltip is text like *Description text entered here* and its positioned right over the bit you usually see the time remaining etc.

No idea if this is a custom UI thing or a SOE fooked up thing, but thought Id let ya know either way :D

Laffs 02-21-2006 08:15 PM

Its a soe thing m8... as i dont have a custom tooltip no more there wasnt a need for it with all the options they give you now ;)

They just forgot to either delete a kinnda test line of text or hide it even or maybe the timer bit borked on tooltips ... somthing like that anyways lmao

Take a squint at those two files pls and let me know thanks (those are concering the thing you was complaining about a few days back lol :p)

Madhog 02-22-2006 04:14 AM

Ah cool so hopefully the tooltips will be fixed quickly then. *sigh* heh.

Erm playing me bruiser mainly now, not my mystic, so they are more use to the lady that asked ya first, I was just encouraging you.



Loktha 02-22-2006 01:16 PM

Actually, the tooltip issue isn't a SOE problem. They removed the "description goes here..." text from the tooltip window. To fix it, you'll need to open up eq2ui_examine.xml and then find the code referring to the tooltip window. Inside that, you will find the "description goes here.." that is causing this issue. I can't give you exactly what to look for because I use UIBuilder and it's much easier to get rid of it in there.

You may not have altered the tooltip window, but if you've changed any of the examine windows to fit the UI, then your going to need to alter the tooltip window to get rid of this problem :)

Laffs 02-22-2006 07:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ah thanks for pointing that out ! ... I plain forgot about the examine window still being in the UI I thought I had stripped them all out !

Heres a fixed one for now untill I get chance to take a propper look at how different the default one is to my version now :)

Warcondom 02-24-2006 01:26 AM

Theres no AA tabby when you press L, in the update for LU20.

ilatha 02-24-2006 02:09 AM

Just a little thing. New to the game, picked it up when they announced pvp :) Using most elements from the ui, just removed those things I didn't want to use in favour of the default. For some reason I don't see a pvp immunity timer bar pop up when I zone. I think its to do with my server_character_eq2_uisettings.ini file as in my old one there is text relating to the timer, and in the new one there isn't but I have no idea! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Gilliana 02-24-2006 10:27 AM

finally got a chance to give the larger maintained spell icons a workout. Although the larger size in the personal box below the name helps, I find I use the 'old fashioned' one in combat. I don't know about other classes, but I can't see having a very large number of maintained spells to go in here....

Let's see, there is the standard 5 maintained group and individual buffs, that use the available concentration slots; a group and solo ward, maybe 4 or 5 debuffs, and 2 DoTs. Lets say 14 or so at most, so a 5x4 box might do it, at least for mystics.

Also I too noticed the scrunching up of data in the info boxes you get with a mouseover, looks like the timer is superimposed on some other data.

Gilli :) :) :)

Madhog 02-24-2006 12:36 PM

That skills wndow needs fixing badly, cant see the new AA tab to choose new skills! Tried deleting the skills file and editing the mainhud file to not refer to it but all I get is a AA window now!!!



Madhog 02-24-2006 12:48 PM

Hmm ok, this UI is crashing me now, cant log in! Ive downloaded the latest version, which confusingly says LU20 on the page and was done yesterday but its still LU19.zip for some reason. Even without buggering about with anything, just putting my usual windows in from the alt folder, I cannot log in.

Things broken were the skills wiindow, that description text on the tooltips, and the exp bar doesnt work properly (doesnt show the AA exp properly).

Gonna switch to default til you got a working LU20 up.

Chaddwick 02-24-2006 04:21 PM

Acheivement Points, etc
I cannot access the new Acheivement points and all my hotkeys have overlapping words on part of the screen, and it bothers me. Thanks for the consideration!

Tempromentis 02-24-2006 07:49 PM

AA fix
just delete eq_mainhud_skills.xml in Laff Lite UI folder.

As for the overlaying information ... need to find the thread again on how to fix it .. heh..

Warcondom 02-24-2006 10:06 PM

When you do, please post it here.

Laffs 02-26-2006 05:28 PM

Been away all weekend, so I will take a look at this tomorrow guys :)

boldy44 02-26-2006 06:24 PM

The UI rocks man, thanks for doing this. I am looking forward to Those fixes for the "description goes here" and the AA skill window. Keep up the awesome work!

(seems like lots of just P.Oed posts so I figured I give ya thumbs up bud :nana: )

Madhog 02-26-2006 07:23 PM


Im being nagged by my missus every bloody hour!

*has he fixed it yet? make him fix it!*

We cant use the UI at all atm cos it crashes the game. Dont ask me why. Used the latest version too.

No rush. When I get home from work today is fine!

Laffs 02-26-2006 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by boldy44
The UI rocks man, thanks for doing this. I am looking forward to Those fixes for the "description goes here" and the AA skill window. Keep up the awesome work!

