Thread: Sony & Vanguard
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Unread 05-06-2006, 01:21 PM
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Neori Neori is offline
A Brown Bear
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Originally Posted by Pixi

I've never really understood the hate toward SOE that comes from some people. In the same way I never really understood the hate toward Microsoft.

I've played SOE games for some seven years and never really had a problem. For me as a customer it will be great to add Vanguard to the Station Access and not having to sign up to MSN each time I want to play.
I agree here as well, to both. I love the "All Access" thing and have gotten a chance to try out a bunch of things that I might not have otherwise; especially when they often do free trials so that I can see if the cost of the software itself if worth it. I don't think any other company currently running online content of this depth has anything as robust as this system.

I've been with SOE for like six years or so now, and their Station Pass thing for the last year, and I haven't really seen anything that would make me climb on the "SOE sucks" bandwagon -- and that's what that seems like to me, just a bandwagon. Like, somehow, it's cool to hate and bash SOE. I miss when Verant handled EQ1, but the changeover didn't really upset me that much. The only thing I didn't like is that SOE seemed more interested in pushing EQ1 further and further towards the highest level players, and with each new expansion aimed at the top parts of the game, they pushed more people faster towards it. I used to enjoy the journey there, now everyone wants to be at the end. And the content reflects that.

I personally don't understand the allure of WoW, as to me it seems like that game caters to the lowest common denominator in order to draw in the largest number of paying players possible. And the graphics don't look as good, but that's just to me. I know some people like them better, but for me they don't click.

So far, I haven't really been following Vanguard too much, but I figured I'd catch up closer to release date, maybe try to get into a public beta. But if this is Vanguard's future, I think it's going to be an even better game for it.
Former EQ1 slowpoke, current EQ2 slowpoke

Last edited by Neori : 05-06-2006 at 01:24 PM.
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