Category |
Files |
Last Update |
Last Comment |
Bags / Containers / Merchant / Loot Modifications made to bags, containers, merchant & loot windows. |
56 |
Browser Modifications made to the in game web browser |
5 |
Bank window Modifications made to bank window |
25 |
Casting / Breath Bar Modifications made to the casting & breath bars |
14 |
Character Stats Windows, Bars, Strips that display your charaters stats |
10 |
Chat window Modifications made to the chat window |
20 |
Clocks / Compasses Modifications made to the clock & compass window |
29 |
Connection Stats Modifications made to the connection stats window |
1 |
Dressing Room |
1 |
Effects & Maintained Modifications made to the Spell Effects & Maintained spells windows. |
33 |
Examine window Modifications made to the examine window. |
4 |
Experience Bar Modifications made to the Experience Bar |
77 |
Graphic Modifications Modifications made to the user interface graphics |
1 |
Group window Modifications made to the Group window |
67 |
Guild Window Modifications made to Guild window |
13 |
G15 LCD Modifications made to the G15 LCD xml. |
1 |
Heroic Window Modifications made to the Heroic Opportunities window |
10 |
Hotbar Modifications made to the Hotbar |
30 |
Inventory window Modifications made to the Inventory window |
43 |
Journal (Quest) Modifications made to the Quest Journal window |
27 |
Knowledge book Modifications made to the Knowledge book |
19 |
Macro / Scripting Windows that provide some macro's or scripting. These can not violate the EQ2 TOS/EULA. |
4 |
Mail window Modifications made to the mail window |
3 |
Map window Modifications made to the Map window |
9 |
Market windows Modifications made to any of the Market or broker windows. |
12 |
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Modifications that dont fit in a category |
147 |
Persona window Modifications made to the Persona window |
22 |
Pet window Modifications made to the pet window |
28 |
Player window Modifications made to the player window |
89 |
Raid window Modifications made to the chat window |
27 |
Sound Modifications Modifications made to the in game sounds |
3 |
Start Button Modifications made to the start button. |
20 |
Tracking window Modifications made to the Tracking window |
10 |
Tradeskill window Modifications made to the Tradeskill window |
29 |
Target / Implied window Modifications made to the Target / Implied window |
46 |
Target Rings |
64 |
Threat Meter |
7 |
Voice Chat Modifications made to the voice chat windows
5 |