Category: Heroic Windowdepechenode's Advanced HO Windows |
Here is my version of the Heroic Opportunity window.
TOP Left pic is Microsized Vertical
TOP Right pic is NORMAL sized Verical
BOTTOM Left pic is NORMAL sized horizontal
BOTTOM Right pic is LARGE sized horizontal
Basically I took Azoz's "Micro HO window" and changed it to my likings.
Made the icons a bit bigger, on 1600x1200 they were way too Micro.
Added multi color timer bar.
Reduced wasted space.
The screen shots are from actual in game on 21.1 LCD Viewsonic monitor at 1600x1200. So to see the "REAL" size you MUST view in 1600x1200 mode. Otherwise, your sizes may look smaller/larger depending on your settings.
What is UPDATED:
Included within this archive are 4 sets of Heroic Opportunity windows.
2 are horizontal small and regular sized.
2 are vertical small and regular sized.
To use the window of YOUR choice, simply extract the .xml you desire
to YOUR /custommod directory.
Then RENAME MY .xml to eq2ui_mainhud_heroic.xml
Now restart EQ2 and you should have the heroic window of your choice.
For example:
Say I want the Small Vertical version.
1) I open up the .zip and click ONLY on the eq2ui_mainhud_heroicvertsmall.xml
2) Extract that HIGHLIGHTED file to c:\EQ2\UI\MYMODS
3) Open THAT folder you extracted to and look for eq2ui_mainhud_heroicvertsmall.xml
4) RIGHT CLICK on the file and RENAME it to eq2ui_mainhud_heroic
(the .xml is already in place you DO NOT need to add that!)
5) Restart EQ2
6) Enjoy
If for some reason you do not like the size and/or position vert vs/ hor. then Repeat
the process above but choose a different .xml from the archive.
Thanks to everyone for using this mod.
CREDIT to Azoz for his original Micro HO window that I used to make my versions.
Comments and questions/suggestions ALWAYS welcome.
--Known issues:
see install.txt within archive.
--Coming SOON:
Micro, Normal, and Large in both verical and horizontal bringing the total
available windows to SIX.
Comments and suggestions always welcomed!!
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03-23-2005 11:06 PM by depechenode |
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04-03-2005, 04:08 AM
EQ2MAP Updater Author
Server: Antonia Bayle
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Originally posted by Annar
Great work!
However, I find that when there are multi-skill/spell for the HO, the order of the skill/spell is not from left to right. The first skill will be left most, the second one will be right most, the third one wil be the second from right, and go on. Is there any way to fix this?
Thanks a lot. : )
yes its very easy, depechenode just has to change the order of the circles so that it goes 1-6-5-4-3-2 in order to get it to show up right, however you can use this HO window that i just uploaded until he fixes his if having it in the incorrect order bothers you that much.
Last edited by taco-man : 04-03-2005 at 04:09 AM.
03-28-2005, 04:46 AM
A Young Mystail Rat
Server: Antonia Bayle
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Originally posted by Annar
Great work!
However, I find that when there are multi-skill/spell for the HO, the order of the skill/spell is not from left to right. The first skill will be left most, the second one will be right most, the third one wil be the second from right, and go on. Is there any way to fix this?
Thanks a lot. : )
Thanks for this great mod .
I had the same problem with the order of the spells. They appear in this order 1 3 - - 4 2.
03-28-2005, 01:36 AM
EQ2MAP Updater Author
Server: Antonia Bayle
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Originally posted by depechenode
Very doable, but I am not sure if on exit the window will 'remember' what orientation you choose. I will play around with it and see.
if you used having the title showing or not decide wether it was vertical or horizontal then it would be possible to save what layout it was in, however i haven't done anything like that before so i cant give you the exact code but i know that it should be possible.
Last edited by taco-man : 03-28-2005 at 01:36 AM.
03-27-2005, 11:27 PM
A Coastal Crab
Server: Antonia Bayle
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Great work!
