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Unread 06-22-2005, 02:04 PM
laotin laotin is offline
A Sea Turtle
Join Date: Nov 2004
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 31

oh right on with that idea Eloora!

i ALWAYS have a bag open that holds about 5-6 potions i switch out, my screaming mace, manastone, horse whistle, and dolls, also the important mage/necro mana items

that is EXACTLY what i was thinking when i added that 5 slot area.

Also, big mana and hp bar for your own toon's stats, so you can clearly see when you are down to 10% mana and have to start sweating

do you remember when you could make 2 small windows in EQ1, one for damage out and one for damage in, and you could make them NUMBER ONLY not all the "you hit uber_mob_001 for 93 points of mental damage in the forehead" jazz. i really wish we had that here, i currently have 2 windows at the top of my page that runs spells and damage, they take up the screen from side to side and about 3 inches tall each. while it is not as good as having 2 small boxes running data at the bottom, its ok i guess

like i said i dont even know if some of these things are possible. this is a very crude drawing tho, i would like to add some "flare" to the design, ya know, like some divine symbols or vinework or bones as lines lol, or like blood as the hps bar filler and it leaks out as your hps go down, or like blue whatever liquid that runs out as your mana goes down!! hehe

my problem is i can think it up, i cant produce it tho

but i think me and Eloora are very similar healers with likewise needs from our UI's and i know alot of other healers are the same way as us

really hope someone picks up this project, and plz contact me if you do for reference or help
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