Hi there,
First thanks for your addon. I tried it yesterday as so far I was using my own slightly modified hotbar file.
I have two questions if you will be so nice to answer.
1)When I was playing with modifying hotbar by my own I was unable to go over one problem. I was unable to vertically scale hotbar to size smaller then about 40 points.
If I had two rows of buttons - no problem window was of the desired size. But if i had one row of buttons window stayed larger then buttons them self.
As I checked yesterday your hotbar is actually able to scale below those 40 points vertically. How did you do that?
(pictures to describe my problem attached)
2)My second question is more of a bug report. As your hot bar is actually scaling below those 40 points, it is back to 40 points vertically every time I log in. I need to manually alter size of hotbar to make it "shrink" to buttons size.
What may be cause of this error? And do you have any ideas how to fix that?
Thanks for reading!
This 40 vertical space I was about.
This one shows I don't have any borders or anything like that defined
Ok I think I know how you managed to get it fixed. Was it using OnHoverIn="MinimumSize=20,20"; ?
Still wondering what can be done to prevent it opening with 40 points vertical height.
And this OnHoverIn - seems to not trigger itself when you just hover over it.
In my case at least seems I need to click on hotbar window border to trigger this event. Hm.