However, I find that when there are multi-skill/spell for the HO, the order of the skill/spell is not from left to right. The first skill will be left most, the second one will be right most, the third one wil be the second from right, and go on. Is there any way to fix this?
Thanks a lot. : )
03-27-2005, 11:27 PM
A Griffon
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Originally posted by Sinbad
Looks great, but it would be really nice if it were possible to include code in the xml to allow a switch between the horizontal and the vertical version of a given size. I haven't done any work yet with UIs, so I don't know if this is possible.
Keep up the good work.
Very doable, but I am not sure if on exit the window will 'remember' what orientation you choose. I will play around with it and see.
03-27-2005, 11:26 PM
A Griffon
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Originally posted by taco-man
i love it! about the only thing that i changed was i made the vertical one have boxes like the horizontal one and then made the colors gradually change instead of going from one color to another. Awesome work!!!!!!!!!!! have a dancing taco
Ty Taco Man!!!! I like that Idea as well, I will modify mine the same as you did.
Last edited by depechenode : 03-27-2005 at 11:28 PM.
03-26-2005, 07:39 AM
A Sea Turtle
Server: Permafrost
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Looks great, but it would be really nice if it were possible to include code in the xml to allow a switch between the horizontal and the vertical version of a given size. I haven't done any work yet with UIs, so I don't know if this is possible.
Keep up the good work.
03-24-2005, 03:40 PM
EQ2MAP Updater Author
Server: Antonia Bayle
Forum posts: 1349
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i love it! about the only thing that i changed was i made the vertical one have boxes like the horizontal one and then made the colors gradually change instead of going from one color to another. Awesome work!!!!!!!!!!! have a dancing taco
03-24-2005, 07:51 AM
A Griffon
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Re: LUV IT ! !
Originally posted by roccie
You do good work. Consice instructions, to boot. Thanks for all ur hard work.
TY Very Much!!!
03-23-2005, 03:33 AM
A Young Mystail Rat
Server: Antonia Bayle
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LUV IT ! !
You do good work. Consice instructions, to boot. Thanks for all ur hard work.
03-23-2005, 02:47 AM
A Griffon
Server: Toxxulia
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Originally posted by Pyrdian
Is it possible to add a background to the 'flashing' icons, before the wheel comes up? Some of those (the lightning bolt, for instance) I have real issues seeing sometimes. Unless I'm look'n right at the HO thing, I could miss that someone else is starting a HO.
All you need to do is right click and darken down the opacity of the background. Then you will be gtg.
03-22-2005, 07:23 PM
A Young Mystail Rat
Server: Antonia Bayle
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Is it possible to add a background to the 'flashing' icons, before the wheel comes up? Some of those (the lightning bolt, for instance) I have real issues seeing sometimes. Unless I'm look'n right at the HO thing, I could miss that someone else is starting a HO.
03-22-2005, 03:50 PM
A Griffon
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Originally posted by yennik
is there a way to make it say something like "next step: Warrior" insted of the graphic. I can never remember what class goes with what graphic.
I don't think this can be done. I think the Icons are hard coded. Maybe, if the grahpic file were altered to show TEXT rather than a pic, then it could be done. However, the text would need to be very small to fit into a 30x30 icon slot. Probably not feasible.
Basically tho, Blue = Warrior, Green = Scout, Yellow = Priest and Red = Mage. The actual pic you see when you see these doesn't really matter, just try to learn the 4 colors and you will be gtg. BTW, Green Coin = Scout as they are the only class that can "shift" an HO into something else.
Last edited by depechenode : 03-22-2005 at 03:55 PM.
03-22-2005, 03:50 PM
A Griffon
Server: Toxxulia
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Re: abc
Originally posted by oxyi
Yap make it 4 slots and this would rock ;]
I will make a 4 slotted version and upload by end of week.
03-21-2005, 03:43 PM
A Coastal Crab
Server: Antonia Bayle
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is there a way to make it say something like "next step: Warrior" insted of the graphic. I can never remember what class goes with what graphic.
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