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Unread 01-27-2005, 09:07 PM
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Originally Posted by taco-man
hey drumsitx, Thankyou for sending me the code. Since you were nice enough to share that with me, i can share something with you that you will probably find usefull for the script
Currently the Guild and Server names are limited to being only 1 word long so what i did was fix that, i did it perhaps not the best way, but it works, all my php coding that i learned is self taught so please forgive me if there is a better way to do this; at least it works.

To have an unlimited number of words for guild and server name just above this line:
// start creating image
$Guild=Stats( $pplayer, "<td width=\"50%\"><span class=\"field_name_small\">Guild</span></td>"
					,"</a></td>", TRUE);
$Guild = ereg_replace("[ \t\r\n]+", " ", $Guild);
$Server=Stats( $pplayer, "<td><span class=\"field_name_small\">Server</span></td>"
					,"</a></td>", TRUE);
$Server = ereg_replace("[ \t\r\n]+", " ", $Server);
it should work, it works for me anyway at least. Thanks again and i hope this is helpfull(it should be since your guild is named Rise of the Phoenix)

Yes yes, I hadn't gotten into my old EQ1 guild in EQ2 yet until today I know I would have to fix it. If I find a better way I will share. I also have to work with a few other parts and I'll make sure to post here as I figure it all out
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