(seems like lots of just P.Oed posts so I figured I give ya thumbs up bud :nana: )

Thanks for that m8 :)

Okies I just logged in game to see what all the fuss is about and hey guess what !!! ... It loads up and runs no problem at all guys, So maybe I messed up with the zip somhow? And you did delete all the files from the existing folder didnt you? Anyways I will re-post it and see

kaz2k4 02-27-2006 07:29 AM

copied from another thread ***this is not my fix - all credit to the original poster whose name i forget***

Description Goes Here..........fix


For those of you having this problem and wanting to fix it before the author of your UI does.

Open the eq2ui_examine.xml in notepad or some text editing program. The code you are looking for is near the bottom of the page. This is what it looks like.

<Text AbsorbsInput="false" Font="/Fonts.Font_Tooltip" LocalText="Ten-Minute Ratonga Brownies" Location="6,7" Margin="0,0,5,0" Name="Name" ScrollExtent="221,22" Size="221,22" TextColor="#F1CE02">Ten-Minute Ratonga Brownies</Text>
<Text AbsorbsInput="false" Font="/Fonts.Font_Tooltip" LocalText="Remaining Duration Goes Here" Location="6,29" Margin="3,0,5,0" MaximumSize="220,16384" Name="Duration" ScrollExtent="220,20" Size="220,20" TextColor="#FF0000">Remaining Duration Goes Here</Text>
<Text AbsorbsInput="false" Font="/Fonts.Font_Tooltip" LocalText="Description goes here..." Location="6,47" Margin="3,0,5,0" MaximumSize="220,16384" Name="Text" ScrollExtent="220,20" Size="220,20">Description goes here...</Text>
<Icon BackgroundTint="#000000" IconStyle="/IconStyles.examine" Location="230,7" MouseOverColor="#FFFF00" Name="Icon" ScrollExtent="42,42" Size="42,42" TreatAsButton="true"/>
<Icon BackgroundTint="#000000" IconStyle="/IconStyles.examine" Location="230,52" MouseOverColor="#FFFF00" Name="ReactiveCombatIcon" ScrollExtent="42,42" Size="42,42" TreatAsButton="true"/>

Delete the code highlighted in red and save the file. You should no longer have any issues.


(i tried it and it does work)

Madhog 02-27-2006 08:41 AM

Bah I ALWAYS delete / rename my old folder and put any new ones in as totally new.

I cant think of any reason why the Alt windows you did me would affect it, can you?

Why is the version currently for download named LU19? That confused me too. With no update details on the download page its difficult to tell what version it is and what you have fixed ya slacker!


Have you fixed the desc thing? How about adding the AA tab in the skills window?

Oh I found a hotbar with just numbers on too, am at work so cant remember which one but Ill post it later if you like!

Regarding my trying to log in and crashing, is there a cache type file or something that would remember stuff? I just seem to recall last thing I did with yours was to /loadui and change to default in game to look at the AA page, system locked up, ended up rebooting using the reboot button! Since then Laffs Lite crashes me but EQ2MAP (one Im using for the moment) and Default work just fine.

Ypselon 02-27-2006 12:13 PM

When will we get the Correct LU 20 Version ? The Download Version in this Forum ist LU 19 .. and thats not more Working correctly.

Madhog 02-27-2006 12:27 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Ok figured out why I was crashing, its your examine file a few posts above this Laffs!!!

Happy to delete that skills file, which I Have, and now have me AA tree.

Cannot fix the examine thing tho, my examine file seems to have a crap load of instances of that text above in, not sure if I should delete all or not.

Attached my examine in case anyone can fix it.

Also attached the hotbar file I use, skin it so it fits in and lob it in Madhogs preferred files!! (Basically its just got numbers on it, no Alt, Ctrl etc bollocks.)


Madhog 02-27-2006 03:00 PM

Ok! Fixed the examine thingy, just deleted all 3 instances of that text, works fine. Deleted the skills file too, so theoretically, I fixed your UI!!!


Laffs 02-27-2006 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Madhog
Ok! Fixed the examine thingy, just deleted all 3 instances of that text, works fine. Deleted the skills file too, so theoretically, I fixed your UI!!!


Yeh yeh lol .... Check the timestamp on new zip 6.00pm ;)

Madhog 02-27-2006 05:28 PM

Well when I said fixed, what I meant was, I appear to have inadvertantly removed the actual description text you normally get when you examine something heh. Still, rest seems ok!

Ta for the upload Ill use that tomorrow :)

Madhog 02-28-2006 06:17 AM

Ok seems fine.....almost!

First off, your skills window still dont have the AA tab in it, so Ive deleted it again. Either reskin the AA tab in properly or take it out!

Secondly, the alt exp bar dont work properly. When you right click it and select the AA mode, its like its overlaying it over adventure exp. Other exp bar (your default one) works ok but I like the other one dammit.

S'all for the moment :)

Oh tried those other files for healers, seeing as Im back on my mystic /glare stupid monky wife. Love them! Even if I wasnt a healer, Id use that I think, once I realised the casting bar was moved that is *giggle*.

Any chance of skinning the hotbars I gave ya? Have them set to transparent atm and they look odd at the bottom.

Mr Sorryyoucanthavejustnumbersonahotbar.


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