LU14 compatible!
*Update as of July 10, 2005: 5:00 PM EST*
This new version of the guild window has been personally confirmed by myself to be WORKING 100%. Yay! Guild leaders and officers will once again be able to edit guild events as well as the MOTD. The problem was with the addition of several XML files in the recent patch, I added them all to
eq2ui.xml, when infact, one of the files should not have been placed there. So it started conflicting with the guild window.
As well as downloading this new version, deleting
eq2ui.xml is
VITALY important to making the guild window work. Deleting this file will also fix any skill window problems people are having. (you should also make sure you have the new skill window in OCD-Complete)
I completely redid the guild window. The members page no longer spaces out incorrectly if you extend it too big and the notes now extend with them instead of being squished into that tiny little space. I have removed the events page and set them all to the main area in After. I have moved the guild and personal stats into Before and squished them so they dont waste so much space. As well, I have also added numberic values for both experience bars. XX:XX% display for both bars.
A lot better now.
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